Now add the rest of the game…
New Starfield free update added a ground vehicle
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
really just take away the whole “space” thing. 6 months ago
Lmao, much of the reason rovers weren’t included in the base game was that would take about 3 min to reach one end of the loaded map, before you have to return to your ship and click on another map marker in the UI.
Yhst did not make for exciting exploration, but I guess they forgot about that 6 months ago
They didn’t add exciting exploration in the first place so it makes sense they would drop the pretense 6 months ago
They didn’t add exploration
Seriously, what is there to explore at all, in the first place? It’s always an uneventful time-wasting jog to whatever point of interest you want to go. When said PoI is a dungeon (building with enemies to kill and loot), you can tell from the outside how the inside will be, 100% of the time. No unique loot, no unique quests, no unique anything
Scanning flora and fauna? What for? The slimmest exp gain, a “completed” thingy item that you can sell, it’s one of the saddest attempts at padding. Besides, whatever drops you could get from them, you can buy straight from vendors. 6 months ago
free update but vehicle armor is $5. 6 months ago
To little too late. Starfield is a dead game. 6 months ago
I have a friend that in his own words likes boring games and Starfield was too boring for him. 6 months ago
I’m a huge fan of bethesda games (well, mainly TES and Fallout) and bloody hell did the hype die fast as i was playing that game. Normally bethesda games keep me playing for months, i take my time discover the fun little quests and hidden areas with lore. But Starfield? there’s what, 2 decent quest lines, little to no meaningful lore (repainting death claws doesn’t count, and you somehow managed to make space cowboys boring? impressive). And the only actually interesting faction is just straight up missing from the game, and not in a fun “Dwemer are all gone what happened to them” way, no, they’re cultists who fucked off to do cultist shit and have no involvement in the story spare for that one guy who just goes “yea here’s the thing you need bye”. And then you go on to solve the big mystery of the universe with some half assed floating debri excuse for an important item.
And i know making NPCs is hard but why did you stop at 20? you picked space for your RPG game setting and then forgot to put people that are capable of a conversation in it?? i want to hear the stories a settler on a distant world has to say! but noooo because they have to be randomly generated and meeting the same person on multiple planets would ruin the “immersion” they failed to establish
sorry rant over
This would could’ve been so much more interesting, and so much more lived in if they hired more writers to write the goddamn lore so we can care about anything that happens in that world. Bethesda reheating the good ideas they had without understanding what made them good is just, infuriating. I wanted to love that game, but now it just makes me mad by how bland it is 6 months ago
I would love to get a code break down and see how Bethesda spaghetti recoded the Skyrim horse mechanic into a vehicle. 6 months ago
Why though, I’m having a hard time imagining this bringing much life into the game… Unless I can use it to drive around the big ass city map… No? 6 months ago
It probably won’t too useful right now unless it goes really fast. But when they add in a survival mode and you need to mine lots of materials it will probably come in handy to haul stuff around. 6 months ago
So you can currently see all the boring nothingness really fast? LMAO 6 months ago
They made the Mako from Mass Effect 1 didn’t they 6 months ago
While I admire their commitment to improve the game, I spent about six hours with the Rev-8 last night. It gets stuck on things, even little tiny things far too often. Using it in the forest biomes, for example, feels like a hastle and made me want to just walk the entire time I wasvin that biome. You can definitely tell the game wasn’t built with vehicles in mind. I do enjoy the game in small doses, though. Just not sure how I feelbaboit this. Other than that, it does feel nice, it handles well (surprisingly) and when the game allows it, specifically in the more open areas, it is fun to drive. 6 months ago
Does it actually move faster than sprinting? 6 months ago
Unless they did a physics overhaul, not much faster. Collision physics in that game engine are really wonky, and good vehicles need good collision. Pardon the pun. 6 months ago
It’s still Daggerfall under the hood right? 6 months ago
So is your car the only car in the universe? As far as I recall the only form of local transportation has been that miniature train system on New Atlantis. If your own transport ships need to travel to an outpost 200 meters away, they go to space and back to get there. 6 months ago
There were several prop rovers on a number of locations, but they were just set dressing. This is obviously the only working rover in the universe 6 months ago
You know I’m kind if amazed that Starfield has a 10k (24hr peak) playerbase according to SteamDB. Comparatively speaking, it’s doing better than other dumpster fires like halo infinite 6 months ago
I did not care for Starfield, but I would argue that it is not actually a “dumpster fire”, just kind of a mid game. Maybe even slightly better than mid. 6 months ago
Agreed. It’s just very mediocre. Luma HDR mod is absolutely beautiful though, and I recommend it for anyone with a HDR monitor. It makes the game look absolutely stunning. It’s basically the only reason I played it lol. 6 months ago
I’m inclined to disagree but perhaps I’m just jaded by prior entries built against that engine. With that said, it’s pretty unique to starfield that curiosity is never rewarded in this supposedly vast universe. 6 months ago
Sweet, can’t wait to see what modders do with this as a template. 6 months ago
Based on past experience, first will probably be Thomas the Tank Engine 6 months ago
Joke’s on you, this time it’ll be the horse drawn carriage from the Skyrim intro. 6 months ago
I’m gonna wait for the Tommy Wiseau mod 6 months ago 6 months ago
The “REV-8”?
Damn, the very next update will come after you. (The Rev-9 was the Terminator from Dark Fate) 6 months ago
Is this a meme or are people still playing starfield? 6 months ago
Right now, it’s sitting at #153 on steam charts. It’s still averaging some 6-7k players with peaks of 10k, so yes, people are playing. Less than half of what Skyrim is pulling and roughly half of what FO4 was pulling before the show premiered. 6 months ago
FUCK YEAH 6 months ago
Imagine playing a game at release 6 months ago
Oh boy, can’t wait for modders to dress it up as various star wars speeders 6 months ago
this is the biggest disappointment to me. the game wasn’t good enough to justify all the crazy star wars mods that could have been. even lightsabers and speeders won’t make this into a good game unfortunately 6 months ago
Do you get a loading screen when you step in and out of the vehicle? 6 months ago