The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.
- Comment on Any book with contemporary setting will eventually be a book with historical setting 1 week ago:
What if it’s a live service book?!
- Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am ↗Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 37 comments
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Oh it couldn’t have happened to a better bunch! 😈
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
I mean it’s a Jeep. You don’t buy that if you don’t want a limp car, anyways. :P
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 3 weeks ago:
Wait… wrong game.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 3 weeks ago:
Aren’t federal judges Article III judges?
If so, congress can remove them. The same congress that’s in republican hands, too.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 3 weeks ago:
You aren’t dehumanizing anyone. Nazis did the dehumanizing themselves, who are you to object to that personal freedom of choice.
- Comment on Heroes of Might and Magic is the best Might and Magic 3 weeks ago:
The two Xeen games are still such a fuzzy memory to me. Being able to install them into the same folder was so wtf at the time. 😅
- Comment on Why are there triangles in the infill that get filled with one layer? 3 weeks ago:
Hrm, unlike then. I was thinking whether someone had added that solid-layer-every-X-layers option to the slice. (sadly can’t remember the name, and am at work)
- Comment on Why are there triangles in the infill that get filled with one layer? 3 weeks ago:
Was this a ready-to-print file you got from someone? Or one that you sliced yourself?
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
Could even decorate it with a pattern based on an asian symbol commonly found on temples!
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
That’s a good question. I would hope so!
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
It’s up to each game dev to police their forums, AFAIK.
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 3 months ago:
I mean yeah, no shit. The steam forums could be removed at no loss to the human race, in fact it’d remove a significant percentage of all really shitty talk on the internet if they deleted everything entirely.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Oh I dis not know that! Interesting! Thanks for the correction.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
I mean even if it repeats “the Twitter mistake” that’d still be another 13-14 years to go. Who knows where short-form social media will be conceptually in that time and whether any competition in the space is even still relevant.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Yes and no. It was already rejection at the selection stage back then, but you luckily never had to. You got one from your ISP, or your university, and you just used that. Sure, some techies had their own mail server or so but it’s just mail, just use what you got was enough for the vast vast majority of people.
You’ve got mail!
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Honestly? I needed a Gmail account anyways, so I might as well use that. Same hammer-analogy, not going to buy a new one while mine is working.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Wasn’t like the US people couldn’t have trivially prevented that by actually going to the votes instead of not voting. At some point it’s willful on behalf of the people. 🤷
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Yeah that’s why I’m on Bluesky. Twitter was always just a “check whether company XYZ said something about their servers being down”-place.
And Bluesky has a lot of these companies now. A few government places OTOH are on Mastodon. I have both, but both exclusively in this capacity.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
I just loooove how pppl believe that whether something has VC-funding or is federated has any effect at all on how people pick software and systems to use.
I mean, users don’t even not care, because “caring vs not caring” assumes that the metric they can care about or not mentally exists in their context for judging a decision. Which it does not. Which is a very important part so many software designers of user-facing software forget, to users a short-form posting instance is a tool. A hammer. You use the one you got. Once it becomes defunct, you get a new one. You pick one that all your friends use, because hey, must be great if everyone uses it. Does it have some downsides? Maybe, but frankly it’s a hammer who cares?!
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
I tried to join Beehaw simply because a reddit community I was actively part in went there.
I got told that’s not a valid reason to join, and that further applications from me would be ignored. I mean… okay? Sure… guess I’m no longer part of that community.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Which AFAIK isn’t a standard, so… 🤷
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Probably not. Currently it seems on track that you’re always first on their main instance. If you’re technically inclined you could then start hosting a federated part yourself (or joining one), but this does not change that the actual entry experience is exactly the same as on Twitter, hence why transition is so insanely smooth and painless.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
People who genuinely think like this (as in, that users going to Bluesky is somehow bad, surprising or something only stupid people do) are the very reason systems such as Mastodon cannot work. And sadly they naturally pervade such systems, at a development, administration and user level.
- Comment on Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered and the long-awaited 2.0 patch update for Warcraft 3: Reforged have just launched on PC for Warcraft's 30th anniversary 3 months ago:
All four remaining players are very happy!
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
Oh yeah definitely. The expansion was such a cool thing, and the limited scope really helps it rather than hurting it.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
one of the greatest stories in this medium
I mean admittedly I don’t read cyberpunk as a genre, but as an avid reader I find that hard to believe. My two standout sub-stories are the intro heist and the expansion’s main story, and while those are awesome, they’re not exactly literary masterpieces. The rest of the game’s story is… amateurish? But not in a bad way? Like, it’s servicable as the thin motivational veneer you expect from an open world game, and doesn’t stand out either way, which is more or less what you want from your open world story: To not get in the way. The last few parts are quite bad though and show how much the story must have been cut apart and pieced together to fit a release date.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
I gave up on it initially, annoyed by it’s deluge of bugs coupled with the overall tepid and empty-feeling design.
I gave it a serious go a year ago after also getting the expansion. I wanted to not use any mods but ended up having to use one anyways, as CDPR still couldn’t be arsed to fix some keys being hardcoded so changing your keyboard layout is annoying as stuff gets in the way. Luckily, fans fixed that issue and made all keys rebindable. <3
I will say… I enjoyed it. It’s nothing superb to me, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable romp. It’s big upside were the visual design, in particular during the expansion and its high points like the top floor of the tower or the sequence at the space port, the great voicework and Songbird in particular and when you meet her. I also liked the expansion and the tutorial stories a lot.
It’s weak points to me were the open world itself which feels pointless and a thin, lifeless, facade plus the main story itself. Character progression was also super broken back in the days but by the time I played felt a lot better, so I’m not really holding it against the game. That being said, there were still quite a lot of bugs and glitches. Nothing major a reload here or there could not fix, but still considering how long the game has been out.So yeah, solid 7/10 for me. The expansion is fantastic, wish the whole game were like that!