- Comment on Most people's first arguments are fighting with their parents. When someone is getting emotional during a debate they are most likely dredging up emotions they felt towards mommy and daddy. 2 months ago:
That feels like a big stretch. By that logic, you think about what you were looking at during your first wank every time you achieve. And thank the heavens that isn’t true.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
So you are a college student? Please correct me if I’m not understanding this. You wouldn’t say you are an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer that is still working on their degree, and it feels disingenuous to the scientists in this thread to say you are one if you aren’t doing science but rather taking courses as a student.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Funny, but totally off base. I work with many scientists and I’ll ask them, since this isn’t working.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Apologies then. Would you mind helping me understand why a scientist is taking exams? That sounded like something a college student who wants to be a scientist would say.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Scientists don’t take exams.
- Comment on I started Starbound for the first time and recorded the experience 6 months ago:
FU was the only mod I played with, and it worked as early as 2018 I think. It was a huge overhaul on massive features and build paths. I suggest a look if you enjoy the vanilla game.
Tons of new features too many to count
- Comment on I started Starbound for the first time and recorded the experience 6 months ago:
Funny that you say that. I opened the comments to mention how the final version never felt right to me. One aspect is that the final door is open from the beginning of the game. In my first (early access) playthroughs, the final door stayed closed until the story opened it.
I even played without frackin universe and it was still open on a new playthrough. I really hope it was my files and not a game change. Frackin universe build paths also got way worse and unnecessarily complicated over time, but that’s a different story.
I have much more good to say than bad about the game, but it felt better when I played back in 2016 for the first time and in 2018 with the mod.
- Comment on Beastars Final Season New Visual 7 months ago:
Note that it is only the first part of the final season. With that in mind, ask again in 6 months or whatever it takes Netflix to actually release a final final season.
- Comment on time 9 months ago:
Physics vs metaphysics, the branch of philosophy that studies time.
- Comment on Quebec police don't want residents to post videos of people stealing packages because the porch pirates might be innocent 1 year ago:
The one responding to a deleted post and then calling me a coward, for one. You are in that exact thread. Its sad and pathetic to see the hate in the posts hidden behind comments of “well I said it nicely so how can you even say its uncivil”.
- Comment on Quebec police don't want residents to post videos of people stealing packages because the porch pirates might be innocent 1 year ago:
Exactly the same thought. No notes. If this community is civil, posts will do well.
- Comment on Quebec police don't want residents to post videos of people stealing packages because the porch pirates might be innocent 1 year ago:
But I do wish to contribute. :)
- Comment on Quebec police don't want residents to post videos of people stealing packages because the porch pirates might be innocent 1 year ago:
Maybe the brigaders vote this way because they think the posts aren’t welcome here. You should not tolerate the intolerance, after all.
I’m quite glad to see it.
- Comment on Quebec police don't want residents to post videos of people stealing packages because the porch pirates might be innocent 1 year ago:
That was indeed part of it. What can you do if people want to pull up deleted comments and spread hate?
- Comment on Quebec police don't want residents to post videos of people stealing packages because the porch pirates might be innocent 1 year ago:
I stand by every word. I just don’t think I’m going to convince any conservative morons. Furthermore, I don’t want to contribute to the growth of this very very sad community. It’s embarrassing how poorly the posts do.
- Comment on Privilege 1 year ago:
It’s a privilege seeing a comment in stark opposition to the absurdity of these posts upvoted.
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
I actually think that’s what they called Mario deluxe for the WII U. Definitely look into it before buying a 2nd copy of the same game like I did. I mean, I’ve 100%ed it a few times now but still I wish I knew it was the same.
In fact, it’s better on the Wii u. Player 2 can either play as a Luigi or play as god on the Wii pad. Putting down tiles and making the game dead easy.
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
Overcooked is only fun if everyone is terrible or everyone is great. It’s a great concept but definitely not going to work out for most groups.
For Mario kart, did you put on some bots? Without the NPCs, 2 player is lame, even if you are both quite good.
Have you played It Takes Two? This sounds like it hits your requirements.
For couch coop, I’d actually suggest Mario Deluxe over the very recent Mario Wonder if you wanted to try a side scroller. Wonder is great, but it’s couch coop is poorly implemented unless you are both good or both terrible as with overcooked. Deluxe doesn’t have that issue, in my opinion, due to the way the scrolling works in game. It might feel odd spending $60 on a 10 year old game from the WII U, but Nintendo originals always hold up well.
- Comment on In the last 1000 years we have not advanced as a species. We are just as tribal, dogmatic and reactionary as we always were. Given that scientists are people too, will science save us? 1 year ago:
I suggest memes as in the Richard Dawkins original definition, not funny haha memes but shared reproducible culture. We are social creatures, more than any other, and our social development has happened far more quickly than typical evolution ever could.
- Comment on In the last 1000 years we have not advanced as a species. We are just as tribal, dogmatic and reactionary as we always were. Given that scientists are people too, will science save us? 1 year ago:
Quite a bit of human development has been in the category of nurture, as opposed to nature. While humans have changed little biologically, I have an “appendage” in my hand that can communicate with an individual in space. Memes replicate and evolve much more quickly than genes do.
- Comment on Baby how cold is it oitside? 1 year ago:
Well Kelvin makes some math much easier. Formulas look pretty if you don’t need to remove 213 a bunch of times.
- Comment on I just realized there is absolutely no way to say 'i always lie'. 1 year ago:
Not quite. You missed the fact that it doesn’t need to be the entire statement. “I always lie when I say that the sky is green”