As stupid as it says on the tin. Can you remove hair clogs with Nair?
EDIT: I don’t actually have a drain that needs to be unclogged. This is a showerthoughtquestion.
Guys…he TOTALLY has a toilet clogged with ass hair.
Submitted 7 months ago by to
As stupid as it says on the tin. Can you remove hair clogs with Nair?
EDIT: I don’t actually have a drain that needs to be unclogged. This is a showerthoughtquestion.
Guys…he TOTALLY has a toilet clogged with ass hair.
Reminds me of this story I read on reddit I believe about some dude that jizzed and puked in a sync and it got clogged and it festered for days until his mom had a plumber come out and he found the mess
I don’t actually have a drain that needs to be unclogged. This is a showerthoughtquestion.
Unclogging hair from a drain is the single most relevant practical showerthought
Nair doesn’t destroy hair, it just makes it fall out of your body. It wouldn’t help a clogged drain.
Source: Have clogged the drain with my ass hair a couple times.
I have a… uh… never mind. I don’t think I want to know.
Ignorance is bliss, my friend.
Mechanical cleaning is the only reliable way to clean a drain, period.
Look at you cleaning your drains, I just burned down my house and bought a new one - hair free
But that’s expensive, and I’m lazy. So what’s the next best way
Depends on how far it is. I got a relatively nice 20something dollar drain snake at home depot that was like 15 ft long. Took me like 5 minutes and getting a bit wet cause it was the bath. But yea I get the laziness.
its like $5-30 DIY. Or $100+ if you hire someone to clean it.
I use a plunger on the sink and shower drains (an actual sink plunger that’s separate from the toilet plunger) to get the water flowing and then I just clean out the hair caught around the drain opening. The only trick to this is to block off the vent/overflow pipes as leaving them open makes it so the plunger doesn’t work.
I’ve never had to go beyond solid lye
If it had only active ingredients it might work, but I think with the added oil and skincare ingredients it will make the clog worse.
The plastic drain cleaners at home improvement stores with the Velcro tips work really well. They’re like 2’ long but in my experience cleaning the wife and kids long hair out of the bath drain has show that to be plenty.
The added fact that I have basically no hair on my head also makes be a tad bitter about always being the “handyman” guy of our family. :p
Go buy a snake from a hardware store. Spend the extra 10 and get one that has a drill attachment. I’ve used mine 4 or 5 times to clear out clogs… Saves so much money on a pro plumber
Make sure to get it from the hardware store, not the pet store.
Instructions unclear
How do I get the smell of reptile blood out of my drain?
“I’m tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking drain!” ~Samuel L. Jackson plumber
Not sure about Nair in drains, but if it’s a bathtub drain many of them have a sort of catch where all you need to do is unscrew the cover thats over the drain hole and pull the assembley out, if it’s the kind I’m talking about it’ll have kind of a long screw thing with a bunch of hair and junk wrapped around it.
Only if your drain is made of human skin.
Nair does not disintegrate skin. It disintegrates hair.
Nobody said it disintegrates skin
I have a little snake tool with hooks on it you just shove down the drain and pull all the hair out.
If you wanted to unclog a hair clogged drain, you’d be better off using (harsh chemicals) draino o some kind of biological/bacterial cleaner. I had a clogged drain early in the year (not organic, toddler related), and the plumber sold me some kinda bio-clean stuff, and it works wonders to destroy hair and other biologic stuff when I leave it in drains overnight. I use it once a month or so and it fixes my slow drains in one shot.
Nair, a chemical hair remover, works by breaking down the protein bonds that hold hair together beneath the skin’s surface.
If mr AI Overview is to be trusted, then it won’t work.
I made myself a 3-D printed drain cover…/Sink-Drain
And it traps the hair and I don’t have problems with clogging. It’s a parametric part so it can be adjusted for most drain sizes.
Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
If you really can’t fish it out, just use some drain cleaner. The dry crystal kind works very well and it’s inexpensive. 7 months ago
Disclaimer: I’ve never used Nair before.
But if I’m not mistaken, I think the main thing Nair does is basically cause the hair follicles to break loose at the skin/scalp level. I don’t think the stuff outright dissolves the hair.
But hey, if I’m wrong, by all means someone correct me. 7 months ago
You’re correct.
The hair won’t dissolve. 7 months ago
Couldn’t you just use an acid to dissolve the hair as well as the other shit that makes up a drain clog?