- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
I am a pacifist, and I recognize the danger of encouraging/pardoning vigilantism. There are people I feel are heroes, who others view as villains. People should argue, debate, and put pressure as much as possible with non violence… but that is clearly not working for the ultra wealthy who are so insulated from 99.9% of what we can do.
The murdered man was, even by US capitalist standards, excessively evil. In a functioning and just system he would have had life in prison with no chance of parole for 1000+ counts of at the very least man slaughter for the millions of people whose health care was delayed or prevented. The world is a slightly better place without that level of extreme greed and heartlessness in it.
I also feel like the main point of prison “SHOULD” be Prevention and Rehabilitation. Which if the Attacker was personally harmed by a CEO and lashed out, I don’t think prison can accomplish either for him. I guess the US gov probably disagrees and thinks he should be rehabilitated as someone who is okay with being exploited by CEOs.
But I do want all evidence laid out, I want a jury to determine if he’s unhinged and a danger to others, or someone who was hurt on a fundamental level and lashed out. We of course assume it’s the second one, but we don’t know yet.
Juries and judges will sometimes use the kid gloves when dealing with people who kill their abusers, and I think a light sentence with the message of “murder is wrong… but so is allowing thousands to die to increase profits. So maybe don’t be so evil people wouldn’t mind giving up 10 years of their lives to see you removed from this world” would be fine.
… but also if this becomes another one of a million unsolved cases, I won’t lose a wink of sleep about it.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
Shout out to the scientists who study the reproductive pattern of certain insects for the sole purpose of wiping them out.
We see you scientists that are sterilizing trillions of bugs then releasing them into the wild. Your work is wild, weird, but very effective.
- Comment on im going to need a bigger sd card for my tablet lol 3 months ago:
I promise, knowing why certain beetles have shinier shells than other beetles is very important to me!
You wouldn’t understand why though.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Only 300? XD
That game is nothing but grind after like 20 hours.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
That makes sense! The list of dark games probably is most helpful to be like “here’s a list of games made to be addictive, what features that we spoke about are present in the games on this list?”
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
100%, it’s why I’m more pulled towards RTS games these days.
Like to “catch up” and compete in say a card game… you have to spend money. They are not designed for you to catch up on time.
An rts though? I can catch up to most of the folks if I want to.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
I mean, games without memory didn’t. Because once you turned off the game, it was all gone. This is more referring to if you have spent $200 on a game, and have like special event stuff in it, you’ll struggle to give it up.
But again, this is all part of bigger pictures. If it has this + grinding + time lock things + micro transactions it’s a problem. Games with just a couple of the features still have a high score of like 3+ and will be good games. Some of the things it asks about are only problems paired with other mechanics, while some categories are by themselves enough to be a problem.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Haha good call out, but yeah I play this way on purpose and jump from freemium game to freemium game. I’ve gotten pretty good at jumping as soon as it feels like money is the only way to make progress, but to be clear I used to not be good at it and have wasted a few hundred dollars on stupid p2w games. I really want to try to stick to these nicer games now that I have a cool website to help me find them.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Oof yeah I sometimes get drawn into idle games. It’s weird to be pulled into those, because just the constant feeling of accomplishing something short circuits my brain, combined with “Oh I should check in on my game once a day, or I’m not accomplishing things”. Usually once I stop playing for a few days I go “oh, why did I care?” But it feels real bad in the mean time.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Someone shared it with me the other day and I fell in love so had to share!
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
I’m sure it worked for some people, but for me my brain just picked up the super obvious patterns before picking up much spanish.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
It really is, and it kills me when there are legit good games under there.
For a few months I played a cool monster catching game where it was like 5v5 style. The amount of cool combos you could do, the emergent game play with that many, each monster having own unique abilities and moves, etc. was so cool! PVP was really good because once you were proper placed, the games were close and often times came down to either a choice in game or realizing a mistake in team building “Why did I only bring one party member that can counter X?? As soon as they got focused down I got rolled by a team built around it!”
