- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 2 months ago:
The problem aren’t babies, its funding those babies. Raising children is fucking expensive, and in the age of infinite growth nobody is allowed to slowdown to raise children. Adoption centers and foster homes are abysmal, and having kids is too expensive for most people.
The rich dont want to pay for peoples kids, they just want to squeeze the value out them. Thats why Elon and his vice president trump wants more H-1B visas. They don’t have to pay for the childcare or education, they can just drain educated workers from another struggling country
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Yeah exactly, people arguing whether dragon fruit or some shit is a “super food”. The super food is right in front of us, potatoes (and onions).
What other food has been so vital to our survival that its disappearance could ravage a population (Irish potato famine)
No offense to dragon fruit, blue berries or whatever exotic fruit, but if they went extinct, not that much could change.
- Comment on True dat 4 months ago:
Thats why I feel so bad for that poster recently that said ai was the only friend he had and liked. He never understood what a friendship is. They aren’t just yes-men that approve of every single decision and beliefs. Their individuality and unique opinions keep your judgment clear and offer you different perspectives on matters.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
I feel like instead of a giant push for veganism, there should just be a push to eat what’s sustainable.
Beef and dairy? Causes huge amount of greenhouse gasses and with current methods of production, it is not sustainable
Blue fin tuna? These things have been way over fished and are endangered. Not sustainable, just try it once and move one with your life.
Tilapia ? These things grow like weeds and can be fed efficiently. Go ahead, good source of protein for your diet.
Honey? We need bees and they are an important pollinator for crops. Go nuts (just watch your sugar intake}
Almonds? Takes huge amounts of water to grow and exacerbates droughts in the areas they are farmed. Eat less of these.
Potatoes? Grow stupid easily in all sorts of conditions. Go nuts.
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
¯\\ (ツ) _/¯
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
oooooooooh noooooooo
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
This is how I felt since like iOS 7. I also use android now so ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
God its so useless
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Sometimes I’ve noticed Google’s AI overview is a nearly word for word copy of the highest reddit result, or any result.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Its against YouTube’s TOS to download content, and to block advertisements. Another lesser known, and less enforced part of the TOS also covers content instructing how to download content and block ads. I’m pretty sure that’s the reason YouTube took it down at least.
On another note, huge props to Linus for teaching how to block ads on channel and company, with a hundred mouths to feed, majorly funded by advertisments. I know he caught a lot of shit before with gamer nexus, but they deserve props for this.
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 6 months ago:
And Viola Ants
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I’m in a very similar spot. My mom is starting to slip mentally and the further she slides, the more hateful she becomes. Before she knew and were friends with many diverse people. Now she hates their kind. Gays, trans, immigrants, blacks, etc.
I theorize the more you decline mentally, and lose your ability to critically think, the most convincing arguments are most repeated ones. I’ve noticed that the strength of her opinions are usually based on the frequency that she hears it. I can predict how often she’s gonna start ranting about black people, trans pedophiles, electric vehicles by the amount of content she’s watching. The more she watches, the more she argues.
I can’t seem to break her out of this cycle. The right has thoroughly brainwashed her that Democrats and leftists are scum and should only exist to be shamed and exiled. If an opinion or fact is even slightly related to democratic values, she just shuts off and rejects it.
She had a PhD and was extremely successful but now she has difficulty just using the oven. There are days when she is lucid and relatively straight thinking but other days she is entirely unintelligible and relies heavily on hand gestures.
Sometimes I wish she would pass. She causes so much pain for everyone around her (my sisters went no contact) and she is in pain herself. She is so extremely stressed and fears that antifa is going to burn down all of the great American cities, the homeless and blacks are going to ravage and loot everything and the left will be complicit since it’s their “ultimate goal” to destroy america.
It makes me extremely sad.
- Comment on Hes alive so this meme is OK right? 7 months ago:
To be fair, it was a point blank shot, and there wasn’t secret service up the ass everywhere.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
I repair a lot of tech and I have never seen torx other than the standard, and security version. And security torx drivers are compatible with regular torx
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago:
I think it’s because of Americanized potato salad. The kind with miracle whip and tons of corn syrup. I’ve had mayo based salads like this and it makes me want to puke (as an American lol)
I think this plays with the stereotype that weird eccentric middle aged people like weird/gross food. Sort of like jello salad coincidentally (search it up, it is foul).
- Comment on Day one and done 9 months ago:
Even pizza dough and sauce is a scam. You really got to do everything from scratch.
On the bright side you can make a big ass batch of sauce and dough and make your own frozen pizzas to bake when you don’t feel like cooking.
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
I use the correct driver, I’ll go through my kit to find the best fitting bit. It simply comes down to the fact they are designed to strip to avoid “catastrophic failure”. Plus the fact that companies use intentionally cheap, soft screws, to make repair and service harder. Cough cough zinc screws on a $10,000 iMac (steel screws would have cost 25 cents for 10, zinc like 5 cents for 10, fucking ridiculous).
