- Comment on M'Lady 5 days ago:
Edit /etc/hosts and add the line
… - Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 1 week ago:
Ha! Jokes on you. I speedran that shit by having my 3rd PTSD in my 30s… that’s one for my 10s, one for my 20s, and one for my 30s…
I hate this world, there is no god and I’d like to get off this planet please.
- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 1 week ago:
Banning things? Ban it.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
Because of the cuts. It’ll be a year or so of smooth sailing… then, as the chickens come home to roost: nosedive.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
Right? Gah!
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
Naw, it’s probably because they define racism as actual systemic oppression and not the psychology behind racism - which is dumb, because the latter leads to the former.
But it’s also a question of yankie ire. - i.e the Ugly American. No lie, you’ll meet Africans who have the darkest skin who say they aren’t black or identify as black, simply because they don’t want it to override, generalize and trivialise their own people group’s unique identity and culture.
Then some yankie fuck will lose their ever loving mind and call it racist because they won’t placate to either Pan-Africanism, black nationalism or black erhno-nationalism, as if that’s somehow positive, even though white nationalism isn’t, nor is Pan-Europeanism… the last point I added, because FUCK off if you can me Mediterranean.
Like boy, are you calling me french? Bitch, I’m Nordic. Me and Habibi will slap the shit out of you with a muttom kebab for making that comparison. Like we still have honor and pride in adoption and there are plenty of melanated Nordics today because of it, while yankies have adoption auctions?
Like my brother in Christ, what even is this vile act? Your selling kids like vintage furniture? Are you sick in the head? “Oh, but that’s a white people thing”… again, I’m not fucking wHite then, am I? Because that shit would be fucking dishonourable to my people. Sometimes there are adoption scandals and it hits national news… but sanctioned, legal adoption auctions? Wtf.
People also immigrate, which is fine, since you want people to have the freedom to migrate. Can’t have it one way and not the other. And besides, I love my countrymen, of all shapes, sizes and hue of skin, and I damn sure don’t identify as wHite, because that’s how they got the circus over the pond going completely Texas.
Somehow it seems Americans just wanna make everything pink slime. You need to be put into the people group grinder so that you conform to your identity blob. You shall be pigeon holed, you shall be boxed in, you shall be stereotyped.
Honestly though, I’m racist against yankies - or I’m turning racist against yankies. I’m getting so sick and tired of their bullshit, brainrot, CRT and broad generalizations.
Build the wall - keep those fuckers in.
((And they say irony is dead - you can down vote this dick))
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 4 weeks ago:
Bro, the US wins world champions in racism. There are ethno-nationalists in India that think Americans take it too far.
It’s also important to note that POC, black people or melenated people (take your pick - i.e Pakistani and some Indians are PoC) are not exempt from being racist.
In fact, if you suffer racism there’s a chance you’ll then turn racist, because it triggers pack instinct, paranoia, group think - etc. Humans gonna hume. “You’re claiming reverse racism” - bitch, did I stutter? Racism is racism is racism is racism.
That being said, zoning laws are still CRT based and some neighbourhoods in the US only get the most basic super markets - if even that.
“All I see is church, church, liquor store” - Black Milk.
If black people need access to raw produce in areas they can’t get access to it, then I think it’s completely acceptable. Sad, but acceptable.
I could also see a bunch of Karens buying out the stock so that they can brag that they eat “black produce”, effective depriving black children of proper produce.
To err is human, and also be awful is human, and also racism… is human, and also (say it with me now):
Humana gonna hume. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain 9 months ago:
…yes, that’s what I said. But sign them locally. Do not put your private key on Protons service. Sign and distribute pub keys locally.
Probably should have clarified.
Also, paid IMAP/SMTP makes Proton a freemium service. Thought I should just underline that.
- Comment on Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain 9 months ago:
This is why you sign and encrypt the contents of email. If the recipient doesn’t have the public key, they can’t read the content.
Allowing a service provider to “handle your keys” is tantamount to letting the fox watch the henhouse.
Proton doesn’t provide IMAP/SMTP access for free accounts, so you won’t be able to encrypt emails locally.
This ultimately is the tech version of “trust me bro”. This means you are as secure on Proton as you are on GMail, depending upon how you use the service.
- Comment on Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why! | itsfoss.com 10 months ago:
Gotta respect boycotting Cloudflare on principle… but also, why?
