- Comment on Fucking leeches 1 day ago:
That’s the question. Are they dumb and mean it or are they just assholes? I also tend to think it’s the second.
- Comment on Fucking leeches 1 day ago:
Step one: Have a shitton of money to buy property to rent out.
Oh, you don’t have enough money? Hhm, have you tried not being poor? - Comment on Chad rule 1 week ago:
And he wouldn’t even fit into that dumpster to help the poor animal. =(
- Comment on Born for the job 2 months ago:
This sounds like something the Bojack Horseman writers would come up with.
- Comment on Coca-Cola accused of quietly dropping its 25% reusable packaging target 2 months ago:
Oh yeah, absolutely. “self regulation” of businesses is just BS.
- Comment on Coca-Cola accused of quietly dropping its 25% reusable packaging target 2 months ago:
Never ever believe companies when they make promises like “we will have x by date y”. Especially if date y is further away than maybe the end of the year. Shell also made big promises and then quietly dropped them. Of course the making of the promise came with a big PR budget. The dropping of the plans was silent. Weird how that works…
- Comment on Oh fuck no 4 months ago:
He still doesn’t know what’s in the secret sauce though.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 4 months ago:
I also at first thought it’s not that bad, because it looks like the main part of the computer is “hovering”, because it stands on that round portion. But then I saw that the button is on the backside! Why? That way you have to reach around everything, making it impossible to fit the thing into some smaller space and still use it. If it was on the bottom but in the front you would still have your beloved button-less design but the button would still be pretty accessible.
- Comment on Never forget. 5 months ago:
“In honor of the revolution it’s half off at the Gap!”
- Comment on How do you scream? 5 months ago:
And a metal scream and a metal growl are also two different things that both exist. That’s why I assumed they were talking about the former. ¯_ (ツ)_/
- Comment on How do you scream? 5 months ago:
Not if done correctly. Metal singers do it all day long. It’s all about technique and heeding the warning signs when you’re not doing it right.
- Comment on How do you scream? 5 months ago:
If you’re talking about the metal music kind of screaming look up “vocal fry” or “fry screaming” on YouTube. It’s a technique, and it’s surprisingly not that loud. Like you wouldn’t use a fry scream to shout at your friend a block away but on a recording or through the mic on stage you can’t tell so it looks and sounds like the singer is screaming their lungs out.
Also if you try it yourself make sure to stop before it hurts! If done correctly you can fry scream all day. If done incorrectly and ignoring the warnings signs you could end up needing surgery on your larynx. Have fun!
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
What did I miss?
- Comment on This is where gift cards are at 7 months ago:
“Look, I still like you and wish you the beat, so I want to help you maximize your chances to move on. This really helps both of us.”
Yeah, I can see it. - Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
Thank you for sharing your experience and may the winds blow ever in your favor! Ahoy!
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
I’ve heard good things about tidal in regards to paying artists (more) fairly. Does anyone know more about the alternatives or has experience with them? Also in terms of the library size I’m not sure how the services compare…
- Comment on Game of Thrones reportedly has an MMO in the works, nearly a decade after the last one was cancelled 10 months ago:
Imagine the money they could rake in with this if they hadn’t fucked up the final seasons. Instead this is going to appeal to a pretty narrow audience who sees the series for what it could have been.
- Comment on This was the first result on Google 11 months ago:
Thank you for clarifying.
- Comment on This was the first result on Google 11 months ago:
Uh, watt?
- Comment on Just to keep it going 11 months ago:
Okay but the jondoms exist, I’ve seen them in a store before. Does anyone know what their deal is?
- Comment on Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff 1 year ago:
It was. =)
PS: Just to stay on toppic for a second here: Fuck Bezos.
- Comment on Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff 1 year ago:
Like… With a cactus?
- Comment on Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff 1 year ago:
lol, I thought about writing it in a “gender neutral way” but it didn’t read as funny. Sorry for assuming your gender. ;)
But again with this statement: You are right, Ms. Crescendo.
- Comment on Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff 1 year ago:
You are right, Mr. crescendo.
- Comment on Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff 1 year ago:
Man, I forgot that Twitch is owned by Amazon…
We really do live in late-stage capitalism, don’t we? - Comment on UK firm develops jet fuel made from human poo | The starting material is generated in excess and available in plenty. It is a win-win for everyone that the waste is repurposed. 1 year ago:
Is this another one of these “eco-fuels” that take about ten times the energy they store just to produce them, and no one will tell you where that energy will come from?
- Comment on Toilet without borders 1 year ago:
I hate you all <3
- Comment on Toilet without borders 1 year ago:
Please never call it that again.
- Comment on New study finds bots and fraud farms responsible for 73% of web traffic 1 year ago:
That’s a very good point, thanks!
- Comment on New study finds bots and fraud farms responsible for 73% of web traffic 1 year ago:
That’s very good to know and makes the situation a lot less bleak. Thank you for the additional context!