- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
Dude. 1/2 size larger maybe?
I kid but seriously. I once made the mistake of getting new shoes RIGHT before a convention where I was on my feet for 8-10 hours a day and no time to get different ones. They were too tight and that pressure caused me pain for years.
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
Nearly?!? I mean sure a furnace or a steam roller or a nuclear blast might do it but….putting on shoes?
- Comment on Thankfully, Trump Is Still Alive. Unfortunately, So Is His Misguided Crypto Project 5 months ago:
Separating suckers and their money, how Presidential.
People still following this conman deserve it.
- Comment on Magnavox Odyssey2 is here! 5 months ago:
Man that screen brings back memories!
- Comment on If you had a drain that you knew was clogged only with hair, could you unclog the drain only using Nair? 7 months ago:
The plastic drain cleaners at home improvement stores with the Velcro tips work really well. They’re like 2’ long but in my experience cleaning the wife and kids long hair out of the bath drain has show that to be plenty.
The added fact that I have basically no hair on my head also makes be a tad bitter about always being the “handyman” guy of our family. :p
- Comment on Where does plaque come from? 7 months ago:
My man!
- Comment on Where does plaque come from? 7 months ago:
indeed. Inside canned food, there are dead corpses of bacteria only,
Well, not just that right? I mean some tuna or Spam makes it in as well surely.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
If you think the Eastland Steamer is a story you should check out the Cleveland Steamer.
Thought #2….maybe don’t.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 10 months ago:
I’m by no means a laserologist but my layperson understanding is that laser colors are achieved through different means of generating the laser - using various gases etc. So a red or green laser have different properties. Now there may be a way to achieve colors optically and the light itself being consistent but from the bit I recall green ones took quite a bit more power to generate than red so I think would be hotter.
….or I’m WAYYYYY off. 🥸😜
- Comment on How many songs are about Courtney Love? 10 months ago:
- Comment on How many songs are about Courtney Love? 10 months ago:
Just wanted to remove any potential ambiguity as some might think it a love song. ;)
- Comment on How many songs are about Courtney Love? 10 months ago:
Starfuckers is, I believe, about her. It’s….not complimentary.
- Comment on What’s a “sovereign citizen “? 1 year ago:
People of inexplicably confident certainty that they alone have discovered legal loopholes enabling them to ignore laws they don’t like while benefitting from public services and infrastructure of a nation they assert they are not a citizen of. It’s delusional ignorance.
- Comment on Boeing 737 Max planes are grounded after a hole blew in one mid-flight 1 year ago:
I heard it was one of those emergency exit panels (not a full door, nor just a passenger window) but that could be inaccurate. Either way, not a good look for Boeing.
- Comment on These just go out with the other recycling, right? 1 year ago:
Nit clear if this is a legitimate question but….if so, it depends. In our city you can take them to Home Depot/Lowes for disposal. They should not be thrown out with garbage.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I hope so too! Like I said, trying is a massive step and isn’t easy. Give yourself credit for that and be proud.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You’re trying which takes a lot of courage - that’s the right attitude for sure. I’d suggest joining activities not just gathering places in subjects you’re passionate about or interested in. By that I mean like games, sports, arts etc - a class or club means you share similar interests (something to break the ice) and social context to interact. It’s more likely you’ll click with others that share your interest.
So go to tour your local town in an organized group. Take a painting or pottery class. Join a recreational sport club.
Good luck!
- Comment on What is the best way to clean burnt-on splatters from a chrome oven without damaging the chrome? 1 year ago:
Note that I have NOT used it oh chrome but on all other materials Bar Keepers Friend has been amazing with food stains. While I prefer the cream I believe the spray is less abrasive. If you tried steel wool the cream should be fine though. Good luck!
- Comment on How should I go about making an online identity that can't be tracked by advertisers? 1 year ago:
Thanks for the tip - trying it out!
- Comment on What's that music called that was used in 90s documentaries about the birth of the earth? 1 year ago:
I’d say New Age - like Jean Michel Jarre and Vangelis
- Comment on How Did The Capitol Police Put Down Trump’s Insurrection? 1 year ago:
Their laughable incompetence and chaotic organization doesn’t change their intentions to stop the legitimate certification of the election. This was absolutely a massive attack on our Democratic system of governance. The fact that it was attempted by disorganized idiots doesn’t change that fact.
We got lucky.
- Comment on Your biggest nostalgia ? 1 year ago:
Falling asleep on a road trip and being carried to bed by my parents.
- Comment on Your biggest nostalgia ? 1 year ago:
I’m by no means saying Lego are bad today, but I loved inventing my own stuff, not assembling someone else’s design. Yeah my stuff was nowhere near as accurate or realistic….but wasn’t that the point?
- Comment on How common is it for atheists to be against homosexuality/abortion? 1 year ago:
I would note that it’s not any part of the ethos so an atheist can be (or not) anything. A lack of faith in a deity and an absence of prescribed beliefs is precisely that after all.
So vegan and meat loving atheists can exist precisely as much as progressive and extremely conservative ones.
Is it likely or common? I’d venture so say I doubt it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I expect half of the population wouldn’t care but half really would.
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
Practical reasons aside (visibility and ease of pulling out) I simply prefer it.
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
Practical reasons aside (visibility and ease of pulling out) I simply prefer it.
- Comment on You can dance the Macarena to other songs besides the Macarena. 1 year ago:
Did that once years ago at an alternative club…security came over and said to cut it out or we’d be bounced. I laughed. They weren’t actually joking.