- Comment on Somebody stabbed this repeatedly 1 day ago:
Leave the keys upon the table
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 2 days ago:
My mind goes round like a roundabout. Whistles and sings.
- Comment on Dad like Tsundere 2 days ago:
There’s a tsundere grandpa in Saiki K
- Comment on In January, billionaires amassed more wealth than the poorest third of humanity owns. 5 days ago:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: guillotines are not the answer. Modern people won’t respond to it. Too old school, too boring, you need a spectacle.
On an unrelated note, woodchippers are cheaper than you’d think.
- Comment on It works for anything 5 days ago:
- Comment on Homeless? No way! I am living the van life down by the river. 2 weeks ago:
“just” is a bit reductive, but yeah that wouldn’t hurt
- Comment on Homeless? No way! I am living the van life down by the river. 2 weeks ago:
Arguably, some degree of food supply uncertainty is most natural, and what our metabolism developed to accommodate. Security is great, morally, but I don’t think our caveman metabolism is adjusting that quickly. I don’t think that should curtail the efforts we make to secure good for all, but it’s worth consideration.
- Comment on Okay, this is getting out of hand 2 weeks ago:
There we go, that’s more like it
- Comment on Okay, this is getting out of hand 2 weeks ago:
The Home Depot doesn’t make sense, Shell/Exxon/BP would be more appropriate
- Comment on Ancestry dot com 2 weeks ago:
“Four individually wrapped varieties” implies each of your grandparents was a separate, distinct nationality
- Comment on When a courier service job didn't pay enough... 2 weeks ago:
Gonna be delivering that rifle to behind her
- Comment on Spicy Candy 3 weeks ago:
Free? Someone’s never had to install the stuff.
- Comment on Hope yall like screaming 3 weeks ago:
Fitting, since this picture looks like it was taken from inside the Van from the Clown Core album
- Comment on Keep them guessing 3 weeks ago:
Zampano’s dead, it was clearly Truant
- Comment on NASA instructs employees to remove pronouns from all work communications 3 weeks ago:
I have a friend named Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
- Comment on uninvited 3 weeks ago:
Their faces are similar enough
- Comment on uninvited 3 weeks ago:
How? They’d figure out swap before they even started.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 3 weeks ago:
You’ve just a conceded that enforcing said laws don’t actually prevent the crime
Except I didn’t concede that? I said enforcing laws doesn’t totally eliminate crime, in the same way that putting a soda in the fridge doesn’t drop the temperature to 0K. Enforcing laws reduces crime.
I would say enforcement never prevents any crime
I would say you’re demonstrably incorrect.
and enforcement is about punishment not prevention.
Punishment is the method of prevention. Additionally, incarceration is in part about removing law breakers from pole society so they do not continue to break laws. We quarantine the murderers so they don’t keep murdering people.
So when is it worth it?
As with most things in life, we decide on a reasonable compromise. Putting a soda in the fridge is beneficial, putting it in the freezer is too much, and causes more problems than it solves. We decide these things convectively as a society, by electing representatives to draft laws. When they overstep, we elect new representatives to change the laws.
How much abuse and Injustice is necessary to assuage your fears about the other?
What’s abusive and unjust about trying to prevent murderers? Where’s the justice for victims and their families if as a society we just say “Golly, sorry this guy killed your children, but if we punished him we’d be just as bad”? How do you recommend reducing the injustices people enact against each other?
Surely you’re not going to sit here and tell me only fear of punishment is what stops you from murdering people?
Me personally? Of course not. But obviously some people want to do crimes. You can’t build a society based on everyone behaving just like you all the time. Some people are more violent, or greedy, or deceptive. We are barely domesticated apes, jungle impulses course through us all. Some more than others. Without some mechanism to curtail that, consequences that outweigh the benefits of selfish behavior, you wind up back at might-makes-right anyway when the selfish behave selfishly with no recourse.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
That doesn’t prove that not enforcing them would somehow make murder disappear, iust proves that you can’t absolutely eliminate a behavior. Every action has diminishing returns.
I can remove some of the heat from an object by putting it in the fridge; . can remove more by putting it in the freezer, but that requires more energy. I can remove even more by using more and more sophisticated scientific equipment, but I can never reduce the temperature to absolute zero. That doesn’t mean the soda in my fridge isn’t colder than one on the counter.
Perfect results aren’t obtainable except in trivial cases.
- Comment on It's just like it's pulling them from thin air! 4 weeks ago:
I’d be surprised if there were millions in any one facility.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
This whole question rubs me the wrong way, like “Why do we teach women to protect themselves instead of teaching men not to rape?”. There’s not a big control panel somewhere that “society” can use to change everyone’s behavior. People are individuals. Some of them will do bad things to others because it benefits them, no matter what they’re taught. If you want to avoid being victimized, you have to be vigilant against that.
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 1 month ago:
Panama is mostly because of cheaper rates to go through the canal, if I’m not mistaken.
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 1 month ago:
Convergent Evolution might explain why intelligent species wind up being bipedal tetrapods.
I think there’s a competing argument here. Certainly not all aliens would be bipedal tetrapods, but the ones who go on to be tool-using, space-faring species probably would be.
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 3 months ago:
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 3 months ago:
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Pope Francis urges investigation for possible crime of genocide in Gaza 3 months ago:
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but should we be gatekeeping calls to investigate genocide?
- Comment on Covfefe 3 months ago:
I got a tub of protein powder or something that had a scoop perfectly portioned for my morning cup. I’ve been using that for years
- Comment on Mimmi daMimmi 3 months ago:
The shoes sent me
- Comment on Breezeway Greenhouse Help? 3 months ago:
No snow.
Siding is stucco, so I’m not worried about wood rot
House is on the north, garage is on the south, the 24’ is along the E-W line, so the sun should track right over the breezeway