- Comment on fireflies 1 day ago:
The sprays really kill them. The fireflies will not cross into my neighbors’ lawns, where they treat their grass.
- Comment on I could do more with native reverse image searches then I currently do with LLM AI. 3 days ago:
Why respond to a question if you’re just going to go off on a tangent without answering it?
- Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 1 week ago:
What are you even saying?
The average golf field is 150 acres. The average soccer field is 1.8 acres. You could fit over 83 soccer fields in a single soccer field.
And community soccer fields can be used for events, conferences, picnics, other sports such as frisbee, field hockey, etc. Golf courses are just a gigantic waste of space that ruin the surrounding ecosystem to cater to rich assholes.
Go to areas in Florida, Hawaii, or similar wetland areas where they’ve been drained to set up golf courses. The surrounding areas are all fucked because the golf course screwed the land and it all drains into the surrounding area. You don’t get the same with residential or business areas, because there is a lot more room in those to put small drainage areas instead of just screwing everyone for the golf course.
Yeah, take that golf course, do something else with it, and use 1/80th of that land for a multipurpose field. The entire community will be way better off.
- Comment on Reddit will lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 1 week ago:
“Wait, why is everyone going to /r/paywall_free instead of /r/paywall?”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
You still in that coma and your fantasies are getting darker.
- Comment on Not even OpenAI's $200/mo ChatGPT Pro plan can turn a profit 1 month ago:
Any of the businesses that have hopped on the AI train. $200/month is basically the price of a single Indian call center employee. A company can pay for the AI subscription and fire 90% of the call center, using humans only for escalation.
- Comment on Not even OpenAI's $200/mo ChatGPT Pro plan can turn a profit 1 month ago:
That’s nothing to a business.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
Problem is that this legitimizes their belief that there are set characteristics that define people as “manly.”
Every 30 years or so we make some sort of social progress for women and/or LGBT people, and then a panic ensues that society is trying to destroy manliness. The Joe Rogans and Andrew Tates of the world suddenly pop up and start selling their nonsense that will magically make them the man’s men that their grandfathers were (while in fact their grandfathers were being told the same thing.)
The solution to this isn’t to tell the loud whiners that their exact fears are true. It’s to divorce ourselves from the notion that being a man is determined by penis/testicle size, or even by having them at all. By telling the bigots that their worst fears are true, we’re tacitly endorsing their bigotry as legitimate, when we should be doing the exact opposite of that.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
Problem is on some calculators C is clear all and CE is clear entry, on some C is clear entry and AC is clear all, and some have a C/AC or CE/C button where it’s press once to clear entry and press twice to clear all.
So it’s safest to mash unless you really know your calculator, because the industry can’t get its shit together, and that’s the sole reason it died (I’m assuming.)
- Comment on Microsoft wants $30 to let you keep using Windows 10 securely for another year 3 months ago:
“Enrolled PCs will continue to receive Critical and Important security updates for Windows 10; however, new features, bug fixes, and technical support will no longer be available from Microsoft,” explains Yusuf Mehdi, executive vice president and consumer chief marketing officer at Microsoft.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
Is it universal that pro-lifers only make exception if the life of the person carrying the pregnancy is in danger? I’ve seen pro-lifers who make exception for rape and incest, and others who would advocate banning it in all instances, even when the life of both is at risk.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
It ultimately is religious belief.
Religious people believe the soul enters the body at conception, granting personhood, so abortion is murder. They also believe that people put to death will go before God, where they will be judged as evil and sent to Hell for eternal punishment.
Everything else is just window dressing.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
Clear and simple makes things easy, but easy is not always better. Also, the “life begins at conception” position only seems clear on the surface, but if you look deep enough things get quite muddled.
For example, is a zygote a single person? What if it later divides and becomes twins or triplets: did the twin’s life begin at conception? Did one life become two? Is a zygote a ball of life that can become one or more people?
What about miscarriages? It’s thought as many as half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but most happen so early that the carrier is not even aware they’re pregnant. If you come across a family with four kids, do you assume they likely had another 3-4 lost lives via miscarriage and hold a funeral for them?
Should people start getting child tax benefits as soon as they have a positive pregnancy test? Or is “life starts at conception” only relevant when we’re talking about abortion, but conveniently ignored everywhere else?
And what if there is a complication with pregnancy, where if an abortion is not performed both the carrier and developing human will likely die, but if an abortion is performed only the developing human will likely die? Is it now permissible? What if the carrier is a 14 year old who was raped, is suicidal, and has a high chance of stabbing themselves in the abdomen to try to self-abort if they’re not able to get an abortion: should they be restrained in a padded room until the baby is born, forced to serve as an incubator for a baby that the state will then take?
