Considering that when people paid $100 for that OS they were told that it would be the “last Windows to be released”, shouldn’t there be a class action lawsuit?
Microsoft wants $30 to let you keep using Windows 10 securely for another year
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
They weren’t told that, that was an off-hand comment by an employee (not even a spokesperson) that the media took and ran with. 3 months ago
For what it’s worth
“Recent comments at Ignite about Windows 10 are reflective of the way Windows will be delivered as a service bringing new innovations and updates in an ongoing manner, with continuous value for our consumer and business customers,” says a Microsoft spokesperson in a statement to The Verge. “We aren’t speaking to future branding at this time, but customers can be confident Windows 10 will remain up-to-date and power a variety of devices from PCs to phones to Surface Hub to HoloLens and Xbox. We look forward to a long future of Windows innovations.” 3 months ago
Why l would pay 30$ to dumpester fire OS to use it securely for another year when l could install Linux for free with more than 7 year security support? 3 months ago
I switched to Linux myself but can we please stop lying about Linux being a drop-in replacement? There is enough sofware that does not work. 3 months ago
A lot of Linux users here think the conversation begins and ends with game support. A lot of us use our computers for work and there is a lot of productivity and creative software that does not play nice with Linux. I’ve probably said this a dozen times here before but I’ll say it again: Not all of us use our computers solely for gaming. 3 months ago
Absolutely. Especially software that has to interface with specific hardware, which often times can have issues working properly with Windows VMs.
Which isn’t a problem for me because I can just dedicate some old hardware for baremetal Win10, but not everyone has that luxury. 3 months ago
It comes with a free frozen yogurt. That Microsoft calls frogurt. 3 months ago
…you sob, I’m in. 3 months ago
His name is Neil! 3 months ago
Wait. They want me to pay for something I already paid for?
Well guess my $2.5k new windowless machine is looking better everyday. 3 months ago
You actually paid for Windows? 3 months ago
Oh yeah. Windows XP Professional 64 bit. Each “upgrade” used the same license and never really got screwy until 10. Won’t go to 11. 3 months ago
“Enrolled PCs will continue to receive Critical and Important security updates for Windows 10; however, new features, bug fixes, and technical support will no longer be available from Microsoft,” explains Yusuf Mehdi, executive vice president and consumer chief marketing officer at Microsoft.
Don’t threaten me with a good time. 3 months ago
Anyone who’s had to open a Microsoft support ticket can assure you technical support is already not available from Microsoft. 3 months ago
You have to be a really, really big company with an established connection with Microsoft to actually talk to the real engineers. Any tier of regular support only gets you the “sfc and clean boot” garbage. 3 months ago
Remember when Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows? 3 months ago
I 'member.
Twas Dicky 14 or so, and I plan to make good on Microsofts words. 3 months ago
Fuck that. I already paid for the Pro edition of 10 specifically for features Windows 11 doesn’t have in any version. IDGAF if it’s free; it’s not an upgrade. 3 months ago
I’m a windows user (on my game computers) and have never paid for windows lawl. I’m not about to start now. 3 months ago
This is like people complaining about how Ubuntu 16.04 LTS isn’t supported no more. 3 months ago
Yes, but you don’t migrate to Windows 11 from those. 3 months ago
You do migrate to newer Linuxes with new de and python versions, and all the breaking changes that entails which means spendjng another week chasing down broken stuff. 3 months ago
To my knowledge upgrading to the newer release of any of those linux distros was blocked by having only slightly old and perfectly serviceable hardware. 3 months ago
To my knowledge upgrading to the newer release of any of those linux distros did not cost any money to the users. 3 months ago
Windows XP. 2001–2019. If 10 beats that I’ll be impressed 3 months ago
2014… the POS edition (basically LTSC) was 2019 3 months ago
I migrated someone running mission critical software off of CentOS 6 this year.
People hate upgrades. 3 months ago
If you’re somewhat tech savvy and absolutely need Windows, look into Windows 10 LTSC. 3 months ago
Windows 10 Enterprise IoT LTSC specifically 3 months ago 3 months ago
Thank you for your service to Linux adoption o7 3 months ago
If Microsoft wants to buy me a new computer to get me off Win10, they’re more than happy to. 3 months ago
I just installed the latest version of Debian on a 12 year old netbook. Just sayin. 3 months ago
I’m assuming that’s a Linux thing, because no one asked. 3 months ago
My company has absolutely no plan for the end of Windows 10. I bet they’ll rather throw money at MS than come up with some kind of strategy. 3 months ago
Look at it this way, $30 per machine is a helluva lot cheaper than mitigating whatever 11 will break.
Not to say don’t update, but Enterprise works on this stuff in advance, testing their systems with the newest versions as their Betas are released, to develop their mitigation strategies (including staged deployments).
Even there, $30 is cheap insurance if they need a little extra time to address issues.
For the home user, fuck that. Just ensure your security model includes layers, e.g. Don’t run as admin, isolate systems that are at risk, etc.
Hell, at homeI run different VLANS for my own stuff (cause I do risky things), one for TV (because those things are terrible about security), another one for everyone else, and a guest network. 3 months ago
Fuck me harder, Daddy Microsoft. 3 months ago
Anyone still defending Microsoft at this point has cognitive dissonance and deserves what they get. Seriously people - just use Linux. And for the 1% of you that can’t get that 1% of your programs working in Linux - just dual boot.
