- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 2 days ago:
Blasphemous, I dont know (or care). Engagement bait. meh-be? I got the image in mind thinking it was funny, and would get interactions out of it, else what the point of posting. but I am not selling or promoting anything. Slop? sure, It would have been much better If I had the time to book a trip to manathan with a bunch of friend with matching track suits and take an actual picture but that would be high effort. My head being in the right place - That nice of you thx.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 2 days ago:
peux-tu faire une photo typiquement americaine. où les personnage sont habillé de track suit adidas, au moin un accroupi à la russe - This gave me a first one that felt too much like GTA So I added : c’est excellent, le même style avec la trump tower de manahatan en arriere plan -
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 2 days ago:
would you say it’s shitty?
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 2 days ago:
I’ll take the compliment, thank you, but really, the expensive ink does most of the work. But i get the feeling that my level of artistic licence might have put the deeper subtlety of the joke out of the reach of most.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 3 days ago:
Glad you mentioned it, last thing i want is to accidently start a wave of people melting their faces, thinking it really is a new hot trend.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 3 days ago:
I undestand AI is very low value on the creative form, and that it might hurt the feeling of the fancier crowd. To appologize for my lack of effort here’s the Handmade version, using my finest ink.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 3 days ago:
I’m sorry i tought I was on Shitpost.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 3 days ago:
Yeah I know, but it’s a shitpost… And I cant draw this myself.
- Submitted 3 days ago to [deleted] | 29 comments
- Comment on I started doing sketches for fun. Got so many compliments I'm going to do it full time and quit my real job 1 week ago:
Did you post this the c/artshare yet?
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
Yes, that’s what bothers me about the whole thing. All those ‘‘popular science’’ exposé telling us that if you just look at it, it will know and change from wave to particle. They put this big eye icon next to the slit and imply you are stupid if you dont just believe it as told. the experiment with polarized filter someone else showed me was interesting, but that’s not merely observing.
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
Yes, thats a very easy demonstation of the wave nature of light, what bugs me is the demonstration that it’s also a particle that I feel is misleading. Maybe particle is not the right word to describe it’s nature.
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
Thank you. Yes something like that. with lab grade equipment would be nice. I agree instant on/off is not required for my understanding.
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
I have been tryin to find an actual demostration of this experiement and it seem impossible to find. can someone sow me this experiment done on a single setup. where you have a light source, two slits a screen and an ‘‘observer’’. That swithes from interference pattern to two lines, by switching the observer on and off. I am convinced that the science is solid, in its theoric and applied aspect. but that this interpretation of it is complete bullcrap. And i am annoyed by the '‘believe this cheap explanation’'that is repeated and nauseam. What is the actual equipment required, wave lenghts, slit sizes. I know This is science meme sub, where is the sub where i can find an actual two slit operator?
- Comment on this year has been pretty fun so far 3 weeks ago:
Musk is calling “no homo” while tossing Trump salad.
- Comment on It's just a Planck bro 3 weeks ago:
Thank you for trying, your explanation is not nearly dumb enough. I feel like the match girl smelling the roast while having a bite of stale bread. There is knowledge I just can smell but not taste. The one thing I got though that clarified a bit is that Planck lengths is not a statement that space, the 3 dimensions, is quantized but rather that it’s mathematically insignificant when trying to distinguish two particules separated by Less than that length.
- Comment on It's just a Planck bro 3 weeks ago:
Any good link for a simple explanation on how there cant be smaller length?
- Comment on Google searches for deleting Facebook, Instagram explode after Meta ends fact-checking 1 month ago:
Thanks for your concern, let me rassure you I can quit whenever I want to. No wait that all keep sound wrong. I want not a big user anyway went went 2 or 3 times a week for maybe 30 minutes. It’s been off my phone for a very longtime. The two main attraction were the short clips, but watch one with a pretty woman and that all your get, very quickly and then turn creepy real fast. Disgusting me. Reason one. Second attraction was my activist budy being smartass and commenting replying to morons in vain. Not only will he not fix anything, he doesn’t seem to realize he’s actually feeding the beast with smug. And that lost its appeal too.
- Comment on Google searches for deleting Facebook, Instagram explode after Meta ends fact-checking 1 month ago:
I knew I wouldn’t be the only one. Now I just have to hold off checking it for 30 days.
- Comment on Coming on Lemmy and complaining because there are too many Linux users is like going in to a brothel and complaining that there are too many hookers 3 months ago:
Don’t forget to enable the wobbly Windows. It prevent distro hoping.
- Comment on PCB etched with toner transfer method 4 months ago:
It’s just the soldering. The pwb is very decent, impressive even. You can be happy.
- Comment on PCB etched with toner transfer method 4 months ago:
That’s a really nice project, I often thought of trying to do my own board to move project from breadboard to something permanent, and never got the motivation high enough to do it. So congratulations on your realization.
I must add, as a certified ipc-610 trainer that board gives me goose bumps, the Halloween kinds. (I’m just a professional critic, my projects are way, way worst)
- Comment on I don't think it's a mistake... 4 months ago:
That’s a centerfold. How else would you call it?
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
Archie comic books.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
10h circus theme song in my ass.
- Comment on The people behind amazing Brutalist parkour game Babbdi are making a free 1v1 FPS with over 100 maps 5 months ago:
This is going to be weird. I spent a week on babdi, trying to figure how it made me feel. The gameplay was secondary to the ambiance. Hopefully the quirkiness remains and grow in this new game.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
The core RTS is very standard like the first command and conquer. The visual were a bit lacking not becaus ugly but hard to differentiate between untis when in the heat of battle. The single player mission is like a large training. And I kept getting destroyed by the AI even on easy.
I might give it a try again to play with my son, now that he is old enough. It’s really the time travel that should be revived by a bigger or more experienced studio. Lots of potential in there.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Achron A RTS with time travel. You can actually send troops and orders in the past to change the outcome of the battle.
youtu.be/b6YYWCW1wVs?si=UfuVQX0j4c8fFIkZIt’s a shame it never got big. The time travel mechanic is awesome.
- Comment on Celebrating 6 years since Valve announced Steam Play Proton for Linux 6 months ago:
There is now enough games available that if it doesn’t run on Linux, I just don’t play it. Thanks Steam!
- Comment on Tacoma Wept 6 months ago:
I took that picture to post on Reddit, years ago. It’s always fun to see it reposted. It make me feel immortal. My original tile was something like: sometimes kids books are not for adults.