- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
By a worm no less.
- Comment on Biden warns of ultra-wealthy 'oligarchy' threatening US democracy in farewell address to the nation 1 month ago:
Eisenhower, like Biden, actually helped create the problem.
Biden could have, and should have, gone hard against Trump and his fellow insurrectionists.
Instead he chose to appoint Merrick Garland, a man whose legacy was turning a blind eye to Timothy McVeigh’s accomplices in the wider Militia Movement.
- Comment on Lower Decks Eulogizing 2 months ago:
Engage the core.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
Yeah. No one cares if you’re rambling in a comment. Just be interesting enough that someone can pause their doom scrolling to read it.
I personally have about 5 subjects where I can chime in with fun (to me) little facts.
Or essays on the subject…
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 2 months ago:
I’m not sure where they got those numbers.
All nuclear waste produced to date isn’t 500-1500 cubic meters.
As to storage. Just bury it again. We dug it up, we can bury it. There are a few places that are currently doing just that.
Or, here a wild idea. Just burn the waste. It’s something like 90% unburned fuel, just reprocess it and burn it.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Except, even then, an average coal plant will release more radioactive material over its lifetime than Fukushima did.
It’s just Chernobyl that you have to top. And even then there are coal plants that come close.
Now, it’s not apples to apples. Coal plants release uranium and thorium. Not ceasium and strontium.
But yeah, never go swimming in a coal plant ash pit. For more than the obvious reasons.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Adding more radiation to tobacco. Sure.
But slightly serious here. The actual mechanism of about 75% of tobacco related cancer, is the fact that tobacco leaves bioaccumulate natural radioactive elements from the soil.
If you smoke, you have radioactive lead and polonium in your lungs.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Molten salt?
We can then use compressed CO2 in the place of steam to drive the turbine.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
The definition is that Tesla is shit.
They’re selling a spotty lane assist as Self Driving when it is not.
Other companies are selling actual self-driving cars, (even if those companies are fucking up as well) but Tesla is nowhere near that level of autonomy. All because Musk cheaped out on the sensor package.
Teslas will never be self-driving, because they literally cannot detect the road and obstacles with just their little camera setup.
They should not be allowed to call it self-driving, or autopilot, or anything else that implies that you can take your hands off the steering wheel.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
but you need to supervise it because you are both responsible and because it’s not perfect
Not self-driving then. Words have meanings.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
Then it’s not “Full self driving”. It’s at best lane assistance, but I wouldn’t trust that either.
Elon needs to shut the fuck up about self driving and maybe issue a full recall, because he’s going to get people killed.
- Comment on The grand prize 3 months ago:
A tungsten cube that size would weigh a fuckload.
To just deliver it would be an undertaking. There will be roads between you and the where ever this came from that are not rated for that weight.
You may need a specialized truck just to move it, and a crane to get it on and off said truck…
- Comment on Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces 4 months ago:
The actual answer is at vaporization temperature. Which the satellite did not reach.
- Comment on Temperatures 4 months ago:
Fun fact, -40C and -40F are the same temperature.
Then 575K and 575F are the same.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 4 months ago:
Bots building post history in an abandoned looking sub. Usually done to get access to some other sub.
With the right looking post history you can scam your way onto a surprising large number of moderation teams.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Have you checked out Live from Emmett’s Place?
Live jazz streamed every week.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
What’s worse is the links to white supremacy in all this shit.
The origin of many of these ancient alien slash ancient apocalypse “theories” are 1900s Germany.
People who were looking for a “scientific” reason why Germans were the superior race.
The core thrust of every “ancient” whatever theory is that ancient people were idiots and had to be shown how to pile rocks into a pyramid shape or shit.
The imaginary people who “showed” ancient brown people how to do shit are always depicted as white.
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
Over on reddit there’s an entire genre of this sort of fiction in /r/hfy
- Comment on unwatchable!! 5 months ago:
Except the truth is that no, almost every venom is safe to ingest. Provided you don’t have any cuts in your mouth or throat.
Snakes are not immune to their own venom. They don’t need to be, because their stomach acid can break it down.
As can ours.
- Comment on unwatchable!! 5 months ago:
It’s not a remake. It’s a sequel with the same director and writing team as the first one.
It also has a few truly disturbing scenes.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
That’s some blatant Russian propaganda there. Blame NATO twice for Russian imperialism.
The “Russia had to invade a sovereign nation because they were talking about joining NATO to prevent Russia from invading them” logic has some holes to it.
The fact that Russia has invaded their neighbors 14 times since the end of the cold war tells you why one of their neighbors would want to join NATO.