It’s like people forgot how to use computers. 3 months ago
What am I dual booting if I can’t use win10 because it’s not secure, and I’m not paying for win11? 3 months ago
If whatever programs you need don’t require internet access and you aren’t at risk of evil maid attacks then it hardly matters if win10 isn’t secure. It definitely isn’t ideal, but if the options are:
A) Do all your personal stuff on linux and only boot w10 when you have to, offline.
B) Only have w10 and run hope.exe for security.
I’d choose A. 3 months ago
You can download the Windows 11 ISO from Microsoft for free. There’s a gajillon different ways to activate it for free, too. But if you only need it to run some software, you don’t need to activate it. 3 months ago
Most people who are fed up with Microsofts crap simply don’t buy a new computer anymore. They just do everything on an iPad (maybe pro) or similar without Windows. Gamers switch over to consoles, with Nintendo and Steam deck being preferred. Those things may run Linux like the Steam deck or another non Windows OS, but the user won’t notice or care since they don’t interact with it.
The time of the desktop and to a lesser extent the laptop has come and gone. It’s only for enthusiasts and people at work. At work people probably just use the same couple of apps or even just a browser with a webapp and never really interact with the OS. If it’s even a full computer and not a thin client connecting to a virtual desktop environment. People don’t know or care about OSes. Maybe they’ll bitch about Windows at times, but they bitch about a lot of things at work and they have no influence over any of it. 3 months ago
I think your right about waning support for desktop for general use, as in the “home” computer but saying gamers will switch to Nintendo or Steam Deck, not a chance in my opinion…the whole reason people game on PC is a varied story, for me personally I wanted to experience the best graphics at the time, whatade me stick around is the realization that I can pay any game I want from any console in history with any controller I want, I dont have to pay for internet, I don’t have to worry about backwards compatiilty and I’m free to shop around for amazing deals on games.
Your right about the average family home not buying in but your wrong about “gamers” or more accurately any tech person just switching or dropping windows 3 months ago
This is on anticheat software at this point. “1%” of us can’t play many of our favorite games without dual boot and there are nitpicks with that that suck ass too. VFIO only brings you so far. 3 months ago
I expected them to charge more, to be honest. 3 months ago
like win7 esu subscription?
that was $50 first year, $100 second year, $200 third year, per pc, plus upgrade cost to pro if you had a lesser edition. 3 months ago
Still cheaper than my Arch Premium membership 3 months ago
Sounds like they’re about to get sued by the EU because they’re basically asking you to pay again for a product you should already paid for. Discontinuing a service that was advertised as the “last windows you’ll ever need” is one thing, but sending you another bill is something entirely different. Microsoft might just have ensured the longevity of Win10 for the foreseeable future without making much if any profit from it. 3 months ago
Requiring a support contract to receive continuing updates of software that was very publicly approaching end of support, with published EoL dates for years now does not break any laws.
By that logic, no support contracts are legal in the EU at all, and no product would ever be sunset. 3 months ago
Weird, you’d think that would have been the case when they did the same thing for windows 8, 7, vista, etc… 3 months ago 3 months ago
What Windows 10?🖕🐧 3 months ago
Please just force me to upgrade to Windows 11 already. I’d love to, but my hardware doesn’t satisfy some arbitrary requirements they set for Windows 11. 3 months ago
I thought that too, with the TPM thing
Turns out it’s just turned off by default on a lot of mobos. You just go into bios and enable it
Then use a program called Rufus to make a bootable flash drive but without all the shite and spyware, and just upgrade W10 to 11 in minutes
Honestly I put it off for ages because of everyone saying how bad it was, turns out they just don’t know how to customise it to their liking
Probably spending too much time trying to get their printer to work on Linux lol 3 months ago
My pc auto-upgraded because I donwloaded what I thought was just a regular update. I’ve been using 11 for like a year already, and it’s fine. Install powertoys, run christitus utility… The one thing that really bothered me for a while was not having as granular of a control of my taskbar, but that only lasted for like two weeks. 3 months ago
Mine doesn’t satisfy them, either. I switched off TPM in BIOS. 3 months ago
The herd keeps me secure 3 months ago
I bet they would be willing to do it right while you are in the middle of something important if you paid them an extra $30 on top of that. 3 months ago 3 months ago
obligatory 🐧 3 months ago
I like all the comments ready to take a fisting in the ass from Microsoft just to keep Windows 10.
If you raised a fucking stink instead of taking this shitty deal, they may be forced to keep supporting it for free anyway like they did with Windows 7.
They’ve got you fuckers cowed into paying for the convenience of getting fucked, don’t they? 3 months ago
Microsoft: heh heh heh, looks like you’ll be paying me $30 for that windows 10 installation.
Me: Bitch, I’m on Windows 7, and keep ignoring the OS bitching at me to turn the firewall on! 3 months ago
if that is connected to the internet, its probably infested 3 months ago
It would make sense if Microsoft was liable for any security faults. I’d actually pay for something like that but of course you’re probably paying for some nebulous promise of something between security at best effort basis and whatever they feel like.