- Comment on Rackspace moving some of its own workloads off VMware 3 weeks ago:
Different groups selling different things. OpenStack still around, albeit a shell of it’s former scale
- Comment on Rackspace moving some of its own workloads off VMware 3 weeks ago:
… You do realize that they still have hundreds of thousands of VMs in their OpenStack services? Those are VMs too.
Hell back in 2008 Slicehost had more than 40k VMs before Rackspace bought em.
Wait till you hear about places like AWS or Azure…
- Comment on Why are there triangles in the infill that get filled with one layer? 3 weeks ago:
Those look like bridge before it would build something in top of a part above where there would have previously been void. Making a scaffold of sorts for something above. Since they have to anchor to existing lines, they stretch between existing infill locations. With lower infill %, you’ll see them more prominently.
- Comment on someone tell Luigi about this 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Time for a little break 4 weeks ago:
Some nurses still trying to save a life from a distance…
- Comment on We have the best shaped states, don't we folks 3 months ago:
“… It’s my dick in a box!”
- Comment on Researchers discover localized pain relief using known chemical reaction 3 months ago:
If gabapentin is effective but side effects are an issue, you might see benefit from pregabalin (Lyrica). I had similar issues with gabapentin brain fog at the doses I needed for a cervical spine injury.
The description my pharmacist gave when I talked to her was basically all the good stuff turned way up, side effects turned way down.
I’m on high dose of pregabalin now and it’s been life altering.
I’m watching this potentially also, but in the meantime I’m at least functional.
- Comment on Baby Showers!! :) 3 months ago:
… or are you just happy to see me?
- Comment on My little buddy (pack of 12) 3 months ago:
This is great and all but what if I need 13? Or only 11?!
Pandering to the dozen-ists while ignoring those with more complex dick needs. Shame.
- Comment on Have you ever had a shit that smelled like a hair salon? 4 months ago:
I’ve had poops that smelled bad enough to give perms to anyone in range. Does that count?
- Comment on Committing to his word 4 months ago:
Never gonna get you up, never gonna bone you down…
- Comment on 'Big, massive deterrent': Social media companies could face fines for allowing kids under 14 on their platforms 5 months ago:
Too bad they can’t do it by mental age… There’s some middle and late age toddlers that need removed from socials.
- Comment on Startup Says It'll Use Huge Space Mirror to Sell Sunlight During Nighttime 5 months ago:
- Comment on New Starfield free update added a ground vehicle 6 months ago:
… Big ass titties.
- Comment on The Hulk would be FUCKING TERRIFYING if he only became The Hulk when he was horny. 6 months ago:
Came for this gif…
Err… From?
Leaving with leaky… Uhh… Yeah.
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
… Looks like the recent images from inside my sinus’.
Less boogies though.
- Comment on YouTube Not Accessible Across Russia. 6 months ago:
Yeah… I suspect it has something to do with controlling info on Ukraine pushing back perhaps.
- Comment on This happens after 3-4 days of running the server, then I have to restart it manually. 6 months ago:
That server sounds a bit older in the teeth… Has new thermal paste been applied to the cpu? Even if the reported temps are under 90c, you might be getting hot spots causing glitches inside the package.
Worth trying a couple of different generations of kernel as well, both newer and older. You might be hitting a regression somewhere.
- Comment on Coming down your chimney 7 months ago:
The new holiday celebration for the Alien franchise looks pretty dope.
Facehuggers in the packages?
Can we get a predator franchise crossover that’s passover themed or such?
- Comment on Tryong to figure out the best way to set up a self hosted matrix server. 7 months ago:
Holy crap that is comprehensive. Great timing since I’m about to wipe and redo my server from scratch.
Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on Long COVID puzzle pieces are falling into place – and the picture is unsettling 7 months ago:
I think it actually got worse unfortunately… The long COVID IQ drop only made them double down and get louder.
- Comment on How my family got to Star Trek 7 months ago:
- Comment on Help figuring what the two non SAS ports are 7 months ago:
Absolutely this. Save trouble.
If absolutely in need of a backplane, look for old chassis parts from super micro on eBay.
- Comment on Old-timey doctors 8 months ago:
“your hot wife obviously is suffering from sexy demons. I need to use my specialized equipment to vigorously purge them from her, once each evening, and sometimes just after lunch…”
- Comment on I was there 10 months ago:
Hey … There’s no monkey in these videos.
Pack it up guys, it’s just porn.
I was all prepped to watch monkey grooming dammit.
- Comment on rip 10 months ago:
Think he’ll fit in the glove after his tour inside the autoclave?
- Comment on HE'S ZOOMING 10 months ago:
Now this is
pod racingquality Shitposting! - Comment on How to auto-reboot if CPU load too high? 11 months ago:
Run SMART short tests on your drives. Any “pending sectors” at all are failure.
If the test has any problems, especially pending sectors, replace the drive.
- Comment on I don't like what I've seen, man 11 months ago:
Ewwww. Dude those feet could have touched the food! Who knows where that food has been?!
I’ll stick to my footjobs in a more healthy establishment like that dumpster behind the waffle house.
- Comment on Same?... Yes, Same 1 year ago:
Can’t fix a tattoo with a shovel and garbage bags.