Republicans: Exist
Let’s try it?
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
You ever been in a room where one psychotic person seems to set the whole tone? That’s the world without governments. Anarchy inevitably leads to misery, so let’s come up with the best government we can. 1 year ago
I thought about this for some time. An anarchy would always collapse into governed state.
First, imagine the perfect scenario where there no authority and world is just a lot of tiny city-sized communities. It would take just a single bad actor to form a state, start invading neighboring communities and growing in power. In response - other communities would be forced to group into increasingly bigger states to have a chance to oppose influence from bigger/richer states.
This thought experiment also works if violent takeover is replaced by economic one. Think of cartels and monopolies. 1 year ago
Until they hit another group that is either bigger or stronger and opposed to their way of doing shit. Really no different than how shit works now, really. Because you certainly wouldn’t be free to murder and steal and rape and whatnot even in an anarchistic society; people who don’t want you doing that shit would stop you or punish you; just not the same way it’s done now. 1 year ago
Citation needed. I think we’d be fine. 1 year ago
No where on earth has anarchy, the places that have it for a few days spontaneously develop order through gangs, warlords, or the intervention of more stable societies 1 year ago
You ever been to Somalia? 1 year ago
Absolutely works for me that’s a very anarchistic take. 1 year ago
Being president should be like jury duty. Everyone has to do it eventually. And it sucks just as much. 1 year ago
I’ve done jury duty once, my group didn’t even get called into the court room so the worst part was just listening to the conversations of 50 other people bitching about how they had better things to do, such children. 1 year ago
“I can’t make it to D&D tonight.”
“Why not? Are you afraid of the beholder fight?”
“No man, I gotta be the President.”
“Aww man that sucks… Well, try not to nuke anybody, I guess.” 1 year ago
It’s legitimately a fucked up job for most people. You’re on call 24/7, the stress is so bad you can literally watch presidents prematurely age, you have to smile at people who make you want to puke, and you are legitimately trapped in the security circle.
Yeah there’s a lot of perks but I’ll keep my application to myself. 1 year ago
I wish people would just agree to be nicer to each other ;-;
(I got yelled at by my boss the other day, can you tell?) 1 year ago
Your boss sounds like a turd! I don’t understand people who do that. I understand being frustrated, but yelling is a grade school response. 1 year ago
Bill and Ted. Joni Mitchell. They knew. 1 year ago
Yeah well that sounds great, but people tend to be pretty horrible and selfish assholes rather than "just being cool." I'm not sure the President is much more than just a figurehead most of the time, but I've seen people try to start "be cool" communities that always ended up failing.
For one thing, some people wanted to do things that disrupted the sleep of others, for another thing, some people wanted to go around naked while others didn't want to see them running around naked, and some people wanted to have pot parties, whiles others found it disgusting. Eventually it all ends up withg people at each other's throats.
I think it'd be a lot easier to just be cool if people could really just be cool and not hyper-upset and offended by everything all the time. 1 year ago
Yeah, those communes ended up being an untenable disaster or an abusive (usually sexually) cult. 1 year ago
They never really worked out, everyone wants to do their own thing and that inevitably means someone gets upset or offended. If we were all given our own planet, we could probably get away with doing whatever we want to do, but in a world full of other people there's just no such thing as absolute freedom to do anything you want. 1 year ago
-Peter Kropotkin 1 year ago
In this thread: people that don’t know how to be cool. 1 year ago
So “everybody has the nukes” and “nothing is against the law if you have a bigger gun”?
That’ll be a real cool couple of minutes, bud, sure. 1 year ago
I’m conflicted. I’m worried about sociopath taking advantage of the lack of government, but on the other hand I’m not sure it’s worse than the current solution where said sociopaths are the government. 1 year ago
In most systems where you can end up with no Prime Minister / President for a temporary period* the civil servants keep going. So it’s not like there’s no government.
* Usually it’s because political parties are having trouble forming coalitions or a run off condition in countries with a history of electoral uhh … Shenanigans. 1 year ago
Ok. I’ll even share my snacks with you guys. 1 year ago
You bring chips, I bring soda 1 year ago
I’ll bring queso! 1 year ago
At some point Belgium didnt even had a government so its completely possible 1 year ago
Poland managed without an elected government for about a year. Heard it was nice. 1 year ago
So the purge? 1 year ago
There’s a guy who was really into bread who wrote a whole book about this. 1 year ago
That’s how you get a Chairman.
Once they get comfy, they’re quite hard to get rid of. 1 year ago
That is how you end up with someone like Dwight Schrute as a boss. 1 year ago
How do you get shit done without executive branch of the government? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Most of the time people are pretty cool, but when people aren't cool all the cool people need to be like "hey, that's not cool, so be cool or you need to leave" and thus the coolness is enforced. 1 year ago
Additionally because of game theory, a “rat” will always exploit everybody’s chillness. It’d be great to not spend a cent on the military but Russia is a rat that uses this opportunity to invade its neighbors. Inevitably you will have to invest in some kind of law enforcement. 1 year ago
This guy cools