- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 2 days ago:
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Yes, this isn’t the best way to harm Amazon, but small, targeted boycotts can drive change. And I bet, if you try living without Amazon for a week, you’ll find replacements and it’ll be easier to move away from them long-term
- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 2 days ago:
Not necessarily. The employees of airlines have been quite impactful with partial, random strikes in a method called CHOAS. Not everyone will strike at the same time and their strikes only last a few hours- enough to cause problems for the flight they’ve been scheduled on. This hurts the company without harming too many customers and has been effective in the past and has been effective as a strike strategy.
Think of a partial strike as a warning that more could follow if demands aren’t meet.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 1 week ago:
Yes, if you click the link, it takes you to the EA github amd you can see folders for all included games
- Comment on I LOVE BIRD NAMES 5 months ago:
Wow, such fowl language
- Comment on Peloton announces $95 “used equipment activation fee” 6 months ago:
I think it is the opposite. Because everyone knows they don’t need the subscription, Peloton needs to make up for subscriptions losses by introducing these one-time fees.
- Comment on 23andMe confirms hackers stole ancestry data on 6.9 million users 1 year ago:
If you’ve ever had blood work done at the doctors office or had any tissue removed, your DNA is almost certainly on file somewhere. Human specimens are very valuable in research so whatever isn’t needed for testing is sent off to various research facilities. There really aren’t laws about tissue ownership so medical facilities can do whatever they like without your permission, though some still ask. Source: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”
- Comment on The 'ol 1 2 1 year ago:
Pluto is smaller than Earth’s moon. Should our moon be a planet too?