science makes me have faith in science.
Science is unironically one of the only things i ever trust because truth prevails, always…
Submitted 2 months ago by to
science makes me have faith in science.
Science is unironically one of the only things i ever trust because truth prevails, always…
Science research on the one hand is cursed to follow the money.
My own experience leaves me a bit more optimistic, although I do see some cursed bits.
The presence of money in research depends greatly on the field and the ability of the scientists to make their research sound sexy. You can mask a lot of wierd niche basic research topics with sexy applied research talk.
Also, there’s still a lot of science research without much money, being sustained by sheer enthusiasm.
Which, ironically, defeats the entire purpose of science.
Research is based on the so-called scientific method (therefore science) and that is something you can’t proof, just belief in. But it’s the best we have with extraordinary amount of evidence to back it up.
There was this guy who spent his whole life in rural Arizona. All evidence indicated that the world is made of sand.
Never discount errors of perspective.
If you consider something that all scientists do then you might see a vast shared error.
Clearly those aren’t real scientists. Real scientists have secret labs, where they do secret research.
That’s why they learn random facts about stink bugs to scare everyone away from their secret knowledge
My new favorite conspiracy theory
Prepare for the cataclysm!
At first I read “have you ever met a single scientist?” As in “don’t you know they’re all fuckin?”
We’re all fucking all right. We are all fucking with the laws of nature. You like it when we stop your atoms moving and shine a laser at you, don’t you, you dirty filthy condensate?
Beam me ‘daddy’?
Meet single scientists in your area. Click here.
Not a scientist. I have a litany of complex topics that I just can’t really talk to anyone about. I’m a big computer networking nerd, and once upon a time, when I didn’t know what I didn’t know, I was curious what computer networking really entailed… It seemed dead simple, you connect things to a switch, connect that switch to the internet router, not much more.
Then I learned about VLANs, which are cool but it seemed like unnecessary complexity. Then I learned about Routing and L3 switching, and routing protocols and… Holy shit, how deep is this?
Now-a-days, I want to have conversations about the merits of one routing protocol over another in various contexts, and see/build a spine and leaf network infrastructure that’s nearly infinitely scalable.
I want to explore the nuance of IP unnumbered routing. I can’t find anyone who will chat about it on a level that’s close to my understanding, either someone knows way more than I do, or they know way less.
IP unnumbered routing is a way of connecting devices without setting an IP on the interface that is being routed to/from. The other end uses the routing protocol on top of layer 2, and while the two might have a router ID, often in the form of an IP address, the interface that is connecting the two has no IP. It’s basically advanced point to point protocol (PPP) that breaks away from traditional TCP/IP routing in ways that people who have never used anything besides TCP/IP can’t really comprehend. The two “IP addresses” (actually router IDs) in play can have nothing in common. Traditional TCP/IP requires that two IPs share a subnet. In routing, this is typically a /30 for IPv4, and the two IPs are adjacent to eachother, eg, and IP unnumbered can have talking directly with, with no layer 3 interfaces in-between.
It’s really fascinating and interesting and I’ve been trying to find a good model or guide to help me learn this better, but I keep ending up at dead ends, and I have nobody to talk to about it.
Did my fair share of networking back in the day, but never heard of IP unnumbered. I was curious about the same idea back in the day and it is possible, but I haven’t much seen anyone doing it for realsies. If you have any good longreads/vids on the topic, it’d be much appreciated.
I’ll look at my resources and see what I can dig up. No promises, but the concepts are simple as long as you can separate yourself from the TCP/IP restrictions on two things needing to be in a subnet, and the idea that NAT is something that needs to happen.
Honestly, I’ve seen so many people get hung up on the fact that NAT isn’t universal, or necessary.
Should shoot me a DM, have been studying for my CCNP and do want more networking buddies to potentially socialize with.
I’ve been looking at the CCNP for a while, I don’t need it for the work I do at my day job, so I haven’t prioritized taking the test or anything.
I should do more work on it.
Now-a-days, I want to have conversations about the merits of one routing protocol over another in various contexts, and see/build a spine and leaf network infrastructure that’s nearly infinitely scalable.
bro i just want screensharing that isn’t using the hell that is webrtc.
How hard is it to send video packets over IP, it can’t be that difficult. Half the job is already done, and i can’t imagine building a reliable networking protocol, even if you had to do it from scratch would be particularly hard.
everything is webrtc, it always has been.
See, I only recently came into awareness that web RTC was a thing. I have a lot of learning to do on how it even works as a protocol.
I’m sure it runs on top of IP, so I think web RTC meets your curriculum here. Regardless of that, I think I know what you mean, and if I knew enough about the protocol, I might even agree.
