This is the exact reason I stopped watching last week tonight. We have some broken shit guys and all we ever hear is, “don’t touch that I have it just the way I like it.”
there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Comments 11 months ago 11 months ago
Does Last Week Tonight do this? I watch it regularly, but I’m not making the connection. 11 months ago
I think he’s more so saying that last week tonight feels frustrating because it points out clear issues that the average American should be frustrated about but then juxtaposes it with average Americans actively siding with the system or being complacent in it. 11 months ago
No, what I wrote is confusing. The @oneortheotherdontaskme got it right. 11 months ago
Sticking your head in the sand is a great alternative /s 11 months ago
I’m sorry but “there’s laundry to do and a genocide to stop” sounds like a great band name 11 months ago
Maybe a song title 11 months ago
Or a poem title 11 months ago
A bit verbose, perhaps? Laundry Genocide? 11 months ago
Someone wasn’t around for the fall out boy / panic at the disco era… 11 months ago
Laundrocide 11 months ago
The album cover is a desaturated photo of a bunch of tattered clothes on clothes lines. Maybe with some blood stains for effect? 11 months ago
Fascists from the left? The left can’t get anyone more extreme than mayonnaise, what Democrat fascists are winning primaries? 11 months ago
It doesn’t say “from the left”. It says “from both parties”. Biden is the fascist from the other party.
Democrats are in no way, shape, or form part of “the left”.
At bare minimum someone on the left would be completely opposed to capitalism. They might be a mutualist, communalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communist, etc.
Democrats are Neo-liberals and support the status quo. Maybe not outright fascists like the Republicans, but they have more in common with Republicans than they do with anyone on the left and when push comes to shove they’re not going to oppose fascism, they’re just going to go along with it. “Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.” 11 months ago
Biden is the fascist from the other party.
Biden is in no way, shape, or form a fascist. Particularly in the context of a Trump ascendancy. 11 months ago
Fascists from the left?
Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard someone say “National SOCIALISM!” But I think this is more referring to the Kristen Sinemas and Robert Menendezes who spend more time finding ways to strangle Cuba to death and sell F-35s to Turkish dictators than to curb carbon emissions or mitigate the damage inflicted by COVID.
If you know of a better way to describe what kind of ideologue sips $1000 btl wine in a cave full of corporate arms dealers while negotiating the finer points of our next proxy war in Latin America, I’d love to hear it. 11 months ago
Or, you know.
The people also enabling a genocide. Two, even!
Because everyone forgot to be mad about the Uyghurs somehow. 11 months ago
Adam Schiff vehemently opposes a permanent cease fire in Israel.
California also just passed a plan to involuntarily institutionalize it’s homeless people.
That’s just the news from today. There will be more hellscape tomorrow. 11 months ago
- Close all the institutions and leave those people on their own with no support
- Complain there are too many homeless, especially people who can’t cope with modern society
- ???
- Bring some of the homeless back into institutions where it helps 11 months ago
Genocide Joe
Biden has been a practical GOP plant for his entire career. Backing every anti-progressive measure and introducing others. Now he supports Genocide.
Libs still accusing Republicans of the things that Democrats are now openly doing too. The irony. 11 months ago
Never seen my exact inner monologue as a poem before. Besides the Ativan. I could use some Ativan. 11 months ago
I gotta say I didn’t recognize it as a poem, but someone who needs to come back down to earth, and adjust their dosage 11 months ago
“A rat done bite my sister Nell, and whiteys on the moon”
Nothing changes. 11 months ago
I’m sure your “both sides bad” take was the real solution all along. /s 11 months ago
I hate shit like this. I honestly do.
Yeah my man, congratulations. Biden is better than Trump. Hear ye, hear ye, from the top of the terraces and down to your piss-infested alleys, you should know that today the Democratic party has found us someone you can vote for that is better than Trump. You’re welcome, mortals. Now hurry down to the booths and place that stamp. No questions please, there is no time for your theatrics. Just know that he’s better than the worst president you’ve ever had.