But the pve battles would get harder and harder, but the monsters you could catch weren’t getting stronger. So to continue in the main story you had to do events to get new ones, or… that lovely gacha shop. Eventually in the story the ability to catch new monsters was just removed. You could go back to the early parts to catch the old monsters, but there was maybe one in the main story that was any use once you were to where catching was disabled. Oh and evolving the monsters required you to do events which took… energy! Oh also chapter 1 of the story didn’t require energy to play, and had ability to catch monsters… but later on it did require energy.
So it opened with this really cool game where you could catch monsters, the fights were fair based on what you could catch, and overall was a fun time. Then slowly but surely every team member would need to be replaced by Gacha monsters (that could only be leveled up by gathering materials from events), and all the infinite play game modes would run out of content, leaving only the game modes that require energy.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Yeah I did the Spanish for months and it was like “You’re so high level!” but I realized as soon as I stepped back that I mostly had just gotten good at playing their games because they were formatted where the answers were generally obvious, to where I felt like just memorizing key words then trying to read children’s books would have been more helpful.
So yeah they for sure use a dozen dark patterns. Making you feel like your account is valuable, making you feel bad for skipping, giving you bonuses for playing on their schedule, and making you feel better at the language than you are.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Oh no! That’s so annoying, maybe can help her quit by finding a better version of the game.
Like stupid match 3/candy crush trash has a million free clones.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
They said they’ll expand to steam eventually, but sounds like they wanted to focus on mobile to start because it has biggest player base and most of the dark patterns are industry norms for mobile.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Very much so :( I’ve played some genuinely really fun games in the top list, but the instant you start playing you can feel what they are about.
Like I’ve been playing Warhammer 40k Tacticus. It’s really cool!.. I’ll probably play it for another week or two at most. Every action I take brings up a suggestion for me to buy something. Everything requires energy. There are about 50 different currency types. I get alerts that I’ve completed quests… that I can’t turn in because they are quests only available if you buy the premium Battle pass. Or the ULTIMATE battle pass. Like you unlock a new character and instantly it pops up like “Congrats on your new character, would you like to spend $20 to level them up so they’re not useless?”
It’s fun because I’m still unlocking more story content at a decent clip, but as soon as it’s a day between 20 second lore drops I’ll have to uninstall. Which sucks, because the game play is fun and interesting since it’s modeled after the mechanics of 40k with the customization of a video game.
So yeah, very sad.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
I mean I think this site goes with “overly broad so you can pick what you want” approach.
Also the way I’m viewing it, is each individual item is a thread of a dark pattern. Weaved into normal game play it’s completely fine. It’s just when all the threads of a category come together is it a pattern designed to trigger addiction and over spending.
Like competition is listed under a category, but if that’s the only item in the category, it still has a stellar score and rightfully so and isn’t listed as a dark pattern.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
Well 1 dark pattern doesn’t ruin their score or make a dark pattern game. Because like games with random loot where every piece is viable and goes for a fun build like a rogue like is wonderful, but it’s a thread of a dark pattern. Alone it’s not scary, and can be fun. Combined with time gates, terribly low drop rates, and pay to skip? Suddenly we have a very nasty dark pattern.
- Comment on YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" 4 months ago:
I mean it is a dark pattern. It drives us to play more even when we’re not having fun. How many times have we all done a dungeon not because it’s fun, but because we want it to drop the thing?
But at the same time, if that’s the “only” dark pattern, that’s probably fine! And it’ll most likely get a high score of 3+ on the positive side. But if you combine the random loot with time gate, pay to skip, pay to win, etc. then the score rightfully craters.
I think the site is good because it empowers us to pick what we actually want to deal with.
- YSK about, a website that rates mobile games on their "Dark patterns" ↗Submitted 4 months ago to | 65 comments
- Comment on Funky Little Rodents 4 months ago:
I actually went to a science/nature camp as a kid where a pig part was we would catch pot guts (ground squirrels)!
Almost every animal there had been caught dozens of times. Because they would go in, get peanut butter, be shown to a counselor that would mark that they were caught, then let go. So pretty sure all of them were trap happy since a 100 traps were out in a field 4 months out of the year, every single year.
- Comment on People are having trouble following Harris’s campaign Twitter account 7 months ago:
The VP having control over the platform they announce things?
What a novel idea /s
So dumb how much power twitter got for politics. Fediverse for life!
