- Comment on How much did it cost to create a 10 foot long bike lane 7 hours ago:
Well this looks like Europe, so if it’s EU funds this could have been a really expensive project
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 1 day ago:
I mean, we are the customers, we choose, personally I went with the iphone 15 pro, because the max is just ridiculous even though I am close to 2 meters tall and have big hands.
If people bought the smaller versions when they are available I am sure phone makers would react
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 2 days ago:
Well, not having kids is still a blasphemous concept for most of the world unfortunately
- Comment on The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences 6 days ago:
meh, lemmy is pretty stagnant from what I have seen, plus you can create your own instance and mostly defederate from a lot of stuff.
- Comment on The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences 6 days ago:
I wasn’t too early, but I joined reddit around the Dota 2 beta, so circa 2012, and damn the site became more and more garbage the more people it had, most comments became nothing but karma farming one liners, references or snide shit.
Communities grew into massive echo chambers, quality of discussions went down the drain.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 6 days ago:
That’s not a good thing, also not a currency.
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 6 days ago:
Okay genius, name one real life application that’s solved by the blockchain
- Comment on Will AI Startups End Up Like Blockchain Startups? 6 days ago:
Blockchains solve nothing, lol
Now blockchain fans need to come up with problems it solves, fucking Byzantine fault tolerance, lmao
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 6 days ago:
This triggered some memories
- Comment on Chad rule 1 week ago:
I mean, I am not buff at all and have hypermobility so I can put my arms in positions most people can’t and I still use the other hand, so if I am driving the right and if a front passenger than the left, not sure by your description if that’s what you meant
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
I literally just take them out of the freezer, drizzle a little bit of olive oil (1-3grams), salt, garlic powder and air fry them for 23 minutes at 200 C.
That’s it.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
This amateur stuff mate.
Here is a good one, Mashed cauliflower:
- Boil cauliflower
- submerge mixer with some milk
- enjoy the smoothest mash you have ever tried
Roasted anything (brussel spouts, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, asparagus)
- Coat in olive oil, salt, garlic powder
- air fry or roast
Enjoy awesome tasting veggies.
Veggie rice(white rice is for sushi goddamnit)
- Satuee some onions, garlic
- add some cut up bell peppers, tomatoes
- cook for a while
- add frozen peas and carrots and a choice of frozen vegetables (broccoli or green beans)
- add water and bring to a boil
- add the rice and simmer it for the prescribed time +1-2 minutes
- let it sit for 10 minutes
Enjoy a rice full of veggies and color ( I also use a “curry” mix that’s turmeric, koriander and a bunch of other stuff that gives it a nice yellow color, and this way you have your rice and veggies in one and they enhance each other’s flavor.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
I think you vastly overestimate the “freedom” people need with their phone, you are doing the same thing Linux evangelists do, why would anyone use Windows when with just a phew workarounds everything works on Linux too, completely forgetting that average joe doesn’t give a fuck about any of that, they want something that just works and Apple is still the best at that.
Personally I am a tinkerer and I still switched to an iPhone, because I need a phone that just works, with android there was always something randomly breaking, and most phones I had to set up to restart every evening otherwise it would just have random glitches in a few days.
I have owned my iphone for close to 2 years now and I can count on one hand how many times I had to restart it, hell I remember having and issue restarting it because I forgot how to do it.
- Comment on Jellyfin is not just good... but *better* than Plex now?! 1 week ago:
ui is not intuitive but there is nothing stopping you from having multiple folders for a library
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
All you would see is my camera cover, lol
- Comment on The workplace is most toxic atmosphere I've ever experienced. No wonder they force us to buy necessities with this money they give us. 2 weeks ago:
Look at this privileged fuck not growing up with parents unfit to be one.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 2 weeks ago:
Where is /c/frugaljerk when you need it?
- Comment on no words, much feelings 2 weeks ago:
Meanwhile my shitty little European town has recently installed a fountain for drinking, filling up your bottle and also with a dog drink station, completely free.
- Comment on Shopping for used Teslas be like: 2 weeks ago:
Yes, there is a quite a lot of Model 3s in Slovakia too, and it’s basically the best maybe only choice to have a fairly normal electric car,but I am not very keen on driving a swasticar, I also see them everywhere that makes me want it even less.
I am probably gonna go with an Electric Mini Cooper, I am 197cm tall, but I fit in it and the range is enough to cover my commute and I just love that it’s so small and it seems to be quite a driver’s car too.
- Comment on Shopping for used Teslas be like: 3 weeks ago:
not road legal in Europe.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on Only 5-6 more decades left of my shift on planet earth 3 weeks ago:
Stop wallowing in self-pity online, you were thrust into this world against your will, you have to live then deal with having to die, fuck it, make the most of it while you can.
- Comment on Uniquely American 3 weeks ago:
Shit man, sorry to hear that, Until recently I was doing the grinding and working one and a half jobs and that shit was already killing me, that’s about 60hours a week, I can’t imagine doing more than that, whenever I hear some Americans talking about 80hour work weeks I think that’s goddamn mental.
I recently also read a study that working over 55 hours a week like skyrockets your chances of CVDs, stroke, heart attack, one of the main reasons I stopped.
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 3 weeks ago:
Oh, I guess no one mentioned that she runs the company but she does.
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 3 weeks ago:
I mean, literally just google her name?
- Comment on This post is in honor of [username]2 3 weeks ago:
What did they use? All I see is “******”
- Comment on No good excuse to still be on Xitter 4 weeks ago:
It was always like a shit version of funnyjunk
- Comment on What do I do? 4 weeks ago:
Username checks out
- Comment on They did the math 1 month ago:
Well I looked into it a bit, and interestingly those are indeed words that you used there.
- Comment on They did the math 1 month ago:
Not equally wrong?