- Comment on „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids” 10 months ago:
…well, is he wrong? Exploiting kids is the most lucrative endeavour. In fact, if we’re going by piece meal and not lump sum, young people are a fat wad of cash.
So of course you knew we need to take every musical art form and turn it into sensory overload on stilts, because money.
Your little crotchgoblins are a path to your wallet.
- Comment on Microsoft ties executive pay to security following multiple failures and breaches 10 months ago:
That exactly it. M$ execs look at this stat and probably go “we need to make it more unsecure, for the shareholders - of course.”
- Comment on If everyone had access to healthcare the net benefit of treating the mental illness and other disabilities holding them back would easily cover the cost of the healthcare itself. 10 months ago:
“Cuba is such a shit hole.”
Consistently has some of the best doctors. Also, healthcare workers from Kenya? Some of the best in the world.
- Comment on I finally got access to the catholic AI 10 months ago:
How long until it turns into a Satanist? Considering he’s supposed to be all moral, I can’t help but think that at some point it does an A/B and reaches the correct conclusion.
- Comment on What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you) 10 months ago:
In some cases, that’s still not possible for m, although my personal laptop that I use daily runs Fedora Atomic.
But I also recently reinstalled another laptop with Windows 11, promptly stripped the whole thing of all kinds of apps and services, installed a bunch of audio software, libraries, etc, to prepare a machine to be show worthy.
When the day comes and Ableton ports Live to Linux proper is when I will forego a bulk of my VST’s, but running it under wine for real-time purposes is not reliable at all - so eh. There’s Bigwig, but I got like years of Max patches that I just can’t live without, and I don’t need just a DAW. In fact, if you ask me to leave Live, I’ll tell you to fly a kite.
Same issue it’s always been, unfortunately, that vendors do not support the Linux desktop. Go bother the vendors about platform supoort. I do, frequently. In fact, time for another ticket - and this one is going to be political.
Thanks for the reminder.
- Comment on What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you) 10 months ago:
So I’m trying to figure out a way to jip Microsoft. We’ve already got a way to activate windows for free, but LTSC images need to be available - because that’s where we get away from Microsoft’s bullshit.
Unless Microsoft removes access to DISM and gp, we’ll still be able to cut off that “always online” limb.
- Comment on Apple must open iPadOS to sideloading within 6 months, EU says 10 months ago:
Such is writing policy. Mayhaps it needs to be reformed down the line as well.
- Comment on How RCS on iPhone Will Make Texting Better for Everyone 10 months ago:
Public-private key signing, using up to date cryptography. That’s it. It’s also “quantum safe”, because all cryptography used by the public goes through peer review processes.
Microsoft as well as Meta have contracted Whisper Systems, but there’s no way of guaranteeing that the signing process is functionally working or if it’s been broken. If it’s run server side, you have no clue. If it’s run client side, there’s still a question if the process hasn’t been tampered with in some way.
Remember: there is no such thing as cryptography with a backdoor. At that point, it’s just a secrets system.
- Comment on What a deal! 10 months ago:
NGL, this is probably better than the actual Cybertruck.
If there’s a Toyota underneath, then this is an improvement.
- Comment on Apple must open iPadOS to sideloading within 6 months, EU says 10 months ago:
By all means. After Apple has painted themselves in a corner, when the legislation has been loophole proofed, that’s when Apple gets hit in the face with the Brussels effect - like a big, floppy, dong slapped across Steve Apple’s mouth in every country out there.
I’ll do a dance for every country. I’ll do a shimmy for Botswana, a conga for Japan, a shake for Sebia, etc, etc.
Slap! Other cheek. Slayap! Other cheek! And so on and so forth.
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
This is probably the best approach. You could pass thru relative USB ports and even a GPU to do things on the Windows VM that you can’t do in Wine.
But how does that work? Isn’t windows rigged to discover if you’re running it in a VM to go “sowwy :( but this is an enterprise feature. Money please~!”
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
You know, it probably is the time to ask myself: who is the bigger evil? Microsoft or Apple?
I’ve boycotted Apple products for so long that I can barely remember my white clamshell MacBook… my special little boy T_T I miss it.
But anyways, maybe if I can’t find a way to make Windows stop being a little bitch I might have to consider moving to a Mac :(
Unless Ableton ports live and max to Linux, in which case Fedora Atomic go brrrr.
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
A bit more involved indeed. It’s not like I didn’t try. The goal was to get it as good or as close to the performance you get in Windows.