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
My realtor :(
I was 25 and very overwhelmed by it all.
I love my house, it seems perfect still several years later and I’ve only had to do some minor repairs.
But I’ll get one to make sure no dangers are lurking where me and my handy man can’t see!
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
I mean 30 year old me recognizes that was a super weird thing to say.
25 year old me felt super over his head anyway.
But I’m getting an inspector! Don’t you fret!
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
The land it’s on is “currently” more expensive than what I paid for it 5 years ago. Just recently got an appraisal done.
If I tried to buy this house now with my income the bank would laugh at me.
Sorry to anyone who didn’t buy a house pre - covid :(
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
Well even the land itself is worth more than I paid, and 5 years of no problems is a great start. But will find a good inspector and see if I really did get that lucky!
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
Thank you! I wish I could give advice that was relevant to the current time . If I was 24 and didn’t own a home I’d probably be having to do math on buying a 100k home in a super cheap area in a different state. But that would come with other hidden costs like having to own a car, not having access to good medical care, possibly higher crime rate, if I didn’t have a WFH job then finding a job will most likely be a pay cut and if I lost my WFH job I’d have to most likely take a lower paying job, then of course if I wanted to see my family ever I’d have to budget in that…
Ugh. IDK man, I feel awful for people just 5 years younger than me.
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
Hey man I didn’t say it was smart!
And it was one of those things where it’s like I had X amount of money, and afterwards I was going to have not much money at all. So spending $300 more of that tiny remaining money was uncomfortable.
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
The simple, but annoying answer, was luck and fear.
I grew up in poverty on account of my father going to prison very young and my unprepared mom having to somehow take care of 3 kids and realizing he had made lots of money vanish and stolen lots of the money we did have that needed to be returned, and instead of inheriting money irresponsibly, I got a crippling fear of debt and spending money on non necessities.
But at the same time I was making around 70k a year at 25, because at 20 I got my associates in IT, then found a job paying above what I was asking for in under a month after graduating, and I still work at that job 10 years later as they’ve been very reasonable through everything. Getting that job SOO fast that worked out so well was just pure luck.
Also I couldn’t buy the house I’m in anymore, buying at 25 instead of 26 was pure luck. If I had been born a year later, buying at 25 wouldn’t have worked. The price of the house went up about 100k a few months later.
Also even in 2019, my home was considered a fantastic deal. A 2k square foot town home for 240k in a medium sized city (the one I grew up in), within walking distance of main street. It has an hoa, but it only has 9 other town homes in it, and we have a massive shared common area and pool. Having a pool I only have to share with a dozen other people is a luxury I never imagined. Hoa fee is 200$ and they’ve only ever asked me to pull weeds around my house when a neighbor was selling theirs and they wanted it to look pretty to help out a neighbor.
So I actually don’t have a car (too expensive) and I can walk/bike to grocery stores, doctors appointments, the like. To top it off it’s only about 3 miles from where my mom lives, and we just recently moved my grandma into a senior living center about a mile away so she’s close to me and my mom.
So, yeah. I just saved every penny to a stupid level, then got rather lucky. Saving every penny at my income wouldn’t have worked without the luck. Never being unemployed in my entire life was pure luck. Finding a home that met all my needs perfectly within my budget was crazy.
The cheapest home in this city are 200k 900 square feet town homes, but because of the interest rates the monthly payments are 50% higher than my beloved home.
But all that luck wouldn’t have meant a thing if I hadn’t saved like crazy. Sooo… yeah. For context, after much cajoling from counseling I have agreed to allow myself 100$ fun budget per month, and $400 a month for food so I buy more “nice” food. My only debts are a little bit of my college loans (I paid off all the high interest ones and the only ones left are like 3%. I had a tradition where every tax return I just put the entire thing towards the highest interest student loan) and my mortgage which is at 4.25%. I’m going to retire a millionaire and with a fully paid off home.
But it’s so sad, because people taking the EXACT same actions as me, but 2 years younger, won’t. They’ll have to rent their entire life, or buy a home out in the middle of nowhere away from family and services. Which means they’ll most likely need a car and have to pay other premiums.
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 62 comments