- Comment on Am I still in time to jump on the Taylor Swift train... *ahem*... plane? 1 year ago:
He got JP-5 all over her new shoes
- Comment on What's going on with 1 year ago:
Cool, and I respect that. And I respect Ernest for what he does and he doesn’t owe anyone anything at all. But if you open source a thing and then almost completely ignore your user base, it’s just a bit disappointing.
- Comment on What's going on with 1 year ago:
Where are the warnings? If they’re in some particular magazine that maybe not every user is subscribed to, then this is a bad practice.
- Comment on What's going on with 1 year ago:
I’m not one to knock a developer on their software. Making things like kbin are complex and they certainly take effort to maintain and improve. That being said, these are my complaints about the management of kbin:
Why is there hardly ever any feedback from Ernest about why kbin is down? It just comes back up and that’s the end of it, until the next outage. A link to an explanation, or detailed banner message, or a schedule would be nice, assuming that these outages are scheduled.
Why has Ernest insisted on being the only developer to work on this? This creates a potential “single point of failure” situation.
None of the git issues on Codeberg seem to get triaged or responded to.
Ernest rarely responds to DMs on kbin.
At this point, I think I’m just going to create an alternate Lemmy account to avoid these blackouts.
- Comment on Your AI Girlfriend Is a Data-Harvesting Horror Show 1 year ago:
You’re just jealous of our love.
- Comment on If the food makes you sick, it's free 1 year ago:
Mommy just threw up in the ball pit
- Comment on Ozzy gave THIS GUY permission, but not Ye? The hell? 1 year ago:
Old school Black Sabbath songs were just dark hippie music, change my mind.
I saw them at Ozzfest once. It was fucking sick.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Good luck doing so. I disconnected the antenna and removed the DCM fuse from my Toyota. Track this motherfuckers 🖕🏻
- Comment on PSA: if you’re memeing, you could be working out 1 year ago:
That may be true, but I love you as if I were.
But….please stop wiping your ass with the bed sheets.
- Comment on PSA: if you’re memeing, you could be working out 1 year ago:
Just don’t shit the bed ok?
- Comment on AI Launches Nukes In ‘Worrying’ War Simulation: ‘I Just Want to Have Peace in the World’ 1 year ago:
I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
Bodies - Drowning Pool
- Comment on Sooooo milk first 1 year ago:
- Comment on Sooooo milk first 1 year ago:
Please tell me this is you doing this
- Comment on Sooooo milk first 1 year ago:
Well then the bottom half would have no purpose?? Jesus dude wake up
- Comment on Look at how they cover their vital areas when surprised! 1 year ago:
Oi, I’ve gone an upset eem. This species natural defense is to sheet it self uncontrollably
- Comment on Sooooo milk first 1 year ago:
No. You plug the kitchen sink and dump the milk into it. Cut the top off the jug, and pour cereal into the bottom half of the jug. Then, put the cap on the top half and scoop the sink-milk into the lower half. Do I have to figure out everything for you?
- Comment on Introducing Sudo for Windows 1 year ago:
Aww that’s cute
- Comment on Probably better than me in this one. 1 year ago:
I hope things get better soon man.
- Comment on The FTC isn’t too happy with Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard layoffs 1 year ago:
You’re right, I should have done that, my bad.
- Comment on The FTC isn’t too happy with Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard layoffs 1 year ago:
I’m sure they’ll do something about it
Lol I’m sorry I’m totally joking
- Comment on Grandpa still got it 1 year ago:
Candidly, grandpa tells his story:
Back in my day, I could really tear it up. See these bad boys right here?
He blows on two fingers like the barrel of a smoking pistol
Yup, these babies made magic happen. I was the ramminest, jamminest son of a bitch this side of the mighty Mississipp’
A tear wells in his eye, as recounts the memories. A Finger Blast from the past
- Comment on Grandpa still got it 1 year ago:
Grandpa was the 1978 regional Fingerblast champion in Fort Wayne Indiana
- Comment on Let them warm up for a minute 1 year ago:
You’re not my real dad, you don’t tell me what to do
- Comment on TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out 1 year ago:
With enough lube, yes
- Comment on EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 - XboxEra 1 year ago:
Mecha-Bill Gates is en route to your location, prepare to be eliminated
- Comment on AnyDesk confirms production systems were breached. 1 year ago:
Any desk, you say?
- Hackers
- Comment on What’s a “sovereign citizen “? 1 year ago:
Are familiar with the term “dumbass”?
- Comment on Conservatives on Facebook absolutely believe this. 1 year ago:
Swift indeed, dipshit. Swift indeed.
- Comment on What's the best type of food to eat in an active shower? 1 year ago:
You, sir, are a genius