- Comment on Apple is once again advertising on X after more than a year 2 weeks ago:
My question is less about the OS than it is the manufacturers paying to advertise on X. Buying from them is supporting X indirectly.
- Comment on Apple is once again advertising on X after more than a year 2 weeks ago:
I did only a quick search really but couldn’t find if any major android phone manufacturers had stopped advertising on there?
- Comment on National NBN outage affecting TPG, iiNet, Internode, Vodafone 2 weeks ago:
I should try Launtel but Aussie BB have been really good for me, especially their support.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
I don’t for a second believe that religion was required for people to have good morals. It was required for control.
- Comment on I would let a chip be installed in my brain if it would allow me to erase memories of the games I have played to play them again as the first time. 3 weeks ago:
Wish granted, the chip erases your memories of games you’ve played every single time you sleep, along with all your other memories.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
His age or individual knowledge of topics outside of his work are non-issues.
He has chosen to take marching orders from Nazi President Musk, is installing back doors into sensitive systems, and has a highly suspect history that implicates him in cyber crime activities which would likely prevent him from obtaining a security clearance.
As I have stated numerous times, there is plenty of info available to criticise this man and his age is irrelevant.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
Sympathise deez nuts you moron
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
We both know why you’re here
Because I’m pointing out how idiotic it is to criticise someone based on their age when there is an absolute truckload of valid reasons to criticise them?
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
You tell me a 23 years old can be compromised
It’s almost like there’s context here.
If only there were a vetting process to allow Government to check if someone is or is likely to be compromised!
Maybe once the person has been cleared through that process we could give them something that can be recognised between agencies? Some sort of clearance?
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
At 23 you can hold a security clearance. Being 23 does not make you a liar, security risk or inherently untrustworthy.
At 50 you can be a lying stealing murdering meth addict.
His age is not the problem here.
You are demonstrably wrong. Perhaps there is an issue with your frontal lobes if you cannot comprehend this simple concept.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
There it is again, infantilizing an adult.
There’s no evidence this guy has been tricked. There’s a lot of evidence he’s a piece of shit.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
A 23 year old is an adult, can drive, have children and kill people in war.
Stop infantilising the person. You should criticise them based on their actual actions.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
So criticise him for being a boot licking clown employed by the Swasticar king.
Age is not a valid criticism here.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
Criticising the installation of back doors is valid, trying to paint me as not old enough is hilarious and more ageism.
Not only am I old enough, I happen to be a cyber security expert, capable of understanding that a Government department has more than one system, and backdoors to one system does not magically grant access to nukes.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
I’m almost old enough to be his father, and also old enough to recognise that you’re a fucking muppet
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
His age and his lack of clearance are entirely separate matters, one is worthy of criticism and the other isn’t.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
Ageism right here. There is nothing preventing a 23 year old from holding being as trustworthy as a 50 year old.
- Comment on We've increased our subscription from $9.99 to $29.99 a month 3 weeks ago:
Avoid any unexpected temporary features by subscribing to the delayed update service betanomore today!
- Comment on Trump's powerful new allies don't much like Australia 4 weeks ago:
I hope our politicians are ready to tell the American military that are stationed here to pack up and go home.
The yanks are now the biggest security threat we face.
- Comment on California just debunked a big myth about renewable energy 5 weeks ago:
renewables fulfilled 100 percent of the state’s electricity demand for up to 10 hours on 98 of 116 days
That’s a far cry from providing 100% of electricity demand for a full day.
Cherry picking stats that look good is scummy behaviour. ‘Up to’ are also weasel words when we’re talking what should be solid numbers.
People need electricity 24h day not 10h a day.
- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
Dune 2 is unwatchable on Netflix, the artifacting is actually insane.
- Comment on Arifureta Season 3 Delays Episode 12 Due to Production Issues 1 month ago:
Unreasonable deadlines and burnout amongst animators aren’t things companies tend to advertise but it is almost always the cause of delays.
- Comment on Yo, Duplo, what you doing on the 24th? 2 months ago:
Oh Im sorry, it is obviously unheard of for Chinese companies to use slaves, especially if we look at their supply chains.
- Comment on Yo, Duplo, what you doing on the 24th? 2 months ago:
Turns out production costs are lower if you use slaves
- Comment on Sleepy Bees 3 months ago:
LMAO redditors unironically defending slavery when it’s done by non-whites. Classic reddit.
- Comment on Harry Houdini Flew a Flimsy Aircraft in Diggers Rest. But Was He Really the First to Fly in Australia? 3 months ago:
I enjoyed reading about Lawrence Hargrave but his story is incredibly sad.
- Comment on aerodynamics 3 months ago:
I think it would be hydrodynamic and screw evolution I want my beef to be as aerodynamic as an F1.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 3 months ago:
One of the original supporting data sources was a myth of the Ainu people containing a woman who hunted.
If you want biased and unscientific sources keep digging into their claims.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 3 months ago:
I refuted this article when it was published based on their incredibly biased and cherry picked data sources which were entirely baseless.
I wish more people were willing to apply critical thinking and analysis to such claims. All falsified claims are a setback and detriment to humankind’s comprehension of the universe.
- Comment on Star Citizen player reports CIG is making him sign an NDA before getting a refund 3 months ago:
I received a refund in 2018 though they have since tried changing their EULA and TOS to make it harder, they have no legal standing to refuse a refund to Australian customers.
I was refunded for around $750 USD IIRC and at one point was in email contact with Will Leverett prior to my refund being approved.