- Comment on Is there an independent model database? 3 days ago:
Cool, another service I didn’t know I definitely need
- Comment on Le wrong generation 2 weeks ago:
I can only guess what the second symbol in the lower row is. And I’m quiet happy about now actually knowing xD
- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 2 weeks ago:
Sounds promising. Thanks
- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for the info. I’m currently in a rather temperate place, so we are lucky if we see snow in winter. Do you use the space heater just for your own comfort or is it relevant for the printer? At some point I need to look into all the different printing materials.
- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 2 weeks ago:
A kind of related question, which bugged me for a while: what are the environmental temperature limits for a typical printer? Is it a viable option to keep it in the basement or garage? I’m wondering, because that would mitigate the noise, vibration and fumes issue.
- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 2 weeks ago:
“Do the Bender! Do the Bender!” *Sing :)
- Comment on idijt 3 weeks ago:
Everything shines, everything reflects…
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
It was evident that the world was bigger than what the guy saw, he was just not checking (lazy or insatiable or whatever) what’s further. There is the difference.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Research is based on the so-called scientific method (therefore science) and that is something you can’t proof, just belief in. But it’s the best we have with extraordinary amount of evidence to back it up.
- Comment on Not the worst sales technique. 3 months ago:
And some plastic surgeon or make up studio next door with the counter offer: “…, just be fat!”
- Comment on A useful map for travelers 4 months ago:
Antarctica has a rail line along the entire coast line? That’s fancy, to bad it has no stations though, probably you just hop on while the train is going.
- Comment on I wish I was this funny.. 4 months ago:
No they don’t get anything, but they are not allowed to share PDFs. They are allowed to share a link to a webviewer, even via social media. Preprints are also allowed.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Ah thanks for the info.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Oh boy, just wanted to get into it. Damn sad, not of course understandable, the developers are only humans as well
- Comment on Implants 4 months ago:
- Comment on Kids a genius 5 months ago:
“Mama, when does Papa comes back?”, “sorry, that loser left is weeks ago”, “ey… I can still hear you!”
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Indeed, particularly women in that industry are getting fucked.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
I’m practically 40 and that guy looks older than my dad
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
That is a patent, not a copyright. If you sell you car, you don’t have it anymore. If somebody steals your car, you don’t have it anymore. What I’m on about is the difference between material and intellectual goods. You can read it up, if your school didn’t cover it.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
Of course I’m really not a fan of whatever they do and I would never buy an Ubisoft game for at least a decade now, but I still think that a lot of people should don’t know what buying means and that they never, ever bought (and hence owned) a game or movie. Those are not material goods like a car, which you can physically transfer from one person to another. Those are intellectual goods, and ownership here means you own all rights for it, which usually only the publisher has. What you buy online or in a shop is mere a license to watch/play/use/whatever and a medium with the associated data (like a DVD).
Therefore “piracy” had never been theft (or robbery, as it is called so nicely on German news). It is a license violation. Just that doesn’t sound as demonizing as the publisher want it to sound.
- Comment on Rain on Other Worlds 6 months ago:
How do you define rain on a gas giant?
- Comment on I'm at a loss on what server to buy 6 months ago:
I’m very happy with my ASRock N100 (either m or DC). It has sufficient performance for my needs (proxmox with opnsense, jellyfin and various other services) while using very little power
- Comment on penetration tests 6 months ago:
So practically no integration with any human being?!
- Comment on Minimal Micro-ATX case for external PSU 6 months ago:
I really like the idea, but for my purpose an open case is a no-go. It’s for my Homeserver and I have two hyper active cats ;) but I was already thinking to get some kind of skeleton like this and put someone around. Is this applicable for micro ATX Mainboards?
- Submitted 6 months ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 11 comments
- Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
I went with .home and so far the problems are within reason
- Comment on NASA Ping 6 months ago:
It’s not like they “play” competitive real time over there. It’s more turn based single player
- Comment on Server for a boat 8 months ago:
Arrrrr and ahoi o7
- Comment on Server for a boat 8 months ago:
Post this in a piracy community and it goes full circle
- Comment on The fine art of negotiation 8 months ago:
Yeah, like she has usually 8 clients a day…