And about the Armenians.
Comment on there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop 11 months agoOr, you know.
The people also enabling a genocide. Two, even!
Because everyone forgot to be mad about the Uyghurs somehow. 11 months ago 11 months ago
If the Uyghurs had been on the other side of the China/Afghanistan border, we’d be gasoline bombing them while half the nation clapped.
On the off chance that China does a Capitalist Revolution and all those western business interests discover they’ve got an opportunity to strip mine Hongshan Mountain for precious metals, its going to be Iraq War Redux over there inside a hot minute.
Even now, folks from the NBA to Hollyweird have decided actually China is very cool and good, so long as they can keep selling jerseys and toys to middle-income kids and box seat tickets to traveling executives.