- Comment on Github: Nintendo Submit DMCA Notices to Ryujinx Forks 5 days ago:
Their insistence on sueing the world of emulation ensures I’ll never buy another Nintendo console ever again. (And I’ve bought all of them so far). Their actions cause the opposite effect of what they want - they are creating pirates.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
And the sunk costs aren’t even a thing tbh. You can just go pirate your books with zero moral dilemmas since you actually paid for it and they took it away.
- Comment on Where do I buy computer parts nowdays? 4 weeks ago:
I agree. Newegg used to be great but not anymore. Amazon often has what you’re looking for and at the best price. Not everyone has a micro center or equivalent nearby.
I agree, post an alternative instead of just bitchin!
- Comment on Broadcom reverses controversial plan in effort to cull VMware migrations 2 months ago:
The most annoying thing isn’t even the price hikes or the direct sales - it’s the ambiguity they’ve introduced into things. “Hey we need pricing for xyz”. “Ya, we’re not sure if we’re going to quote that”.
It’s like quote it or take the account - but the customer has a project and you won’t make up your mind. Seriously, we have quotes stuck in pergatory for over 6 months, yet they won’t call the end user and sell direct. Customers literally can’t buy VMware even if they are ok with a 1000x cost - and they wonder why people are moving on.
Budgeting season is sept-Dec. I think everyone I know is kicking off a migration project for 2025 to another platform - mostly because they can’t get a quote/licenses. VMware is screwed and it’s only just begun.
- Comment on Microsoft wants $30 to let you keep using Windows 10 securely for another year 4 months ago:
Anyone still defending Microsoft at this point has cognitive dissonance and deserves what they get. Seriously people - just use Linux. And for the 1% of you that can’t get that 1% of your programs working in Linux - just dual boot.
It’s like people forgot how to use computers.
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 5 months ago:
Can’t you just use chrome for the camera feeds and Firefox (or something else) for everything else?
- Comment on Good PS5 controller? 5 months ago:
It’s expensive but I recently bought a flydigi apex 4 controller and I absolutely love it. Seems to work with everything, is solidly built, and has precise controls.
I’m sure there are other options too, but this is one of the good ones!
- Comment on Samsung TVs will get 7 years of updates, starting with 2023 models 6 months ago:
I’m old
I remember dlp tvs and 40 inch tubes that weighed 200lbs.
I bought one of the first 1080p large screen LCDs that wasn’t $10k. A Sony XBR 46” for like $3000. At one point, I thought “man I should replace that TV, I can get a bigger screen, a thinner bezel, and better blacks”
And then I remember that this 20 year old TV has no internet connection, no ads, no bs, a million connections of any type (want to hook up that retro console - boom this tv can do it) AND it still looks good after all these years. It’s arguably a great tv, better than a lot of the crap being sold today. Funny and unexpected.
I think I’ll keep that TV forever.
- Comment on The Sound Of Failure At Sonos 6 months ago:
Somebody much smarter than me needs to hack this system. I’d pay to support it.
It’s beyond BS that functionality gets deleted from a product I purchased. I knew the risk of investing into an ecosystem that “required” an app to work. Shame on me, I get what I deserve I guess. Still doesn’t make it right.
- Comment on Microsoft is bringing annoying Windows 11 Start menu ads to Windows 10 6 months ago:
You must be fun at parties
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
But you’re describing something like a hard paywall. I have to do a thing BEFORE they publish the video. Fair game. Weird that they don’t do that, but then bitch about me using an ad blocker.
I think we’ve reached the point of “violently agreeing”. :)
Good chat.
I think if companies put effort into reasonable amounts of ads, and tried hard at keeping the malware in check - people would be more willing to let the ads through and let them make money. If they make money, I get content - win win.
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
You may be right, but I can’t imagine how they’d actually pull it off. The internet as a medium just doesn’t work that way - there’s always going to be a flag or a call for me to go pull ad data from somewhere else, and someone somewhere will write code that ignores that command.
Great for them if they figure it out, but the medium doesn’t work in their favor. They want to frog to be an elephant, and when it proves to be a poor elephant they cry to the govt. to fix it with laws and dmca takedowns and whatnot. That’s just a waste of taxpayer money, and annoys people on the medium.
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
Agree 100%. IF they figure it out - which they won’t for more than a day or two. They know the only real solution is to lock their content up and protect it, but they don’t, and then they get bent out of shape. The companies get weird about it - not the users.
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
No, I’m on the “you’re freely posting content to the internet - some of which I want to consume(videos), others not so much (ads)” plan. I never asked them to post anything, never entered a contract, etc.
If they lock the content up, and stop freely posting it, then fine, I’ll stop consuming and go elsewhere. If I can’t live without the content, then I can decide to pay up. It’s their content - they can do whatever they want with it. But they can’t get mad at ad blockers if they put their stuff out there for free.
