- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
This is the same stupid rationale that people use to say that everyone in red states deserves to suffer.
The people who made affirmative votes for trump are the minority, it just so happens that our political system gives them a disproportionate say.
Yes, there is a large part of the population that didn’t vote, but that’s a feature of our shitty system, not a bug.
So either help, or shut the fuck up and get out of the way.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 3 months ago:
Yes in fact I teach it and do it regularly. Out of hospital cardiac arrest survival rates are atrocious even when the person performing CPR is properly trained, let alone a panicked person trying to look up instructions on YouTube.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Not defending YouTube here, but CPR is so time sensitive that if they were looking up instructions, she was a goner anyway.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Aren’t you just such a smart, special, edgy boy
- Comment on Cats and Dogs 6 months ago:
The dog wants to touch the cat’s tits?
- Comment on NAS / NAS + server? Unraid, Proxmox, Intel, AMD? Looking for guidance. 6 months ago:
!I can’t access my Jellyfin library right now because the backend is apparently too old (wtf).!<
Are you using the binhex image by any chance? I had this same problem, just had to update it from the apps/community center page instead of from the docker page.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Would not recommend. As the other poster’s link mentioned, it is possible to cause negative symptoms, although you’re less likely to do this with water soluble vitamin C than it is with the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K.
In all likelihood you’re just making expensive urine.
Why not just find some tangy citric acid based candy that you like?
- Comment on $500 aluminum version of the Analogue Pocket looks like the Game Boy’s final form 7 months ago:
Anbernic has some GBA layout ones, although I’m pretty sure they’re not aluminum
- Comment on Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? 8 months ago:
My pickups have been Horizon Forbidden West, Subnautica, Spelunky, middle-earth: shadow of war, and Pony Island
I don’t have exact price breakdowns, but it was total about 60$ with the vast majority of that being H:FW at 45ish.
- Comment on Splitting Docker between SSD and HDD 8 months ago:
Unless I’m misunderstanding, I do believe it is that simple, yes.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12 8 months ago:
Should have been in there from the beginning imo
- Comment on 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok 10 months ago:
Why are you so convinced that an advertising platform that a 1/3rd of the country is glued to is unsustainable. And that’s ignoring the rest of the world, which is the majority of their user base.
- Comment on Elon Musk says it's his turn to have the remote 10 months ago:
In my head, it’s more like Zitter
- Comment on Elon Musk says it's his turn to have the remote 10 months ago:
20$ says that this never actually happens in a meaningful way.
- Comment on About to try the Outer Worlds 10 months ago:
Pretty forgettable Fallout clone imo. Would just play that.
Or, if you’re like me and accidentally bought The Outer Worlds because you thought it was The Outer Wilds, go play that instead.
- Comment on RIMJOBS 11 months ago:
Yes very much so
- Comment on NUC, Proxmox and HA (a noob seeking for help) 11 months ago:
For project A, I’d look into tailscale. I’d advise against having home assistant open to the internet otherwise.
Don’t know anything about your other project, sorry.
- Comment on RIMJOBS 11 months ago:
Just had a patient that had that bacteria in their blood. Weird one.
- Comment on Demo Launch Trailer - Dark Souls Mod: Archthrones: Premieres 15 March at 17:00 11 months ago:
Imo the biggest differences are the jump and that you are stunned for SO LONG after taking a hit in DS3. Otherwise I find them pretty close.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
Not unless those things are owned by foreign companies, which I doubt those are
- Comment on Ideas for how to repurpose a half broken laptop 11 months ago:
Yeah it’s relatively easy to reuse most webcam cameras, you just have to get them connected to a USB cable, then most computers will immediately recognize them as cameras.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
Thank you for those resources, they are pretty compelling, especially the Twitter thread, which if true, is good evidence that China has used the data to target specific individuals. That’s a problem. And the individual bit is important because I’m unpersuaded by “mass data collection” arguments because a) everyone is doing that and no one seems to care and b) basically the same data is freely purchasable.
The harms associated with the first few links are definitely real, but I would certainly be interested in an apples to apples comparison to other platforms, especially YouTube.