Also, remember that time that Russia shot down a commercial airliner? The Ukrainians sure as hell do. That was the true beginning of the invasion, which is why Ukraine was in talks to join NATO.
And yes, people have the right to defend themselves. But the Israeli government has locked down the anti-terror propaganda, because Hamas is pretty vile as far as organizations go. It’s why Israel let Hamas grow and become powerful, and why the Israelis paid to keep Hamas in power for the last decade or so.
As long as Israel can point at Hamas, they have just enough of an excuse to claim their ethnic cleansing is actually just an anti-terror campaign.
Hamas is a full on terrorist organization, not that all terrorist organizations are bad. Or rather, there are some causes where a terrorist organization is the appropriate response. John Brown tried it. So did Nelson Mandela. But Hamas is a religious extremist terrorist organization. One that has distasteful views, and was sort of put in place by Israel for those views.
You see what I’m getting at here? Hamas is fucking evil, and Israel has mostly succeeded in making Hamas the face of Palestinian resistance against Israel.
I doubt many of the original leaders of Hamas are still alive, but that doesn’t matter either when Israel can just lie and say that whoever they kill is Hamas. It’s a bit maddening, and I doubt there’s an answer to it all except for the other Palestinian resistance groups to step up their social media game.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
There was no economic or rational factors. The only thing that makes a lick of sense is the irrational.…/627064/…/vladimir-putin-russia-ukraine-war-brian…
Those are a warm-up, but then you have the purges since the invasion began.…/the-purges-in-putins-shrinking-in…
Putin has sort of been the butt of jokes for years for killing anyone who looks at him funny. He’s a KGB stooge, who made his career out of backstabbing and paranoia. His entire inner circle were afraid to tell him the truth, because he would kill them if they did.
He’s never been “savvy”, he’s just been willing to kill as many people as necessary to secure his own power.
The classic authoritarian dictator who throws people out of windows for saying no. And whose vaulted military had body armor made of cardboard, because the corruption was so ingrained that every single level was accepting bribes and stealing shit.
I’m surprised that they’re still going, but Russia has shown the world that they’re a third rate military, at best.
As to Palestine. It doesn’t matter what the resistance movements call themselves now. Israel will just say they’re Hamas, and no one likes Hamas. There are good reasons not to like Hamas, they’re religious extremists who want to kill all Jews.
And for decades, Israel has funded Hamas behind the scenes, while coming down extra heavy on any other resistance movement. And now it’s all paid off for them because they can just claim that anyone they kill was actually Hamas.……/how-israel-helped-create-ham…
This tactic of creating the perfectly detestable opposition has been used in quite a few places. For example, Greenpeace gets a lot of money from oil company heirs. Specifically the Rockefeller family.
I doubt anyone from Hamas, or Greenpeace, ever took orders from the people giving them money. They were given the money with no strings attached, because they were already jackasses. The money just extended their reach.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Everyone knows Putin invaded Ukraine because he’s a dumbass dictator who started to believe his own propaganda. It’s the dictator trap. Putin surrounded himself with backstabbing yes men by literally killing anyone who wasn’t.
As to Palestinian resistance. I don’t think Hamas is a good resistance movement. For a whole host of reasons. Which is why the Israeli government has been propping them up since the 80s.
An unsympathetic resistance movement can do more to damage a cause than not having a movement at all.
From now until the ethnic cleansing is complete, Israel will call any resistance movement Hamas, regardless of their actual name or beliefs. I’m not sure how to fight that… I don’t think anyone really knows beyond screaming the truth everywhere we can.
It didn’t work in the 1920s in Europe. But maybe with the Internet… Likely not though.
- Comment on It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation 6 months ago:
There was a write up from one of the writers who worked on the series.
This was written after he and most of the team left Valve.
- Comment on Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters 6 months ago:
The Texas way. This lawsuit is pure SLAPP. Texas does not have an anti-SLAPP law, and Musk went judge shopping for this specific asshole.
- Comment on Hes alive so this meme is OK right? 7 months ago:
Both Trump and the Shooter surviving would have been best. If the kid was able to say exactly why he did it, then all the conspiracy would die. An Trump would have some uncomfortable questions about his involvement with Epstein. That second part might still happen. But likely won’t.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 7 months ago:
Trump is arguing that his twitter was “official communications”, and thus can’t be used in court. This means that the 34 felony convictions might go away now.
But the truth is that the Supreme Court didn’t say that every “official act” was immune from consequences. The more nuanced reading is that any act that the Court declares official is immune from consequences.
The Conservatives on the Court declared the president King, but only when they feel like it.