- Comment on Survey shows most people wouldn't pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware | 84% of people said no 7 months ago:
They’ll pay for it. When the tech companies decide, it’s a thing to make money off & advertise it, all the good ants will buy, buy, buy and the rest of the time they will work, work, work for it.
- Comment on The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 7 months ago:
The slow, incredibly painful and brutal death my father father had over 10 years (!) because he ate this shit. Just never. Why should anybody eat this? It doesn’t even taste good, it’s just the brain wash that these things taste good.
- Comment on Good news and bad news 9 months ago:
That’s what you get from hiding all the time, you elusive fuck
- Comment on "Yeah, yeah, I totally know what a lion looks like, just give me the brush" 9 months ago:
That’s what they look like every time they get their nails done, duh.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
Combo washer dryer are never as good as two decent machines. Empiric fact.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
There is No way i go into an American City without a shotgun.
- Comment on Done, what's next? 9 months ago:
That’s what’s left after paying rent and shit and he’s doing 3 jobs. Repeat this: “I am free”
- Comment on He's a little confused. 9 months ago:
With that father (who killed him in the end!) I can understand it.
- Comment on We can dream right 9 months ago:
I raise you the complete Marvel trash heap and several individual “sequels” made in the last 5 or so years. Neill Blomkamp has so many ideas, literally dozens of teasers are on YouTube. Most of them are seriously awesome. Do we really have to wait until all the geriatric Hollywood dinosaurs are dead? And with then their talentless and greedy “protégés”?
- Comment on Busey 10 months ago:
He’s Busey at the moment, can he call you back at a later dimension?
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
I never got the appeal of twitter/x, and I never will. I get other social networks, some more, some less, but Twitter’s just stupid IMO. I hope that shit’ll die sooner than later.
- Comment on Tell Borts I said "Hi" 10 months ago:
Awelsh guy orders a gin: “A shelii gyane”
- Comment on I'm glad my meat didn't go to waste. 10 months ago:
I’d actually be honoured of my meat (and there is some amount of it) doesn’t go to waste. Is live to have a sky burial,but I guess i can forget it with our laws. Then again, what do I care what happens with my ballast when I’m gone.
- Comment on United Scams of Assholes 10 months ago:
Here in Germany you deposit it in a bank and not one party alone can access it. It’s called “social law”, not “socialism”. Many things broken here, that one thing isn’t.
- Comment on Door mat subscription is $29.99 per month 10 months ago:
Cheap pickset and learn to do it: priceless.
- Comment on Are you as smart as Ben? 10 months ago:
Believe you me, it’s better to disappoint your parents than make them proud asf. They don’t leave you alone anymore. BTW happened by accident and lies, from which i can’t back out again. I’m so stupid.
- Comment on We should name the moon. Most people don't call their pets "dog" or "cat". 10 months ago:
I propose: Leroy, the möön
- Comment on I'm loose bottom, tag yourself 11 months ago:
Brokenwind is partner town to Barton in the Beans
- Comment on Pornhub shuts down in Texas... and predictably, VPNs benefit 11 months ago:
They “right porn” to keep it entirely out of the public eye so they can follow their illegal and inhumane sexual shit in private. You’re searching for the real perverted bastards? The one’s who’s shouting against sexual freedom the loudest. Search their computers.
- Comment on B E L I E V E 11 months ago:
MaKMGA - Make Kali-Ma Great Again
- Comment on I heard you wanted more 11 months ago:
Working Boots?
- Comment on Oopa loomp doopity don't. She should better choices but probably won't 11 months ago:
She actually did her best entertaining the children, the people who organized it were the lazy, greedy shitheads.
- Comment on there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop 11 months ago:
All I can say: a serious drug addiction condenses your problems and anxieties down to one. I recommend heroin. Not that pill shit, no, the good Taliban powder from mother nature.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
I don’t know, I have a bunch of years old Sony Konion vtc5 and vtc6 18650s, they’re constantly loaded and drained, I guess some have thousands of cycles. Of course, they’re not new anymore, but even my oldest ones, 7 years plus, are ok. They still give 34 ampere for quite some time, so no problems here. Got some even older no-name ones in akku packs, 10 years old, not so many cycles, no problems there either. Maybe because I never charged them quickly and with adaptive voltage?!?
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
One day, 2 Church persons tried to talk to me about Jesus-guy, I bet them in and talked about 2 hours about free choice, real science and evolution. Tried to “discuss” it like they do it, just don’t let other arguments be valid and come back to the same shit again and again. I didn’t let them go until they almost panicked. Never heard from them again. Btw they didn’t touch their tea, hmm. I really tried to convert them to self-thinking, I still hope, something stays with them.
- Comment on Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU - The Verge 1 year ago:
Whoever buys apple shit will learn eventually. Or just go extinct.
- Comment on What's stopping you from coding like this ? 1 year ago:
- My back
- Comment on Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED 1 year ago:
I took a blue sharpie on my white LED - voilà
- Comment on Guard of the Awwderworld 1 year ago:
I thought of him more like a 3-pug-problem
- Comment on How to show your affection 1 year ago:
And voilà - she’s got a turkey in the oven