- Comment on As Kingdom Come Deliverance II releases, what are your memories of the first title? 4 weeks ago:
Then I got a job with some snooty highborn, had to hunt rabbits with the fuck, ran into a group of 3 soldiers and then got my ass handed to me so bad I restarted from a previous save to re-learn the combat… i love this game lol
- Comment on UK | Musk accused of ‘politicising’ rape of young girls in UK to attack Starmer 1 month ago:
Pictures showing the two at simular functions and interacting. Nothing concrete saying he went to the island or did anything, but enough to be damning considering how ‘open’ epstein’s activities were to the rich elite, meaning Elon surely wasn’t entirely unaware of what was being said.
- Comment on Denuvo respond to their rep for tanking games - "I'm a gamer myself, and therefore I know what I'm talking about" 4 months ago:
Only Denuvo has reported that it’s better for sales, the rest of us don’t have data on that and I’m not trusting the wolf with Hen House design
- Comment on Very mindful... 6 months ago:
No it’s a joke and a trend from a video on tiktok. Why do people, especially here lately, jump to hate on anything ‘TikTok’ or ‘new’ from the younger generations? We all had our stupidity, shit, people STILL staple bread on trees
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 6 months ago:
Please and thank you don’t violate barriers. It does not allow someone into your space, you don’t have to give anything of yourself to say them, and if you’re a good person you probably mean them. A better example for what you’re looking for would be handshakes. It’s common in most western cultures at several social functions, and it can be considered rather rude to refuse one, it got a lot of folks angry during covid apparently. That’s where two parties acknowledge the social bindings that call for a physical touch establishing a mutual respect. I never miss saying a please and thank you, but best believe I’m still doing the ‘covid shrug’ when I turn down handshakes.
So, you’d tell your child that “yes, you have autonomy in this, but your feelings regarding your need for personal space matter less than your grandmother’s want for a hug” is what I’m gathering? Do you educate your mother on the child’s wants/needs? There’s a reason why people are educated that, as far as physical touch is concerned, nobody else’s feelings should be taken into account. If someone can’t love a child without hugs, then I don’t think they really understand the concept or application of love.
I’m not saying this is your case, the next bit is an extreme but important to the overall argument, I think. People have identified that exact thinking pattern in why they didn’t report sexual assault from a family member. Because they weren’t taught how to properly say no and why the right to refuse touch is important, it was that much easier to abuse them.
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 6 months ago:
I dont like my picture on the internet. So I refuse all photos where possible. I have family, they take pictures, they’re aware of this and so I’m never the direct focus of the shot (you might see me in the background).
OP said they don’t want to take pictures with people, they shouldn’t have to take pictures with someone. Instead, you should be teaching your son to stand up for their boundaries, even in the face of ‘tradition’. If your kid says “I don’t like hugging grandma”, are you making them give hugs or are you encouraging them to tell people in their life, who they trust, how they feel?
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
That’s why they said ‘house poor’. They’re not poor, read the article they even talk about it. Being unwilling to pay “what the market demand” is a fun way of saying “were priced out of all reasonable choices”.
Cost of living is different everywhere. If they made 250k in Indiana or Ohio, they’d have money to spare and a McMansion to boot. But Indiana and Ohio don’t pay 250,000 for a lot of things, the salaries don’t reach that here for a VAST majority of upper level earners in the state. Take into account cost of living and average wages in a location before you get shitty
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
He’s not complaining about his income. He’s saying “I’ve reached a level of income that SHOULD entitle me to the American dream, but even at this amount I too am barred”
When we say ‘eat the rich’ we don’t mean ‘shit on what is effectively what’s left of the middle class’.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
Your link states Israel says they’re a Hamas operative. Al Jazeera says that isn’t true.
I’m gonna err on the side of the journalists that Israel is actively targeting instead.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Also, for what it’s worth, my family was from the south. My reunions and funerals and weddings all take place somewhere in a holler with 1 Walmart about 40 minutes down the mountain.
My uncle once said, and my mother agreed, in relation to gay men “I wish they’d put em all on an island somewhere, they’d be happier that way”.
But I wasn’t lucky enough to know my grandpa as a man of wisdom. He’d said enough stupid shit, or abided it in his home when his children begged for '“Barack Houssein O’bummer’s” birth certificate. He had a dog named Blackie, that I called Blackie because I wouldn’t dare say it’s real name if someone asked.
What was good in them did all truly disappear in front of me day by day from that point. Hell, I actually believed the ‘states rights’ reason for the civil war until I was at least 14 or so. Crazy what stupid can breed
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I think he’s saying that “southerners call northerners Yankees, but they don’t know that EVERYONE in the US is a Yankee once the confederacy lost, because not a single confederate soldier remained, reclaiming those states as Yankee territory and any citizen therein is a Yankee. Anyone who disagrees doesn’t remember the lesson Ol’ Sherman taught em”
- Comment on Americans say they need to earn $186K to live comfortably — but is it enough? 7 months ago:
Where I live, that would be a ludicrous income, definitely comfortable money.
