- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
People burn calories at much different rates. Genetics, hormones, and medical conditions, NEAT all play big parts in this equation.
- Comment on Chad rule 5 days ago:
Never enough
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 5 days ago:
A lot of us went into hiding after the great ska purge of 2004
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
Isn’t that the only thing they do
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 6 days ago:
Kingdom… Of the dinosaurs…
Rip off your face… Of the dinosaurs…
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
I think it’s the other way around. Rich people like Musk helped trump reach the white house. Now they’re making him do their bidding. Trump isn’t the master like his base thinks. He’s a puppet for the rich.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
I was actually thinking about this. What if Trump is just a Martin shkreli
Hear me out. The board of directors for pharma used Martin as a Patsy to do something illegal. Martin takes the heat while the board reaps the benefits and they throw Martin to the Sharks.
What if this whole thing was all an act and they’re all using trump as a power grab. He’s tearing it all down and it benefits all of them, Democrat and Republican.
- Comment on Chad rule 6 days ago:
I think that’s a common thing in that community. A lot of them are pretty open and humble about it. I was surprised nobody on the left realized how close transgender community and the body building community actually are. They both share body dysmorphia and both use hormone replacement therapy to feel like themselves. I was really hoping to see one community stick up for the other but instead the right co-opted gym culture and people on the left alienated yet another community by attacking that culture at the same time the right co-opted them.
- Comment on I miss myspace 1 week ago:
Yea we’d just call it nazispace or something
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 1 week ago:
Wow I am open jaw surprised this top comment wasn’t a “get divorced” comment and instead was actively constructive and empathetic.
I agree that there could be something else going on. Especially the way OP is phrasing things. Could be ADD or other issues that make these days not priority even if they do love OP. could also be that OP is feeling some sort of way and their actions make the partner not feel confident enough to do things for them like it’ll be a waste. Hopefully they can find the root cause. Maybe needs a shared calendar to help remind.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 2 weeks ago:
Tech Bros aren’t really reviewing it individually.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
You sound like common sense and the other person sounds like they have an axe to grind.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 2 weeks ago:
Vs text books? What’s the difference?
- Comment on Is it time to ring the alarm on internet door cameras? 2 weeks ago:
How would a Cam do that?
Maybe like a health department that collects samples at treatment plants to identify the spread of disease. It’s an invasion of privacy. But also doesn’t mean it’s not a benefit to it.
- Comment on Is it time to ring the alarm on internet door cameras? 2 weeks ago:
After the cops steal my car?
- Comment on Is it time to ring the alarm on internet door cameras? 2 weeks ago:
But also these cameras also solve a problem much faster and just seems like common sense whereas trying to fix some abstract core Zeitgeist that may or may not solve the issue isnt much to sink our teeth into. It’s like someone asking you to fix their toilet and you’re like “well what is a toilet and maybe the issue is you don’t earn enough money to pay a plumber” like great, you’re right in one regard, but the toilet is broken and you could fix it
- Comment on Is it time to ring the alarm on internet door cameras? 2 weeks ago:
How sweet would it be if cops did their job though. Like if they actually used the images to arrest the guy breaking into people’s cars at night.
- Comment on Give permission. Don't give permission. They know where you are anyway 3 weeks ago:
No hacker group ever got their hands on this data?
- Comment on Give permission. Don't give permission. They know where you are anyway 3 weeks ago:
Surprising that this data never heard gets leaked. It’s always my social security number
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
I don’t think it’s the same at all. Building code issue the same as building physical vehicle parts. All it’ll mean is that any company that uses strictly AI will be beat by a company using AI plus developers because the developers will just add AI as another tool in their toolbox to develop code.
- Comment on How can you make sure the ashes you get after a loved one dies is actually theirs? 5 months ago:
Why are you keeping dead bodies in your house, ashes or not.
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
A lot of people spent many many nights wasting away at learning some niche arcane knowledge and now are freaking out that a kid out of college can do what they can with a cool new machine. Maybe not fully what they do but 70% there and that makes them so hateful. They’ll pull out all these articles and studies but they’re just afraid to face the reality that their time and life was wasted and how unfair life can be
- Comment on Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report 5 months ago:
You don’t find it weird that CNN frames it in an argument about greenhouse gas?
To me it’s such an obvious appeal to certain groups. We’re way past caring about wasting resources. We get rid of AI right now where are we left with? Nothing, nothing changes as far as wasting resources go. We don’t fix anything removing it.
AI is practical and probably one of the most interesting developments with the potential to be a pretty big leveler if developed correctly.
But I think the problem is that because it can level playing field it’s harmful to people who want to horde their power. So they have to use media to generate a lot of hate and angry towards it so we all reject it. Look at every AI headlines and replace AI with “immigrants” or “LGQTB” it’s practically cut and paste. It’s harassing women and children. It’s taking our jobs. They’re a waste of resources. They threaten your way of life.
- Comment on Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report 5 months ago:
I’m not saying that you’re not. I am saying collectively these points about wasting resources is a bit much considering all the other wastes in relation to the anger those other things generate. It’s not proportional. That isn’t me saying people love it. But I am saying they do use a lot of other things that generate tremendous wastes in similar ways without care.
I usually temper my conviction but on this I will say with confidence it is manufactured. Manufactured in the same way the right despise LGQTB and immigrants. If you were too ask them if their hate was driven by other sources what would they say?
But we all know fox news plays a big part of it. Doesn’t mean those people are not racist or bigots to begin with. But there’s a stoking of the flames. Same here.
- Comment on Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report 5 months ago:
What crypto wall? Isn’t it back up?
I’d rather have all the AI and crypto than any streaming service or social media that everyone who complains about resources seems to use freely.
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 5 months ago:
Here is how I see Piracy ending. We’re offered Netflix and forgot about streamers so the government went heavy handed and forced other governments to change all their laws and give up these pirates while seizing sites.
Even though there are smaller pirates, the leaders of it so are mortality wounded killing any progress. We eventually end up with cable television 3.0 and try to go back to piracy. However while we weren’t looking there’s a ton of new laws and tools and ability to stop it that was created while we were watching umbrella academy.
Now the final nail is using media to create a foot-in-the-door technique where media convince the public to hate a new thing. Once that zeitgeist is established laws will then slowly be created by as suggested by lobbyists which are really just a facade that would give more power to take out pirates.
- Comment on Meta considers mixed reality glasses , code name : puffin, will release by 2027 5 months ago:
Are you saying it didn’t happen? Didn’t billions of people upload all their details on their own to Facebook?
- Comment on Meta considers mixed reality glasses , code name : puffin, will release by 2027 5 months ago:
We all willfully gave them our info.
- Comment on Meta considers mixed reality glasses , code name : puffin, will release by 2027 5 months ago:
When the fuck did we all become such Luddites
- Comment on Research shows more than 80% of AI projects fail, wasting billions of dollars in capital and resources: Report 5 months ago:
Yea I guess for me Google already sucks without AI and beyond that I don’t have issues or bugs anymore than usual. But I also use chatgpt for things to do I find it useful. Even right now I’m asking if to give me some prompts to code while I learn different design patterns. Like asking it what is a good decorator use case.