- Comment on BRASSICAS 5 days ago:
They’re delicious if cooked properly. I’m a lazy bastard and just microwave steam my cauliflower and broccoli though.
- Comment on Inspirational 1 week ago:
You should monetize that hobby. Go into healthcare or prostitution, maybe even life portrait artistry if you’re really good at it.
- Comment on E Ink's color ePaper tech gets supersized for outdoor displays 2 weeks ago:
That would go great as a rotating poster setup for home decoration.
- Comment on embroidery 2 weeks ago:
Come on down and make a dbzer0 account where words aren’t censored to “protect” you from being offended!
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 33 comments
- Comment on YSK: This May Have Been Unstalled on Your Device Recently 3 weeks ago:
What would you recommend for a Galaxy XCover 6 Pro? I don’t mind getting out of Google’s ecosystem.
- Comment on More Google Spyware to Enjoy! 3 weeks ago:
Android Safety Core doesn’t show up when you search for it in the Play Store.
- Comment on Maybe it's just hitting the side of the bowl. The outside of the bowl. 3 weeks ago:
Adding a small red light by the toilet might remedy this. You get to aim properly and it might not mess with your ability to go back to sleep.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 3 weeks ago:
I just played it for the first time 4 months ago and it still holds up incredibly well. The art direction definitely helps cut down on the expanded rendering capabilities of modern PCs. While you’ll still have some reduced resolutions of distant landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, you’ll barely notice it as the distance is often covered by buildings, trees, hills, Nazi fortifications, and so on.
- Comment on We've increased our subscription from $9.99 to $29.99 a month 3 weeks ago:
You should read Feed by MT Anderson. It’s a cyberpunk story where almost everyone has a computer implanted in their brain. One of the few characters who doesn’t immediately fails his job interview because he couldn’t get a DM from the guy sitting across his desk.
- Comment on 38% Gen Z adults suffering from 'midlife crisis', stuck in 'vicious cycle' of financial, job stress 1 month ago:
It’s more profitable for shareholders that way.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
It’s too bad we never got a third installment. It would’ve been cool to see where they’d go after Serkonos like the Pandyssian Continent. With the way things are going with the devs that’s probably a good thing though.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
Fantasian. It was made by the father of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi and composed by Nobuo Uematsu and feels just like a PS1 era FF game. It’s a bittersweet sensation knowing this is probably the last time we’ll have such a title made by these legendary figures working together but I’m happy they released it all the same.
- Comment on McDonald's selling Evangelion Burgers in Japan 2 months ago:
It’s the mayo.
- Comment on Tawny Newsome Says Live Action Star Trek Workplace Comedy Will Explore Life Outside The Federation 2 months ago:
Finally! I’m willing to bet it’s gonna take place on a cafe or gumbo shop.
- Comment on It was obviously this guy, how do I collect my $10K reward? 2 months ago:
The opsec of the assassin is pretty solid. I wouldn’t be surprised he swapped out his clothing at some camera blind spot to blend in with the city crowds and misdirect the investigators instead of going to Central Park as it was reported.
- Comment on Microsoft built a PC that can't run local apps — Windows 365 Link starts at $349 and doesn't come with storage 3 months ago:
Surely this must be the final straw that broke the camel’s back of Microsoft’s PC dominance.
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch yet another security flaw, suggests users just buy new routers — D-Link told users to replace NAS last week 3 months ago:
Instead of trusting DLink with an off the shelf NAS, it might be easier to build your own with a Raspberry Pi running openmediavault hooked up to a couple of USB hard drives. It’s worked well for me for over 6 years now with no issue and could cost way less.
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 3 months ago:
Like a parasitic worm lodged in RFK’s brain you mean.
- Comment on Horse denier 3 months ago:
If horses aren’t real then where is the power coming from the car’s engine? Checkmate.
- Comment on "Your body, my choice:" Hate and harassment towards women spreads online 3 months ago:
It’s as stale as our collective taste for it apparently. We’d have had pro reform politicians elected to power otherwise.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
Part of the reason is because most people don’t notice the lawsuits or think this is boilerplate legal stuff that happens in the background all the time. They’re too distracted by the entertainment side of things.
- Comment on New mobile features are sh*t these days 3 months ago:
The free market has been deliberately shit at meeting the demands of the market for quite some time. Big players like Apple have been very good at manufacturing hype and loyalty to deliver mediocre products for a consistent revenue stream instead. Smaller companies are either too irrelevant to make an impact or just try to mimic the more successful companies instead.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
Yeah it’s stuff like this that can make a huge problem like with the Mars Climate Orbiter crashing because its programmers were mixing and matching SI and Imperial units. Adding a few minutes to a document can save hours of looking stuff up for the reader later.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
The lack of labeling each variable (with units!) in equations really boils my piss. Yes the author knows them by heart, but even peers in the same field could struggle to understand what they mean. If introductory chemistry and physics instructors beat the practice into their students I see no excuse for authors to leave them out in a thesis.
- Comment on My Pleasure, Sold, and Sure Will! 4 months ago:
Pretty sure it’s a closed loop surveillance CRT TV used in security rooms of yesteryear. You can even see a small handle at the front meant to fit inside a rack for an array of them.
- Comment on Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Not Happen as a Single Title 4 months ago:
They had so much filler too. The giant mechanical hand sitting on a junk pile in Shinra is cool as a bit of a background piece, but not as an entire puzzle corridor. The remakes are littered with little things like this that deliberately slow down the pacing in a not very meaningful way.
- Comment on Watch out, Microsoft Outlook could soon give away when you're sneakily working from home 4 months ago:
It’s already started for me today. Teams now snitches on those who are remote and there’s no way to shut it off. My status is no longer just “Available”, it’s now “Available, Out of office”. Fuck Microsoft!
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 4 months ago:
The game was a lot of fun. The only issue I had with it was how the endings branch out. I won’t go into too much detail but let’s say I didn’t expect a seemingly benign choice leading me to become such an asshole.
- Comment on End nuclear fusion! 5 months ago:
The alternative is to use extremely limited quantities of gas crucial for MRIs, chip making, metallurgy, and a few other high tech applications. But hey, pretty balloons.