In California, that would be a lower-middle-class-maybe-i-own-my-home-if-i-bought-early mind of an income. Our regions are so different in cost of living that these kinds of numbers can get funny/confusing
- Comment on Hades 2 will likely be in early access until 2025, with first big update to add new enemies, maps and features 9 months ago:
Feel free, I think it’ll be a great game when you check back in.
I’m a big Hades 1 fan, and played that game in it’s early state as well. Hades 2’s early access feels roughly 90% or more complete, it’s missing pictures for some items (placeholders for now), some character portraits of some of the lesser-interacted-with NPCs. I think there will be another weapon because there’s a slot for it, and there’s seemingly some more boss content. Gameplay, basically at 100%
So if you’re likely to finish and not check back in, definitely wait because the game should be in pristine condition by then, with it being this polished already. Love this studio, love this game
- Comment on Hades II - Early Access Patch 1 Notes 9 months ago:
I beat [BAD GUY IN TARTARUS] and [BAD GUY ON SURFACE] when it was still really hard
I like the changes, those wins felt very cheap and circumstantial. It was super fun, but the changes definitely make it ‘feel’ better. I love this dev team for listening to the community
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
I just started diving into the space from a localized point yesterday. And I can say that there are definitely problems with garbage spewing, but some of these models are getting really really good at really specific things.
A biomedical model I saw seemed lauded for it’s consistency in pulling relevant data from medical notes for the sake of patient care instructions, important risk factors, fall risk level etc.
So although I agree they’re still giving well phrased garbage for big general cases (and GPT4 seems to be much more ‘savvy’), the specific use cases are getting much better and I’m stoked to see how that continues.
- Comment on What a deal! 9 months ago:
Actual traffic laws? This thing is safe as can be. It’s got just the right angles that if it hits a pedestrian they’ll bounce right into one of the designated Kill Corners, making their end painless. That sounds like regulation working to me
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
“With an apple silicon architecture, 8gb is like 16gb” -some stupid apple flunkey
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
No no, thank you for this.
I understand blockchain as a concept, and kind of hownit plays into cryptocurrency, but understanding a true example of blockchain use outside of finances is something I needed more info on, thank you
- Comment on there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop 11 months ago:
No problem at all. Have a great rest of your day/week/life!
- Comment on there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop 11 months ago:
I think he’s more so saying that last week tonight feels frustrating because it points out clear issues that the average American should be frustrated about but then juxtaposes it with average Americans actively siding with the system or being complacent in it.
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
Can you detail for me how voting No Confidence (which would be a write in, at least for presidential elections) works in the US? Additionally, how does this vote impact decisions any way more or less than voting for any candidate?
- Comment on If Twitter had existed while Emily Dickinson was alive, she would have been an absolute shitlord with millions of followers 1 year ago:
The Bronte sisters would be my Kardashian’s, oh my God
- Comment on UK workers ‘should get day off’ if workplace is hotter than 30C 1 year ago:
‘Fine’ if they’re fine with me wearing a tanktop and track shorts. I can be motionless and sweat at 85+ F
- Comment on Starfield is 30% off on Steam, not even during a major steam sale. It's been only two months. 1 year ago:
Bought it on sale, stayed away for years.
Pretty fucking great game now, I do love it. Bought the DLC…not worth the full price but not bad.
Only took years of patches and changes
- Comment on The man, the myth, the legend 1 year ago:
You’re a 1995 Toyota Carolla, stop asking people to plug you into a spacecraft computer you’re not even compatible. You’re 28 years old for god’s sake, act like it.
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
- Comment on Europe Commission says Adobe's $20B buy of Figma will kill competition 1 year ago:
Came here just to be sure SOMEONE said it
- Comment on Federation of Hold My Beer [Now with Narration!] 1 year ago:
Yes and no. In a grand scale, yes, humans are seemingly at the center of some of the wildest ass decisions wherein alien species remark how weird humans do things. On a smaller episode scale, not as much but sometimes yeah, the plots are varied and it’s often an exploration of a concept or a specific existing idea with a twist. If you’ve watched Doctor Who, it’s that kind of “flavor of the week” for some portions or even series’, for others it can lean more towards a drama/comedy for a bit and then the run into something like a God or the tackle the problem with male father/son intimacy. It’s a fucking trip.
- Comment on I'll never not want to 1 year ago:
“Oh, shit, looks like that’s a preferred place here, like imgur for reddit, guess I’ll just toss it up there”
Was my exact thoughts too. Federation is great, also confusing lol
- Comment on I'll never not want to 1 year ago:
It is admittedly a very large picture. Maybe not always set up for such big files. I saw others use it and figured, what the heck, might as well.