Comment on there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop 11 months agoYep,
- Close all the institutions and leave those people on their own with no support
- Complain there are too many homeless, especially people who can’t cope with modern society
- ???
- Bring some of the homeless back into institutions where it helps 11 months ago
Prop 1 that we just voted on is a plan to remove funding from outpatient treatment that’s highly rated by it’s patients. That money would be used to build and staff thousands of new beds for mentally ill homeless and veterans. The measure was largely sold as a way to clear the streets of homeless people.
Now how are they going to get homeless people who don’t want to leave to go into in patient treatment? Involuntary commitment.
Furthermore because it’s being sold as a way to get homeless people off the streets it creates an open end political mandate to keep expanding the program as long as someone complains about homeless people . Since someone is making money, supplying, building, and staffing these places; there’s also going to business lobby pressure to increase funding and program issue for the foreseeable future.
Tl;dr Prop 1 isn’t wanted by the patients, or the people who care for them. And it’s sold as an anti homeless measure. That’s really all you need to know to know it’s crooked.