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
I’ll never understand the entitlement of these companies when it comes to ads. You send the content freely to my computer along with BS ads. It’s my computer. I’ll display what I want using programs I want.
If you want me to pay for that content with $ or by watching ads - then put up a hard paywall and stop sending the content for free. You can’t get uppity and complain about ad blockers - it doesn’t make any sense…
The real problem is your content sucks and nobody is willing to pay for it. And that’s your problem - not mine.
- Comment on Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements 6 months ago:
Preach! If this guy was my sysadmin at work, I’d fire him.
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
Hollow knight Elden ring Nier Automata
- Comment on Apple iPhone sales decline 10% in first three months of 2024 10 months ago:
I get that, I do. I wanted the phone I wanted, bent over, and let Apple give it to me with no lube.
But in my defense-I did go an entire decade not buying a phone. ;)
- Comment on Apple iPhone sales decline 10% in first three months of 2024 10 months ago:
I was rocking an iPhone 6. Yes, a 6. My wife had an xs max - two weeks ago she dropped it and it smashed. We went and bought a pair of iPhone 15 pro max phones, fully loaded.
- they are ridiculously expensive - over 2k a piece. Most people can’t afford that. What happened to sub $1000 phones?
- yes there’s a lot of improvements over the 6. But the 6 still functioned perfectly - albeit a bit slowly
- the only improvement I can tell as a user over the CDs max is the cameras. They are arguably better. Otherwise it’s the same phone.
- the software is nearly identical on all three versions. There’s not many “ooo this one does xyz like this, and that’s an improvement”
Bottom line: there just isn’t a reason to upgrade a phone anymore, unless they break. Sales HAS to go down if the price point stays the same or goes up.
- Comment on Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling 10 months ago:
Do it. Get a second hard drive and distro hop. Eventually you’ll find what you like and use windows less and less. Doesn’t have to be all or nothing at one point in time.
- Comment on Microsoft won't update your Windows 11 PC if it has these apps 10 months ago:
Glad they have time to call out everyone else’s problems, yet Microsoft still can’t fix their broken jan win 10 update.
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
It’s too bad that the year of the linux desktop has been so long in the coming. Because now, it really is far superior to windows. Bluetooth, printers, and games even “just work” these days.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Why on gods green earth would you tip when you’re picking up a to-go order? Insanity! Stay strong - don’t do it!
- Comment on Return to office is ‘dead,’ Stanford economist says. Here’s why 1 year ago:
I know you guys are going to hate this, but I’m seeing a trend develop that no one is talking about. Work in our office is being divided up differently, jobs are morphing. There’s the work that can be done from home, and the work that can’t. Guess which one the bosses are talking about farming out to third world countries.
In my opinion hybrid is the way. Go in three days a week, do the things that require a physical presence, don’t worry about your job getting off shored.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
Hundreds of commands is just not true with many distros. Everything is gui based these days. The command line is worth getting familiar with, but it’s not necessary.
- Comment on Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12 1 year ago:
Just curious - what stuff?
Dual boot for just that thing?
- Comment on Pfizer says it will price Covid treatment Paxlovid at nearly $1,400 for a five-day course, which researchers estimate only costs Pfizer $13 to produce. That's a 10,000%+ markup. Shameful. 1 year ago:
I know they funded moderna - they basically built Moderna’s new plants including their cmo’s plant so that they could produce at scale. Govt built and funded the plants at risk - prior to fda approval - so that it massively sped up the process to getting the drug in people’s hands. Those plants are now used for other drugs.
I think - but not 100% sure - Pfizer did it on their own.
Still - 10,000% is shameful.
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
Linux can do literally any backup plan you want, to anywhere you want, with the click of a few buttons. You almost have too many options that all work great.
Doesn’t r sync also ship with like everything? Ya I know - a scary command line - but anyone online could help you in one minute. Ask a few questions, ok here’s this crazy long command that looks scary, but it’s really not that bad. Just run this command when you want to do a backup and your good. Come back here if you need help restoring (hint boot into another live environment and swap the source and destination and run it backwards)
Linux backups are cake.
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
I know everyone hates the automatic response of “just switch to linux” in response to Microsoft’s BS. BUT, it’s really so true - more people need to just do it and get over their fear of linux. It has been a totally stable easy option for a long time now.
Install an easy distro like mint and you’re literally up and running in a gui environment in like 10 minutes. Your grandmother could run it no problem. For the gamers out there - a good chunk of your stuff just works these days, and you can always dual boot windows for that game that doesn’t perform well (even better just get a small cheap 2nd hard drive and you can’t screw it up).
Thank you to all the people who contribute to linux and have given us a totally viable alternate.