I need to brush up on the new protocols that are getting to be very common. I’m almost entirely up to date on the 802.11 specs, but there’s so much to keep track of… Yikes.
I need some help with networking and eventually getting an organisation website online; if you want to geek out a bit, please send me a dm. :)
Bringing a website online sounds a lot more like development stuff.
Networking is all about how to get data from one place to another that is reasonable, manageable and scalable. Knowing what devices are increasing latency and when you should adjust the settings to route around a high latency (and/or high loss) link to enhance performance and reliability. Visibility into network flows in real time and monitoring for every link and port that’s connected to a device, switch, router, or computer.
Web hosting is system admin and development.
What networking concerns do you have with this website?
I’m not sure that I understand the benefit of “unnumbered” routing. It sounds like there are numbers (well, “identifiers”), just not IP addresses.
It’s hard to know without more context, but you can use things like IPv6 multicast to manage reachability. This will let you set arbitrary sets of endpoints that talk to each other, and you can still us IP-based tools to debug connectivity, measure performance, and so on.
yeah uh… you lost me at ‘protocols’
My friends are political science guys. They’re just all getting blind drunk and muttering right now?
Because of Trump or is that just their natural state?
It could be Trump or the dean told them they have to publish another book. It’s kind of hard to tell some days.
This is so true, and I can’t even type that without a severe eyeroll of agreement.
I think that’s why some people wax poetic on Reddit or Lemmy with very little provocation. Finally…a captive audience that might read this info, even if they’re just passing time on the shitter…
Yeah. No one cares if you’re rambling in a comment. Just be interesting enough that someone can pause their doom scrolling to read it.
I personally have about 5 subjects where I can chime in with fun (to me) little facts.
Or essays on the subject…
Quick , tell me a fun fact
maybe this wording works on a certain kind of voter because of the “fuck you I got mine” attitude, they probably think that if they were the scientist they would reap the benefits for themselves
benefits of what, grant money you can’t get anymore because there’s no more federal funding? Oops.
they wouldn’t know about grants or how underpaid academics are in general, it’s just a projection
currently questioning my sanity over whether key compound of my thesis did just did a ice-nine or not (it’s a real thing, but not for water)
Wow, that was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing!
it just made three months of my work useless but np
I’ve read about this before. That super sucks for you, but is a fascinating phenomenon. Good luck trying to chase that rabbit down.
(is there an offtop thread?)
That secret being ‘the oil/sugar/etc lobby paid me to create this fake study to mislead you.’
"Agit-prop is a KIND of science . . . " (Lionel Hutz, probably)
Gotta love when the conspiracy is so stupid that it’s the people who dedicated their lives to building and spreading human knowledge are the ones keeping the knowledge away from Joe public.
You know how Trump has been called the poor person’s idea of a rich person? I’m trying to think of the caricature they use for “scientist” in their minds. Maybe a woke Joe Rogan?
I’m pretty sure it’s just a vague conglomeration of Hollywood “scientists.”
It averages out to Charlie Day in Pacific Rim, combined with Charlie Day from It’s Always Sunny explaining his conspiracy.
Unfortunately, real scientists have become lumped in with “industry shills paid to science the way industry wants them to science”.
It’s a secret rouse so you won’t suspect the stuff that they don’t tell you and get together every few months to co-ordinate keeping under wraps.
You sound fun!
Wtf, I’ve never heard of this bug in my entire life, and just last week I took a picture of one. Google Lens comes up with Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, and I didn’t think it would ever run into this tidbit of info ever again.
Too tired from exams, soz.
Actual genuine scientists tend to be the nerd type excited about whatever it is they’re studying. They can’t wait to tell you about the frequency oscillations of some quasar or the courtship rituals of hagfish or whatever.
The journals they have to publish in are shady as a cave though.
I can only hope the changing mating habit is that they’ve all stopped mating. I hate those damn bugs.
They’re invasive where I live, and it seems like they don’t really have predators. And they’re so damn loud when they fly around inside your house. And they smell awful if you startle them or squish them. Only thing I can do is catch them in a cup and flush them down the toilet.
Shout out to the scientists who study the reproductive pattern of certain insects for the sole purpose of wiping them out.
We see you scientists that are sterilizing trillions of bugs then releasing them into the wild. Your work is wild, weird, but very effective.
Bet you’ve met a few soldiers. 2 months ago
This is why the “secret scientists don’t want you to know” always turns out to be some pseudoscience bs that at best is misinformation and at worst is actively harming people. So, yes, they are things scientists don’t want you to know. 2 months ago
I would argue that we still want them to know about pseudoscience, but also know enough about everything else to understand how the pseudoscience is wrong.