But I think it’s also important to recognize that there is a lot of good that comes from TikTok as well. If I can get personal here, I’ve moved away from family and friends to work a demanding job, and I’ve found some sense of community on TikTok with people who are into the same hobbies as I am, which I’ve had difficulty finding IRL. It has also given voice and community to [certain groups of] marginalized people, and, (for better or for worse) is a major platform by which creators can generate revenue by which a lot of them survive.
Obviously a lot of that COULD and SHOULD be hosted on a different platform without all these issues, but right now they are not, so we need to make sure not to throw the baby out with the bath water.
I pointed it out in other comments, but I feel as if the current bill provides too much power to the executive to unilaterally ban foreign outlets from functioning in the US. I’m not a nutty free speech absolutist or anything, but I think anything that has the potential to shut out alternative perspectives like that takes us closer to Chinese style censorship, not farther away.
Ironically, I wonder if a better solution is mandatory integration of positive content algorithms like it seems like douyin has. But then the question is, who picks what’s positive? Is religion positive? Patriotism? Depends who you ask.
All in all, I think social media of all kinds has been basically the worst thing to happen to the world in my lifetime, but I think that that the cat is out of the bag on it and we’re just pretty fucked.
Thank you for the honest and level conversation here, I do appreciate it.
- Comment on Ideas for how to repurpose a half broken laptop 11 months ago:
I usually just harvest usable parts like the hard drive and camera and call it a day.
Alternatively, if you’re able to plug an external monitor in and get it to work for setup, you could install some sort of Linux distro on it and run it headless for lots of different purposes.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
Here is the full text of the bill in case anyone was curious.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
In case I’m being downvoted because you think I’m worried about a slippery slope for no reason, I’ll link the full text of the bill here.
The process is basically that the president determines that an app is an issue, notifies Congress (who does not need to give approval), then within a certain time period the foreign owner of the all must divest ownership or it would become illegal to distribute that app.
There are definitions laid out in the text. I see nothing that would stop them from banning foreign news sources or potentially foreign shopping platforms except for the clause about “permits a user to create an account or profile to generate, share, and view text, images, videos, real-time communications, or similar content”, which could be broadly interpreted.
Do you really want to give the executive branch basically unchecked power to limit our access to voices from outside the country?
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
I agree with you. The difference between the other platforms mentioned and TikTok is that TikTok is where the action is right now, so it’s the target. The unverified hearsay problem is certainly there, but I don’t think it’s inherent to TikTok more than any other platform. No matter the platform, rage and engagement are the most important things so the algorithms will always reward them. Even YouTube’s algorithm has been highly criticized for funneling people down extremist pipelines.
The TikTok algorithm is incredibly efficient at locking people, especially young people, into scrolling forever. That’s bad. However that same criticism has been made against more traditional social media platforms too. Twitter especially has a similar although less effective problem.
Besides vague gesturing at China, I don’t see any problem that TikTok has that isn’t already present in other social media platforms. If we want to go after all of them, I’d 100% be for it, but this legislation is too targeted and creates a dangerous precedent imo.
100% agree on the searchability. It’s totally unusable.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Too lazy to look up who said it, but there’s a quote I like that goes something like “conservative seeks to have an in group who the law protects but does not bind, and an outgroup who the law binds but not protects”
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
I agree that would be problematic.
However I’m not willing to allow the government to ban a social media platform that a lot of people enjoy and rely on for community building (or even their livelihoods, in a lot of creators’ cases) on a “what if”.
Think about the precedent this sets. What could it be used on next?
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
I’m not here to be pro-china, and I definitely believe that they’re putting those things in douyin. I’m just not convinced they’re purposefully putting negative things in TikTok purposefully to harm mental health.
This is anecdotal and my personal experience, but I haven’t noticed any pro-ccp things on my personal algorithm. What I do notice is anti-US and anti-capitalist content by Americans. Whether or not they are shills, I can’t say for sure, but it feels like it would border on conspiracy theory thinking to suggest that many of them are.
To clarify the isolation comment, I mean that TikTok is a place where community building and the spreading of ideas or news (not necessarily good or bad ideas/news) spreads rapidly, especially among young people, in a way the people who run traditional media can’t control. Taking away this tool makes us more reliant on forms of media that they do control.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
This may sound like a rhetorical question but I promise it’s sincere.
Why would I be more concerned about China having my data than when the US has the potential to collect that same data AND MUCH MORE through surveillance that we know they do? My own government has a much higher potential to do me harm than one on the other side of the world.