You really need job regulations. In my country if you gonna fire someone you have to pay a lot of money, this way companies think twice.
Chad rule
Submitted 5 days ago by to [deleted]
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
That’s true in the US too. If someone is fired without cause, the company has to pay unemployment.
I’ve been the manager of completely shitty, toxic people who cause harm to the company and lead to massive turnover of other staff, but was unable to fire them because they showed up on time and met dress code, and corporate wasn’t gonna pay for unemployment. 3 days ago
Only in some states 4 days ago
Massive turnover and being toxic should be a good cause? 4 days ago
Do you have to pay unemployment if they’re fired with cause? Because I’ve definitely seen (and experienced) constructive dismissal over some very petty things. 5 days ago 4 days ago 4 days ago
Nothing wrong with loving animals and crying over their suffering. 3 days ago
And in fact, if someone doesn’t care about the suffering of animals, I want nothing to do with them. 4 days ago
The internet: Body shaming isn’t right
This thread: Yeah this guy’s a freak and I would never want to look like that.
Good job guys 4 days ago
Yep. I’ve been utterly disgusted by so many people in this thread and kinda regret ever posting this. At least I found a whole lot of people I can tag as being problematic as shit to keep an eye on. I don’t know how anyone in their right mind believes that it is okay to mock someone based off of the way they look. I kinda do it off of actions. Doing it off of looks is just childish horseshit and I expected better of people here. They should feel incredibly fucking ashamed of themselves.
All these pathetic redditors who left the site but not the mentality. 4 days ago
This is fundamentally no different than making fun of someone for obvious plastic surgery. Choices were made.
This guy is clearly choosing to look like this. 3 days ago
You shouldn’t make fun of those people either… 4 days ago
So… if someone can’t help how they look then you shouldn’t shame or mock them but if you choose to look a particular way then get fucked? That is a truly fucked up moral to try and proclaim. That it is totally acceptable to mock someone for their looks as long as they’ve chosen to look that way.
What a shitty, fucked up and miserable little world you must live in. Why don’t you show us what you look like? I’m curious what decisions you’ve made. I mean… fair is fair. Right? 4 days ago
too many steroids 3 days ago
Never enough 4 days ago
Right but this is like the Miukbang people and nickado avocado or whatever. It’s the equivalent of gorging yourself into being morbidly obese whole going “don’t shame me!” 3 days ago
Even fitness models only look like that on the day of the photo shoot, it isn’t healthy 3 days ago
That I know. One of my best friends in high school used to be a body builder. Got absolutely swole and would dehydrate before his competitions. And while I would never do that to myself, I supported him fully as that’s what made him happy. 3 days ago
It’s… “bodybuilding”. If I see someone with awful face tattoos I’m allowed to think that I would never want to look like that. In both cases they specifically made the choice and spent the time/money to achieve exactly that specific, very noticable look. 3 days ago
Fantastic. You realize they specifically made the choice. And you can think however you want to about it. Don’t then go online and talk about how it’s terrible and/or make fun of the person.
That’s called body shaming. 5 days ago
And he wouldn’t even fit into that dumpster to help the poor animal. =( 4 days ago
Bro is juiced enough to just turn it upside down and shake it all out. 4 days ago
That’s what this racoon could’ve being doing if it was him. 4 days ago
Is he able to move his arms or are they too big to like move around and stuff. Idk what I’m trying to say. It just looks like it’s hard to even hold his phone properly lol 4 days ago
Range of motion is probably noticeably reduced. 5 days ago
No comment except: same 5 days ago
I don’t know why anyone would ever want to look like that. It’s some body-horror shit. Deep insecurity there. 5 days ago
Maybe he enjoys working out, maybe he doesn’t mind taking steroids, maybe he wants to win body building or powerlifting competitions?
People like you shit on men looking like that and then go into other posts and tell people who talk shit about obese/bulemic women’s bodies that they are misogynistic assholes.
Quit being a hypocrite. 4 days ago
I don’t talk shit about people who are obese or bulimic because that’s rarely a choice, more of a disorder (I didn’t misread you, I’m just clarifying). This guy spent huge amounts of time and effort to do this to himself. It’s not something I understand. But as I reflect, that’s also something like disordered thinking.
I’m not a hypocrite, but you’re great at making assumptions about me. 5 days ago
People might look at me and think why would anybody like to play so much Factorio. Or why does this guy keep going rock climbing when he’s already torn a tendon.
People do things that they like to do regardless of what anybody else thinks or without some ulterior motive for it.
Sure some people might have body issues and this is the result, but for the vast majority of people they’re doing what they enjoy and doing it for themselves.
I worked at Apple and one thing that always stuck with me was their approach to Positive Intent, we assume that people are being honest and the best selves and so we assume that of people until proven otherwise. Someone cuts me up in traffic, oh well perhaps they’re in labour and heading to the A&E. 4 days ago
I’m sorry to feed your addiction, but if you enjoy Factorio, give Dyson Sphere Program a shot. Again I apologize for any hours lost in advance. 4 days ago
I completely agree with your comment; the idea that a total stranger would assume you play so much Factorio specifically based on just your looks is very funny to me. I imagine an individual just plastered in Factorio paraphernalia. 4 days ago
I think that’s a common thing in that community. A lot of them are pretty open and humble about it. I was surprised nobody on the left realized how close transgender community and the body building community actually are. They both share body dysmorphia and both use hormone replacement therapy to feel like themselves. I was really hoping to see one community stick up for the other but instead the right co-opted gym culture and people on the left alienated yet another community by attacking that culture at the same time the right co-opted them. 4 days ago
This is the most interesting response I’ve read. Cheers. 3 days ago
stay strong bro 5 days ago
That looks restricting 4 days ago
I mean it’s in the dumpster already so at least you didn’t have to do anything. Maybe say a prayer? 3 days ago
I rescued baby raccoons from a dumpster once. 3 days ago
This isn’t a shitpost, it’s a little touching and breaks down stereotypes. Well done OP 5 days ago
An effect of lack of T is not being able to feel any emotions, including crying. 4 days ago
Are you talking about personal experiences, or the person in the photo? 5 days ago
Can he scratch his back? 5 days ago
I doubt he can scratch his balls 5 days ago
If he tried he may accidently crush them. 4 days ago
i doubt he can even walk through a door without turning sideways 4 days ago
Hey. Do I look like I’ve got funny balls to you? 5 days ago
Had a buff friend (but not even close to that) that had to reach for his seatbelt with his right hand because his biceps didn’t give him enough flexibility to reach for it above his shoulder with his left hand and sometimes he would need to pull on his right arm with his left hand to give himself enough reach…
It gets pretty ridiculous at some point… 5 days ago
I mean, I am not buff at all and have hypermobility so I can put my arms in positions most people can’t and I still use the other hand, so if I am driving the right and if a front passenger than the left, not sure by your description if that’s what you meant 4 days ago
Is that not how most people buckle their seat belts? 5 days ago
Or even wipe his ass? 4 days ago
I mean… Bidet.