Naoki Yoshida, known as Yoshi-P and the director of Final Fantasy 14, has expressed skepticism about the feasibility of remaking Final Fantasy 9 as a single title.
Every one is mad because they’re greedily milking reruns and I’m just laughing because they clean skipped over FF8. 3 months ago
Because it’s just not possible to make fully featured games anymore? Everything’s gotta be bite sized chunks for full price. 3 months ago
The FF7 Remake games have a lot more content than the respective parts of the original 3 months ago
And it honestly breaks the flow of the story sometimes compared to the original. Rebirth’s added content felt like busywork at times to make it seem like a bigger game than it actually is.
The Honeybee sequence is peak tho, and I’ll fight anyone that says otherwise. 3 months ago
Even still, I think there’s like over a dozen games based on and around ff7 out there. It’s a bit much. Remake 3!