- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Also access to shaving products and accessories is getting easier. Hand held electric razors are getting smaller and can do a lot of the work before a blade makes a smooth finish.
That said, as a male i hate shaving my privates smooth. I find the hair acts as a natural lubricant, without hair everything either gets sticky or feels slimy down there.
- Comment on ‘People spontaneously strip off and join us’: nude cyclists send message you don’t need to be buff 1 week ago:
Yea mine dipped down and got caught in between the chain and gears once
- Comment on Chad rule 1 week ago:
If he tried he may accidently crush them.
- Comment on How would he have 6 limbs otherwise? 2 weeks ago:
I like to keep one around if i need to clear an abandoned mineshaft. Sometimes its worth it as a way to reroll your enchants while still getting something you can use early on.
- Comment on How would he have 6 limbs otherwise? 2 weeks ago:
If that were true, wouldn’t the bane of arthopods enchantment deal extra damage to the dragon?
- Comment on Tiny anime girl cyberprison shown at CES 1 month ago:
Wake up babe, new waifu themed data collection hardware just dropped.
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 3 months ago:
Couldn’t they just use our existing curved screen technology that we see on gaming and work station monitors? The real innovation here is being stretchy and moldable and i doubt those features are needed for a dashboard.
- Comment on Adulting rule 4 months ago:
That isn’t adulting, that is an isekai anime
- Comment on Waterboy 4 months ago:
Water sucks, gatorade is better
- Comment on xcoffee 4 months ago:
Forever replacing the job of the intern.
- Comment on A decline in arable land 4 months ago:
Can you really call a sea of single family homes and overgrown backyards a city? I get that cities get bigger, but if we are going to pave over farmland lets fit more than 5-10 people per acre.
- Comment on A decline in arable land 4 months ago:
Yet here in Canada, we pave over our farmland to build McMansions and strip malls. Sure we can feed our own country and then some still, but is this really the best use of such high quality arable land?
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
In this specific case, society could have built a more fair transportation system, such as safe public transit, effectively providing an altnative to uber and a way to avoid agreeing to the terms.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 5 months ago:
Yea I’m not too keen on giving authorization to hit pedestrians. If I feel threatened in my car, I am not allowed to run over the person so why should a driverless car gain that right? And if the panic button is going to call the police, how is that any different from the passenger using their phone to contact police? Seems like extra steps of middlemen and confusion when the passenger could just call once they feel the need.
I could defintely see a case for some extra safety features that help keep the doors locked and shut, maybe thicker windows too if needed to prevent robberies/assaults.
- Comment on when gf is a mechanic 5 months ago:
What mechainc brings their tools out of the shop and into the bathroom with them? Maybe the crescent wrench was used in the bathroom to fix a dripping fixture or something.
I’ve also definitely gotten nearly that dirty before. If i don’t degrime an engine before working on it, all that thick black built up grime will eventually end up on my hands and forearms. As i scratch myself or wipe sweat the grime slowly covers most of my body. I also often have to lay on the dirty shop floor or driveways which can also contribute to getting filthy.
- Comment on Startup Says It'll Use Huge Space Mirror to Sell Sunlight During Nighttime 5 months ago:
Do we not remember when futurama tried this an accidently lasered a convention?
On a more serious note, how is it fair if say a neighbiuring business orders this service and now what, your whole neighbourhood just doesn’t get night time anymore? The local climate just gets a few degrees hotter, no biggie?
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 6 months ago:
I’m not sure you age but from what I understand, many people between 20-40 have been having issues finding genuine relationships and “situationships” are on the rise. I know several people that claim to be happy having 2-3 half commited partners (whom often also have other partners), but i don’t believe they are that happy, especially compared to a genuine relationship.
As others had said try to just stick to your own personallity and focus on your own happiness, changing yourself or your standards just to get laid often doesn’t work. When i was going through a phase of depression i started seeing a partner whom couldn’t commit to me the way i desired, but i stuck around anyway because it was a nice distraction from my life. A few months later we called it offand there was a fair amount of emotional pain. The relationship was kinda of toxic as well and I’ll probably carry scars from it into my next one. Even just the memories, good or bad, are constant distraction some times. My overall point is don’t commit to it if its not what you genuinely want, good relationships have been on the decline for a while so its not always your fault if you can’t establish one.
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
As your kids age into teens and young adults, the apartment offers more freedoms than suburbia as they wont require a car to go anywhere. In many US suburbs, kids are chained to their parents as a taxi service until they need to buy their own car. Which is why so many american suburbs have 4+ car sized driveways, because every human in the house must buy a car and gas and insurance etc.
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
They could spend 70% of their income on their housing and still have more leftover than I make in a year.
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
As someone who will have to dedicate 60-70% of their income to own a small, run down home, i really dont have a lot of sympathy for them. 30% of your income to housing is considered affordable, however that metric has likely been impossible for most people to reach over the past decade, most people can’t even rent for 30% of their income these days.
Im not supporting high housing and rent costs, i just think compared to average American right now, this couple shouldn’t really be considered “struggling” or “poor”
- Comment on Researchers develop 3D printed filter for ‘forever chemicals’ in water 6 months ago:
It is possible they don’t trust this to be food grade yet, or maybe it traps a lot of forever chemicals but it erodes microplastics as it filters. It also sounds like you need a fairly special material to print it, not just your average plastics.
Something people can do to treat their water for some forever chemicals is using activated carbon filters. There are several types available from different residential water treatment companies.
- Comment on ON/OFF 7 months ago:
By ON/OFF, the artist is refering to the removal of their legs.
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
No, but someone with a fear of heights could become a receptionist while struggle to become a roofer
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
Not everyone is capable of doing every job. The tasks of a recptionist are far different than those of a roofer. Jobs like emergency services can be high stress positions, jobs like assembly work can be rather dull sometimes. Everyone and every job is different.
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
I would love to be able to become a master of all trades. I cant put food on my table consistently unless I stick to one.
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
Let me just quit my day job and learn the electrical code to install that new breaker panel I need. Gotta brush up on the gas fitting code too cause my furnace needs work. Then ill drive myself to the hospital where i will be my own nurse and my own surgeon.
The ability to learn is also linked with time, energy, and accessibility to resources.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
Which is a big part of the problem. But not all Netherlands cities are super dense, many have suburbs serviced by transit and with cycling paths. When they were built they considered transit and cycling access when they built them.
There is also the issue of land use. Many of those cities have looser zoning laws than the states which makes it easier for stores to open near peoples homes and scattered throughout the city rather than having to go to a massive commercial district with walmart and 5 other big box stores in a wasteland of parking.
No one is saying a tiny farming town of 500 people needs high speed rail but cities into the 100s of thousands of people can certainly support a transit network, and many did before their trams were ripped out and their right of way given to cars.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
The new york city subway is often faster than driving. Many cities in the Netherlands have faster transit or cycling times than driving due to careful planning and priority. Japan has high speed rail connecting many of its cities, most trains going faste than highway speeds, some doubling or even tripling highway speeds.
Also north america was founded on trains. If we could build trains 100 years ago we can build better ones now.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
All of those issues could be fixed by building around transit being the prioirty instead of the car. Some cities actually have transit that is faster than a car because transit gets priority at intersections and can take a more direct route.