- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
I contract that out to my dogs, they go out and source the finiest dusts for networking diagnostics
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
Haha I need more Patch cables to get rid of those long ones. Also when I opened up the cabinet for this Pic I noticed the left fan isn’t dusty like the rest so it might be dead x_x
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
My 12u setup On top I have two pi’s; home assistant and pihole The ONT for fiber, hue bridge, and hdhomerun.
My dream machine pro
Patch panel
48 port switch i got from coworker
Patch panel
My unraid server
Battery UPS - Comment on I'm moving to another city soon. What are some good apps that could help? Inventory, logistics, etc 3 months ago:
I’m not sure. I only recently switched to Linux and was thinking of trying ondsel but haven’t really looked into it further
- Comment on I'm moving to another city soon. What are some good apps that could help? Inventory, logistics, etc 3 months ago:
Sketch up or an easy cad program so you can easily measure your stuff and the rooms to find ways to fit your furniture. I used sketch up when I moved and just a top down 2d quick line drawing of our house. Then measured our furniture as objects and moved them around to see where we could fit and what direction to put our bed etc
- Comment on X rival Bluesky gains 1.25 million users following U.S. election 3 months ago:
Yeah I’ve been trying to convince an acquaintance to use mastodon instead of Twitter for a while then yesterday he mentioned he created a bluesky account and I had to look it up, not great but better I guess
- Comment on X rival Bluesky gains 1.25 million users following U.S. election 3 months ago:
I was just reading up on bluesky yesterday and you can self host and also have a bridge to link with the fediverse so maybe there is some hope to communicate
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
but isnt the ‘of’ not supposed to be in the acronym otherwise the DMV would be DOMV
- Comment on Know Nut November 3 months ago:
So would that be a fortnight?
- Comment on What's anime has the best romance? 3 months ago:
FLCL the first season
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
If you can’t get it in because you think the back is the front then maybe you can
- Comment on Now I have to clean?! 3 months ago:
Similar to cooking. This week we made a big pot of spaget and was so relieved each day after work coming home to just microwaving dinner and washing a few dishes instead of cooking hungry and washing dishes all sleepy
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
Donkeys like them
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
Hi my name is variants and I’m a niche community mod
starts sobbing
- Comment on Looking for help/guidance on how to setup a server for a business 3 months ago:
For email and calendar I’D probably look into proton. For other software tools i would start with services people like that you don’t have to manage other than be like the admin and as you go try and find alternatives and self host your own and teat it out. Maybe even something like digital ocean where you can just spin up a droplet that’s presetup for you and learn more and more until you’re comfortable to transition other people to it
- Comment on Static site generator for an idiot who doesn't want to learn a new templating language just to have a blog? 3 months ago:
Have you checked out grav
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 3 months ago:
I setup nextcloud and just use that to backup my Obsidian notes. But I also use next cloud deck depending on the type of notes or list I’m making
- Comment on caution it about what? 4 months ago:
But how else do you get that crisp bear chin
- Comment on Actual Budget is a fantastic FOSS budgeting tool that you can self-host 4 months ago:
I’ve been using it for almost a year now and it works great. I used to just use a spread sheet to track my bills paychecks and due dates but this made it much nicer
- Comment on What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs 4 months ago:
I think a lot of people have switched to Linux and realized it was just a lot better, myself included. It took me a bit to let the differences soak in, just like when I got my first smart phone but after a bit of using it and trying things out you realize you should have done it a long time ago
- Comment on Emiy 4 months ago:
Life imitates art
- Comment on Ditching Spotify and YT Music 4 months ago:
Lidarr might help
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
Humans gonna human
- Comment on Streaming subscription fees have been rising while content quality is dropping 4 months ago:
I got several buddies now hosting their own plex servers after trying to get them on board for like 3 years. Finally one hosted his own and I guess we just us talking about it another got interested and spun one up now two more in the past week. We have great redundancy now
- Comment on WHAT 4 months ago:
Well he’s level 34 now so his ballistic damage has increased
- Comment on Do you leave your consoles on? 4 months ago:
I always turn everything off including my pc. I was kind of surprised the other day some of the people I talk to on discord never shut down their machines or at least put them in hibernation
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 4 months ago:
So wasps inject you with stuff too? I always figured it was just bees since they leave their butt behind. Wasps can sting multiple so they hold on to their butt and made me assume they just stabbed you but didn’t inject anything
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 4 months ago:
If you’re allergic to bees does that make you allergic to wasps too?
- Comment on Japanese firm demos tech that makes any object a capacitive touch surface — stuffed cat on display, works with wood, ceramic, and plasterboard, too 4 months ago:
No idea haha, I know on the old model it had a sensor for each finger so it went by taps but the newer one says you can do it on any surface so no clue
- Comment on Japanese firm demos tech that makes any object a capacitive touch surface — stuffed cat on display, works with wood, ceramic, and plasterboard, too 4 months ago: