- Comment on AI Generated X 1 month ago:
Exactly. That means new thoughts and ideas can’t ever come from what is currently called Ai.
- Comment on AI Generated X 1 month ago:
I’m just here to say I don’t want to read AI generated texts. Not even when marked as such. I prefer human to human communication. Generation quality isn’t there yet by a long shot.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
That might well be the case. I’m not sure if it is helpful to use those half truths which are simpler to convince certain people. Or if it weakens the point because it is in the end not really correct.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Toxicologist here. I think that take is dishonest or dumb.
Taking a lethal dose is almost never the concern with any substance in our drinking water.
Hormones, heavy metals, persistent organic chemicals, ammonia are all in our drinking water. But for all of them we can’t drink enough water to die from a high dose.
Some of them still have a large effect on our bodies.
It’s about the longterm effects. Which longterm studies to learn about. That makes them harder to study.
Still doesn’t mit flouride does anything bad longerm. But the argument is bad.
- Comment on Lmao 3 months ago:
This isn’t too uncommon for some meds.
Aber interestingly the same meds can sometimes help people who suffer from premature ejaculation.
- Comment on On bugs... 3 months ago:
It says looking at bugs all day. That state where you slowly realize that you have no idea how to fix them or what even causes them.
- Comment on Lifestyles of the Bronze Age Famous 3 months ago:
Both sound pretty metal.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Dududududu Dududududu dududu
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
Sherlock Holmes over here.
You should use your skills to teach people a out sharing data online.
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
Can I get a more jpegified version?
- Comment on Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Not Happen as a Single Title 4 months ago:
But it is.
- Comment on Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Not Happen as a Single Title 4 months ago:
They know you can’t improve on a master piece.
- Comment on Google Will Turn Off Cookies for 30 Million People on January 4 1 year ago:
Here is what I think is happening. Google blocks certain third party tracking cookies by default in chrome. They said theyll make a list to distinguish between what they call good and bad cookies. Also they’ll add built in tracking for Google into chrome.
With chrome being the most used browser by far they can use that to sell white list slots on their list or access to the built in tracking. I assume that’s what they are after.
- Comment on Grandfathered YouTube Premium users will see price increase in January 1 year ago:
Per year or per month? I’m afraid to look.
- Comment on Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation 1 year ago:
It wasn’t. It is commercial use to train and sell a programm with it and that is regulated differently than private use. The data is still 1 to 1 part of the product. In fact this instance of chatGPT being able to output training data means the data is still there unchanged.
If training AI with text is made legally independent of the license of said text then by the same logic programming code and text can no longer be protected by it at all.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I feel wishing to not go to the same old boring workplace and grasping at any straw to avoid it very well fits into one imo.
- Comment on At Meta, millions of underage users were an 'open secret,' show court filing 1 year ago:
I wish there were actual consequences that matter for this type of appalling greedy behavior.
- Comment on wave em like you just don't care 1 year ago:
But they get sugar water back in return.
- Comment on The Aliens did a little trolling 1 year ago:
I don’t think this is likely unless if none is the most voted option none gets killed. But if one always gets killed then there will be lots of campaigning and manipulating for certain votes. And the past years have shown people will fall for it.
- Comment on Act cool... 1 year ago:
Vegeta! What does the chonk-o-meter say about its choker level?
- Comment on Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? 1 year ago:
Crushed Walduts.
- Comment on I guess I'll die 1 year ago:
Roll a die to die.
- Comment on Apple considered ditching Google for DuckDuckGo in Safari’s private mode | But Apple exec argued DuckDuckGo wasn't as private as believed. 1 year ago:
The classic “let’s use the worst option because the alternative isn’t perfect” fallacy.
- Comment on workn 4 weekedz 1 year ago:
- Comment on Young people ditching ambitions over UK cost of living crisis, research finds 1 year ago:
Exploitation of domestic workers has reached its sustainability limit.
- Comment on Unity apologises. 1 year ago:
South Park hit this nail on its head.
- Comment on 'I Lost Everything': California Photographer Blames AI Bias for Instagram Ban | KQED 1 year ago:
Having largely undisclosed and privately owned platforms and algorithms dictate and decide our cultural exchange, spread of news, topics of discourse and other societally important interactions is such a horrible idea. I wish this was more obvious to the public so governments would end this. It divides sociaties, poisons public discourse and skews it with racist biases and towards hatred.
- Comment on A Question on Art Syles for Indie Games 1 year ago:
For me it comes down to overall quality of the art rather than style. Also I care whether or not the art style serves the gameplay and mood of theme of the game.
Hand drawn with smooth nice looking animations if done well is hard to beat.
Pixel art is very common so you have to do it super well to stand out these days I find. But I still love a good pixel art game.
3D or 2D using 3D models is fine too but it can quickly look bad unless executed well. While this comes last for me I want to add that I would still prefer well made 3D over mediocre hand drawn every time.
- Comment on What are some good "sticky" monsters/npc's to use as frontliners? 1 year ago:
I like throwing some ruffians from the GM guide at the players. Snagging strike is really strong. They fit in well with any group of bandits, robbers, criminal organization of choice or as hired thugs for a noble.