- Comment on Chad rule 1 week ago:
Is he able to move his arms or are they too big to like move around and stuff. Idk what I’m trying to say. It just looks like it’s hard to even hold his phone properly lol
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 3 weeks ago:
I didn’t vote for this everyone needs to stop putting us in a box…many of us did not want this and we’re stuck with these jerks. Alot of Americans are good people we just got taken over. America needs help from other countries.
- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 4 weeks ago:
You know I’m all about making sure my country’s lies are out in the open but man everyone everywhere I live in USA was masked up minis the couple of idiots that exist in every country. Y’all I’m mad at this shit that’s going on too but this statement is a false blanket statement.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale Featured Deep Discounts - any recommendations? 2 months ago:
Grim dawn is the best arpg of all time imo even better than d2
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 4 months ago:
Caps are fake there’s no need for them besides to build golden marble pillars outside CEOs mega mansions.
- Comment on Game Freak suffers massive data leak 4 months ago:
Pokemon has sucked for years who cares.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 17 comments
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 5 months ago:
Sorry twitter was always trash
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago:
See team fortress 2 for healing done properly
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago:
So you’re respawning and no DPS are near you and you encounter an enemy DPS in a narrow corridor. No thanks.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Your cat died
- Comment on what is with child names like Aiden, Braiden etc? 7 months ago:
As usual…who cares what someone names their kid even if it sounds dumb to you don’t worry about it go live your life not worrying about this shit.
- Comment on If global warming is a biproduct of humans, wouldn't the logical answer be to kill 2/3rds of the humans? 7 months ago:
Ok Hitler…
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
I agree with what you’re saying and it’s too bad most people are too stupid to move forward with that mindset because I for one would rather we could all get along but for invisible reasons many people can’t…which is in itself quite unintelligent
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
I am in no way saying what’s going on is right…anytime massive amounts of life is taken it’s horrible. With that being said you realize that there isn’t a single country in the entire world that wasn’t built on the blood of others? Every civilization that’s here now destroyed some other one. People act like they live in some place that asked nicely to have the land they have.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 10 months ago:
I think what you’re finding is a lot of Americans can barely afford to live anymore and I mean A LOT. While their way of barely living is tens of millions of times better than what’s going on around the world most are so beaten down for their standard of living the reality is setting in hard and you’re seeing the breakdown of a country right before your eyes.
No one besides the privileged people give a shit right now is what you’re seeing because the privileged can afford to stand and picket for a night. Many people are one paycheck away from doom or have iron fist bosses that penalize them for missing a single day of work. Don’t hate the haters…hate the rich, the landlords, the politicians that don’t help the general public anymore that horde all the wealth essentially.
- Comment on Why are male social workers so different? 10 months ago:
Idk how this post isn’t in the red already for either the obvious troll post or just because of sexism. Stop trying to stir whatever pot of shit you’re stirring by pretending you don’t understand some “gender aspect” considering you claim these two people give you the impression that you don’t think clearly which implies you know you think clearly and aren’t an idiot.
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
Education is for becoming more and more just for the rich
- Comment on .rar me 10 months ago:
Nothing compresses harder than my emotions
- Comment on We keep measuring everything's value with something that continuously loses value over time 10 months ago:
Oh you euros all just mad because your country is heating up faster than others.
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
If the clouds smaller than your thumb head for the hills. If it’s bigger than your thumb don’t bother running at all.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
Today is the day you stop drinking my friend
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Lol what a tool. If I have 100% renewable energy at my house how’s that contributing?
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Lol have fun cooking with global warming bro
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Imagine not having AC like much of Europe
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
This is the best post on Lemmy. It’s the best way to say this.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro review: magic, until it’s not 1 year ago:
I turned the video off immediately when he said it’s 34 99 spaced out rather than three thousand four hundred ninty nine dollars so it sounds as fucking terrible as it actually is price wise. Fuck apple and fuck this reviewer
- Comment on Society beware 1 year ago:
I legit see people do this on Facebook all the time.
- Comment on Especially on Lemmy 1 year ago:
Well that’s just dumb though. Windows is actually good 👍.
- Comment on Especially on Lemmy 1 year ago:
Here’s the best way to get that reaction on Lemmy.
Windows is better than Linux. You can game easier, Install older programs easier, you most likely won’t have any issues or have security issues like the Linux crowd says you will. It has amazing built in antivirus and compatibility with tons of hardware. Etc