You know what, how about fuck you? How about we let the country burn? I mean, it’ll burn for me anyway. Whether it’s that alt-right fucko, or your shitty party’s “moderate” alternative. But maybe with the other guy, it burns for you as well. Maybe when stocks go down because the orange clown shat out another retarded idea you’ll remember that you offered moderation when people asked for a serious leftist choice. Maybe when the Supreme Court continues to remove rights from women, minorities and oppressed groups they’ll get organized into a party that actually represents them and pushes for social change, instead of just being a shade less dark than their opposition. Maybe when the MAGA retards burn the fucking world down, some rich Democrat fuck’s house just happens to get caught in the fire as well, and they can live to regret pulling the wrong strings for so many years. Because there’s no fucking way the regular people get through any of this shit unscathed, might as well pull a few of the ‘immortals’ down with us and remind them that they too can bleed.
So fuck right off with your shitty choices. You made the retarded decision to have Hillary as the opposition to Trump, you saw how well that went for you. You made the same choice now, offering people another impossible choice. For once in your fucking life, accept responsibility - the Democrats have chosen who should represent them, and they have chosen wrong. If they lose, that’s not on the voters - that’s on the people who made the choice. 11 months ago
I see a system that does more good than harm, I see people being held accountable for their actions by democratic institutions. I see people like you advocating we burn down the gates and welcome in the Corporations and Helter Skelters to take what they want, kill whoever opposes them. Anarchy is not a kind place, it is not a solution to your woes. What is a clear as day fucking solution is the political party who, given the authority to do so, would easily solve all of these injustices without any need for compromise, but instead we’re trapped in a constant fucking deadlock between a government that half wants to serve the people and half wants to tear itself down because some fucking rubes think “BoTh siDeS bAd.” 11 months ago
That’s an excellent call to action. Do your laundry and stop genocide. Look after your house and your global family. 11 months ago
All I can say: a serious drug addiction condenses your problems and anxieties down to one. I recommend heroin. Not that pill shit, no, the good Taliban powder from mother nature. 11 months ago 11 months ago
I’ve heard opiate addicts are lamenting the end of good heroin as supply bottoms and everything is cut with Fentanyl 11 months ago
Sounds like depression to me . 11 months ago
Yes and no… mostly No. This train of thought depicts far more than symptoms of depression. Depression is a lot more than these kinds of thoughts.
What this train of thought is getting at is that we’re acutely aware that the whole world is fucked up, but we also have to take care of our day-to-day lives. If anything, this train of thought speaks less to the symptoms of depression and more to the 1) powerlessness and 2) absurdity of modern living. We are powerless to stop global disasters, yet are more aware of them than ever before. And we are absurdly still tending to minutiae of life as if none of those things were happening, because that’s how life works, and the more you think about it the more absurd it gets. 11 months ago
Most people with depression know their depressed so it isn’t like some revelation you’re having here. Depression isn’t an exaggeration of the conditions we live under it’s the amplification. 11 months ago
Sounds like an anxiety disorder to me. They need to adjust their dosage and learn how to focus more on their immediate life 11 months ago
Sounds like a twenty one pilots song 11 months ago
no more speedlimits on highways? I don’t get this part 11 months ago
Maybe implying that the CDC is compromised by outside interests? 11 months ago
I read that part as being a mashup of two disparate things similar to the rest of the piece. The CD seems to be announcing things more frequently, and there are places where the highways have no speed limits, both of which are more straws on the camel of anxiety. 11 months ago
When was this written? The bit about still wearing masks seems a bit old. 11 months ago
Don’t forget: Indian tech entrepreneur Rajat Khare is scrubbing the internet of any mention of his name or even anything critical about him, like how he runs a hack for hire business that works for the worst of them, eg Qatar spying on FIFA when they were bidding for the World Cup.
Behind the Bastards tried to do a two part episode on it, but it’s pretty hard to find now. 11 months ago
Fuck me, they weren’t joking on that one… I listened to those episodes when they first came out, but they were gone soon after it seems.
There are working download links on the subreddit though, if anyone else wants to find them. 11 months ago
I swear I had them downloaded, then my app deleted them. Either that or they just never downloaded.
Gonna have another hunt, I want me an mp3. 11 months ago
Source:…/kqjt18p/ 11 months ago
They’re seriously gone? I also listened to them when they came out. Looks like the Clear Channel/iHeartRadio overlords stepped in. 11 months ago
What does this have to do with the poem? 11 months ago
It’s yet another example of awful people with power making the world worse, which is a major theme of the poem.