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
I work on electronics and woodworking and Phillips are the utter worst of both of them. The thread lock in computers makes them easy to strip when unscrewing. The resistance of driving them into wood makes them guaranteed to strip when screwing. Fuck them.
- Comment on gottem 11 months ago:
Onion make gas. Gas stick to tear on eyeball. Tears turn acidic, eyeball hurt.
Bring tears to onion, gas already react so no can hurt real eyeball. That why bring water (fake eyeball) to onion when cut.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Exactly I’m a tech guy and I don’t give a fuck how many other tech guys say “bing is really good now”, I’m never fucking using it.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
Same except it’s some horrifying shit like "Ukranians are Nazis, Russians are liberators, the west has fallen, traditional values are being destroyed by woke-ism, gays are destroying America, stop being a low value male, I could go on.
Watch Kyle Hill’s video on AI generated content, and the dark forest theory applies to the internet. The internet has become truly hostile today and now I seek to avoid it when I can.
- Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? 11 months ago:
Personally, I’m not really sure if a true “neurotypical” exists. Just people with traits that don’t yet have scientific/quantitative definitions or labels for. We’re all just people and our only common trait is that we’re all different and weird.
- Comment on Warner Bros. leave developers feeling "sick and dizzy" as more Adult Swim games are being delisted 11 months ago:
How does a tax break work here? Do they claim lost potential profits (as the games are no longer available) or lost the franchise or what?
- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
And definitely porn addicts
- Comment on Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait 1 year ago:
In all seriousness improvised ammunition isn’t very hard and it’s doable. All you really need is primer powder and some kind of explosive. I won’t say how but both can be easily made and are pretty readily available. In the rare cases of id required, you can just start asking friends and neighbors if they have any handy.
- Comment on Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait 1 year ago:
Even in one shot the 3d printed gun will explode. The cartridge is just a container for the gun powder, not the explosion. Real guns have a chamber that contains this explosive pressure.
3d printed guns are nowhere near strong enough to contain this pressure and when the gun fires the bullet is flung harmlessly in some random direction. Since there is almost no energy imparted into the bullet it doesn’t have any power or lethality, heck the shrapnel from the casing is literally more deadly for the shooter than any bullet towards the shootee.
Heck a 3d printed gun can even fire a bullet at all. Plastic is not rigid enough to detonate the primer and set the round off. You can literally fry bullets in a cheap metal pot and when they explode they won’t even go through the pot.
The only way you could make a 3d printed gun work is by incorporating tons of other metal parts, at which point it isn’t a “3d printed gun”. Search up pipe shotguns. They can be made with a handful parts from home Depot and only require 1 or 2 tools at home (only 1 if you get them cut at home Depot). Far more effective and actually deadly, even used by guerilla forces against imperial Japan in the Philippines.
- Comment on xkcd #2893: Sphere Tastiness 1 year ago:
Ice bergs. They are kinda round (less so with larger ones) and they are freshwater so entirely edible. According to the graph the object would taste “ok” which is a perfectly adequate description of drinking water.
- Comment on Let’s try it? 1 year ago:
Additionally because of game theory, a “rat” will always exploit everybody’s chillness. It’d be great to not spend a cent on the military but Russia is a rat that uses this opportunity to invade its neighbors. Inevitably you will have to invest in some kind of law enforcement.
- Comment on Why are so many countries in the world “developing” and poor, while essentially only Western countries have a high standard of living? 1 year ago:
1 The middle income trap. Many countries used their cheap uneducated population as an opportunity for cheap labour, for large companies. This brings lots of capital to the country and people, and the country develops. Building more schools, infrastructure etc. but as a country develops, pay increases for workers, and suddenly their labour is no longer cheap. Their country’s economy is now effectively stuck.
2 Conflict and instability. Investors don’t want to pour money into a country where it might have a coup, leadership change, etc. They don’t want to lose what they invest, since these events usually result in lots of private property being taken or destroyed. This fact leaves a lot of countries in a catch 22. They need investment to stabilize, but need to stabilize to gain investment.
A lot of countries are also unstable because of badly drawn borders. This often leaves a lot of ethnic tensions that continue to boil away indefinitely. Sometimes the borders give a country horrible geography and incentivise them to invade their neighbors.
One example would be that country #1 is downstream of a major river, behind country #2 and #3. Country #2 and 3 use a lot of the water and there is none left for country #1 and their only option is to invade.
The final and probably most common reason is that dictators don’t care about prosperity, and that dictators lead to more dictators. Far more often than not, coups lead to another, worse dictator, focused on holding power than their country’s success.
The reason that south Korea and Taiwan are successful and democratic today are because they rolled the 1/1000 chance on a benevolent dictator that WILLINGLY steered the country into democracy and genuinely improved the economy.