Again, if you’re just using a mouse and keyboard to compose music, that’s okay, but you’ll put pressure on the Live engine buffer and most likely suffer dropouts - or buffer overruns - as soon as you add a little bit of processing. Juxtaposed to windows, that well runeth dry real quick.
Realtime MIDI and audio is even harder, because getting midi signals from several USB devices cleanly into wine is not as cut and dry as you’d think. There’d need to be some kind of pass thru on the kernel level to really get some of these MIDI devices working. Perhaps even pass thru of USB audio interfaces might be the ticket. But as is? NGL, kind of limited… and useless for me :/
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
I’ve just recently moved over to 11, because Windows 10 is going EOL in 2025. I needed to switch at some point anyways, so I might as well get it over with. I’m wondering if consumers can get access to LTSC releases of Windows though. Perhaps some form of enterprise edition, if LTSC editions aren’t publicly available.
The problem being of course that I can’t move from my precious Ableton Live and I really don’t want a MacBook. Before I installed 11 I tried it under wine, using Bazzite no less. Could’ve gone with a more music centric distribution, but everything points towards it not being stable for live usage - like at all, even with WineASIO. Couldn’t get the Push to register, and the buffer was hammered with just a little bit of processing. So, yeah…
My old Windows 10 install was Atlas OS, but now I’m trying Revision OS for 11. It must be doing something right for Windows Defender to quarantine one of it’s files. High praise from Caesar indeed. Revision is also a light modification, whereas Atlas OS pretty much nukes all the things - with varying effects and successes. In the end, they are community projects that obviously ruffle Microsoft’s feathers. So, yeah…
It’s a question of how to make a music workstation by choosing the right windows edition, or how to hack at the system until Microsoft limbs are gimped. Also, I don’t think I’ll need a printer spool. In any case, it’s a pain in my arse that I now also have to find a way to nuke Copilot. That will surely just wreck my buffer absolutely. “But you could use it for music creation”… what’s the fun in that?
In any case, list your favourite key reseller sites. I might need to go shopping for something special, and Pro might not cut it.
- Comment on Shit. 10 months ago:
Speaking trout to power.
- Comment on Researchers develop paper battery that generates power from water, air - Interesting Engineering 10 months ago:
*letters start moving around on paper*
It’s been foretold by ancient prophecies. Burn it all down. The factories, the banks, everything. Return to monke. Reject technological poltergeists.
- Comment on Emissary is Whatever You Want It To Be 10 months ago:
In short, it’s a backend/frontend combination that can be shaped using standards compliant web technology, i.e HTMX and JSON, to make it easier in prototyping federated platforms.
Prototyping frontend and backends in tandem is an undertaking to say the least. By creating a framework specifically designed to bridge that gap it will allow developers to more effectively develop, test and publish social media platforms.
…also, they coupled the decoupling… because of course they did. But yeah, if this makes it easier to create federated platforms, I’m all for it.
- Comment on Big Tech Is Faking AI 10 months ago:
Welcome to the world of venture capitalism. It’s all “come on, guy! This is the next thing! Trust me bro!”
But by that token energy is collision and cooperation within the industry to front these technologies to board rooms and shareholders.
Compare the current AI boom with the crypto boom. The crypto boom just made NVIDIA more exploitative and fronted scams, gifts and rugpulls in the form of smart contracts and NFTs.
Then we see NPUs being integrated into SoC’s by Intel, AMD, Apple, etc, platforms like Hugging face, frameworks like pytorch.
In essence, all the right moves are being made to distribute AI processing, but will localised SLM’s, LLM’s and stable diffusion really take off? Or will these NPU’s be gangrenous limbs come the next decade.
Place your bets.
- Comment on Palworld CEO says “many” clones of Pokémon-with-guns game are coming, with “Genshin Impact-level” successors 10 months ago:
…DigiMon, digital monsters, DigiMon are the champions~!
- Comment on The internet is dying - here's why. 10 months ago:
The venture capital samba:
- Make free service (it’ll pan out, trust me bro).
- 1 years passes… trust me bro
- 3 years passes… look at all this user data we can sell - trust me bro
- 2 more year passes… look, we’re going to have to fire some people…
- 1 year passes… we’re not really making any money, so trust me bro - we’re only going to increase subscription fees a little…
- 1 year later, increase subscription fees…
- 1 year later, increase subscription fees…
- 1 year later, increase subscription fees…
- Listen, Mr Creditor - I have liquidity. So much liquidity. I’m rife with the stuff… increase subscription fees
And so forth, and so on…