- Comment on Chad rule 1 week ago:
I completely agree with your comment; the idea that a total stranger would assume you play so much Factorio specifically based on just your looks is very funny to me. I imagine an individual just plastered in Factorio paraphernalia.
- Comment on Caveman technology 1 month ago:
I really appreciate you taking the time to clear that up for me, I see what you mean now. I was never really into scary movies but the kind of movie you’ve described sounds really interesting.
- Comment on Caveman technology 1 month ago:
How do you mean “close the circle” in this case? Do you mean the writers of the films were trying to limit the amount of characters involved in the story? I read through the link but I’m not sure I understand what you mean by the “circle” stuff.
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 4 months ago:
Sure, but you could say the exact same thing about bees. The point of the article is that most people see ‘wasps’ as being all bad, without the nuance that is afforded to bees.
- Comment on Hiccups aren't real and I still have hiccups 5 months ago:
You mean the doodle at the bottom?
- Comment on Bumble 6 months ago:
I guess, but wasn’t the point of bumble to turn that on it’s head? Like, traditionally, the guy on a dating site is supposed to come up with a semi-witty first text in order to not be buried. Bumble set itself apart by having the lady message first to avoid that, right? What happened?
- Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
Some people think tap water tastes bad
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
I think it’s a flash drive; you plug it into your phone, load files onto it, unplug it then plug it into the computer.
- Comment on All farts ar funny. Its just a mqtter.of degree 8 months ago:
It’s more likely than you think.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
Don’t they have his foreskin saved as a religious artefact? Like in some church somewhere because it performs miracles?
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
So mushrooms are Vegan Cthulhu’s boners?
- Comment on My moon is in Silty Loam but my Sun sign is Clay. 10 months ago:
To me, the difference is that one is mostly loam with a bit of sand and the other is mostly sand with a bit of loam.
- Comment on Excuse me Sir, what you do for a living? 1 year ago:
What podcast was it?
- Comment on Banana for scale 1 year ago:
Guys, the cheese, go get it!
- Comment on Are mall Dojos more common these days? Given the vacancies. 1 year ago:
Could this possibly lead to Amazon Storefronts? They definitely sell enough stuff to fill a mall
- Comment on Are mall Dojos more common these days? Given the vacancies. 1 year ago:
Be the change you want to see in the world.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
For the catapult, do you mean a slingshot?
- Comment on puzzling 1 year ago:
This year, to save you from tears, you’ll give it to someone special?
- Comment on Further study is needed 1 year ago:
That’s offsides, offline is where you go to work in a cubicle and wear a suit and tie and have meetings.
- Comment on Let's get Disturbed 1 year ago:
For a second i thought his ass was a diaper and the brick road behind was stink lines
- Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago:
Are you saying the English dub of that also dubbed the songs? Where did you watch that? The only ones I’ve been able to find leave them in Japanese.