- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 4 days ago:
I’m not saying that the people running the party are stupid. But the ones falling for their shit are just plain stupid.
- Comment on Chad rule 5 days ago:
Nothing wrong with loving animals and crying over their suffering.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 5 days ago:
Stupid people are easy to manipulate.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 5 days ago:
I live in a right wing area. It’s not mental gymnastics. It’s propaganda. Trump does something completely horrible and the right wing Podcasters and news people spin it in a way that convinces these people it was all for a reason or that somehow it’s not true or something. They are being brainwashed. Its very disturbing because it just shows me that they can be convinced of anything as long as it supports Trump. Trump can literally do anything at this point and I think his people would convince everyone it’s all good or for the right reasons. That’s why I think ij the end if canada doesn’t back down and become the 51st state by choice, he will attack us.