Even when your cutoff is strict, it is not always “clear” because this is a complex issue without a clear answer.
But to answer your question specifically:
Pro-choice people generally recognize that abortion is not desirable, but disagree exactly what the rules should be. Abortion does the least harm when the pregnancy is a single cell (zygote,) and in the embryo stage where most abortions occur the developing human is essentially a collection of multiple cell lines becoming differentiated into tissue but not yet developing functional organs (you’ll often hear this called “a clump of cells.”)
As the embryo develops into a fetus, the heart and brain develop and start functioning, which is where some pro-choice people start to draw a line. Others point toward viability: at about 22 weeks, a few fetuses have been known to survive with extraordinary health measures. By 36 weeks, fetuses can be live born without any extra health issues from being born early. So starting about 20 weeks, we start to recognize that pregnancies become more and more viable: that’s where a lot of people draw the line.
A very small percentage of abortions are done late in pregnancy, typically for health reasons. Not all pro-choice people are in favor of legalizing this, but many feel that in these situations, abortion is a tough decision that is best made by a patient in a careful discussion with their doctor, not by a politician they will never meet. So while these pro-choice people may not wish to see an abortion performed within a week or two of natural birth, they do not want to outlaw it so that the option is there for people who truly need it.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
What do you mean by that? You’re an anti-natalist?
- Comment on Amazon's Stock Clearance: Upgrade Your TV with Amazing Fire TV Stick Discounts 5 months ago:
Dude I use Lemmy to not see ads, why are you posting this?
- Comment on Which do you like better: Windows or Ubuntu? 5 months ago:
Vanilla Ubuntu vs. Windows 10? I’ll take Windows.
If it’s like Kubuntu or Xubuntu vs. Windows 11, then I’ll take Ubuntu, but currently my jam is Debian with XFCE.
- Comment on Snow Leopard 5 months ago:
It’s just a snow leopard, you don’t need to censor it with all that blur.
- Comment on 10 years later, Apple Pay is amazing — and about to change 5 months ago:
Apple announced that beginning with iOS 18.1, third-party developers will be able to enable tap-to-pay transactions in their own apps. Users will also be able to set a default app for contactless payments and change what happens when they double-click the power button.
- Comment on If Biden died tomorrow and Harris took over? and she won the election also. Could she work full two terms or would it count as one when Biden died? 6 months ago:
Ah, the Putin maneuver.
- Comment on If Biden died tomorrow and Harris took over? and she won the election also. Could she work full two terms or would it count as one when Biden died? 6 months ago:
Yes, hard cutoff is 2.5 terms or 10 years.
- Comment on Would I get banned here for being over active? I got banned from reddit because they thought I was a bot. And don't want to repeat the same mistake here. Thank you ahead of time. 7 months ago:
How much were you posting that they thought you were a bot?
- Comment on Many people don't realize this place is just as toxic and censored as Reddit just in smaller scale, hell I'm afraid this post will be removed as well, they hate any type of discussion... 7 months ago:
Not a surprise: you took a pot shot at Winnie the Pooh, who’s owned by Disney. You should know better than to mess with the Mouse, especially when you’re comparing one of their beloved mascots to a dictator wannabe.
- Comment on Many people don't realize this place is just as toxic and censored as Reddit just in smaller scale, hell I'm afraid this post will be removed as well, they hate any type of discussion... 7 months ago:
I’ve never been banned from a single reddit sub or lemmy community. Maybe it’s just you?
- Comment on Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs 8 months ago:
Not really, Raspberry Pi had that same issue with its 32 bit distros.
- Comment on RIP Twitter Dot Com: Elon Musk Moves Social Network to X Web Address 9 months ago:
I’m personally a fan of his new site for twitter media:
- Comment on There used to be a point were I was mostly too young to get the joke. Now I'm mostly too old to get the joke... 9 months ago:
If you’re over 12 years old you probably won’t last more than a minute.
- Comment on ChatGPT shows better moral judgment than a college undergrad 9 months ago:
What you described is exactly what an LLM is. I’m piloting one for work, and sometimes it is useful, while other times it makes up random shit.
- Comment on 💤💤 9 months ago:
Yes. His actual game type is “normal.”
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 9 months ago:
Yep, and even then it is very limited in when and where you can use it at this point.
Level 4 is the general use “high autonomy” vehicle, and while a few robotaxis and shuttles are able to do it, no regular car has it yet.
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 10 months ago:
Yes, but having 2, 3, 4, 6 as factors is way better than having only 2 and 5. We’d be giving up one factor to add three.