- Comment on If you're on the fence about building or buying a 3d printer enclosure, please let me give you a push. 3 weeks ago:
I printed a Bento Box filter for my enders when I started printing ABS. These seem to work pretty well but make sure you get the right carbon and good enough fans. Another printed option is the nevermore but that’s mostly associated with voron printers.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
The conversations would be insane because I bet ever single one of them would be a one upper.
RFK Jr would probably tell some story about cutting the head off a Bald Eagle then Elon would chime in about the time his personal Tesla flew to Mars with a Bald Eagle inside it, that’s what was in the suit.
Trump would try and say it was actually not a Bald Eagles in the Tesla but it was him and the Air Force launched a second rocket top secret rocket to pick him up, it was the biggest rocket.
And lastly Don Jr or Eric which even kid that is would start to tell a story and Trump would interrupt him and talk over him telling a story about the time he sexually assaulted some random women but since he has zero self awareness he would frame it as a good time.
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
The marlin build from creality is fine but klipper is another option if you’ve got a raspberry pi or an unused PC lying around.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
My first thought when seeing this was future home of an ox bow lake
- Comment on US judge says Google must open Android phones to rival app stores 4 months ago:
I’m confused is there a limit to which app stores I can install on my android phone right now because last time I checked there wasn’t.
- Comment on Recommendations other than Bambu and Prusa? 5 months ago:
Aside from what’s already been mentioned there’s the Qidi plus 4. Reviewers seem to like the newer Qidi printers but I have no clue how closed off their ecosystem is. Also seems to be about the price seems to be 800 usd which is cheaper than a Prusa but more expensive than some of the other options given.
- Comment on The humble Anet A8 isn't actually that bad if you just take some insipiration from the Ship of Theseus 5 months ago:
I recently saw an A8 voron switchwire conversion, what I’m taking away from that and this is first A8 mod should be a metal frame.
- Comment on Smh 5 months ago:
This is the answer, if you’re not in academia you likely need to be in logistics, maintenance, or be a doctor/nurse.
- Comment on Any non-tech-background self-hosters? 5 months ago:
I work in retail, but my homelab isn’t super extensive just a nas, a Plex server, and a couple proxmox boxes.
- Comment on Revised Raspberry Pi 5 chip comes with unexpected power savings 5 months ago:
Yeah the support is what pulls me to them but anymore unless I need the form factor of the pi it’s hard to justify them. Like the only place I see a hobbyist use for the Pi is 3d printers. Outside of that everything else seems like a small form factor desktop is better.
- Comment on The 1992 Chrysler Town & Country 6 months ago:
Man my parents bought a Dodge caravan of this vintage when I was a kid, that thing was a god send. Before that caravan my parents had a string of Dodge Omnis and Plymouth Horizons where were way to small to transport 2 adults and three kids.
- Comment on How do I determine if a CPU is better than another one? 6 months ago:
This the route I went too, a couple years ago I found a tiny form factor Lenovo with a 6500t on eBay for a little under 70 bucks shipped and then I found a tiny Dell with a 9500t on my local Craigslist for 100 bucks.
They’re good little boxes.
- Comment on i loled 7 months ago:
Should also be noted his rifle didn’t have a scope, he was shooting with iron sights.
- Comment on Now that scotus gave the president immunity Biden can legally assasinate all of the conservative justices 7 months ago:
Not possible in the way you think. First of all he wasn’t being sued over student loan forgiveness the government was, generally speaking you can’t sue the president.
Second the supreme court ruling is about criminal liability, that would have been a civil case.
And lastly of the 400 billion in student loan debt that order would have forgiven the Biden administration has managed to claw back something like 170 billion in loan forgiveness through other means.
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
Technically YouTube exists because three horny nerds wanted a dating site with video integration. It only turned into a video sharing site when they realized they couldn’t find the clip of the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction and they decided they wanted to build that platform instead.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Thanks for believing in me child.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Piracy has never been theft, it has always been and still remain copyright infringement. That being said go ahead and pirate, I’m not your dad.
- Comment on What's a good graphics card for jellyfin? 9 months ago:
I didn’t even know jellyfin had hw transcode till this post but I’m with this guy, Intel’s qsv is great. I have my plex server running bare metal on an gen 2 HP chromebox. It’s dual core but hw transcode with Intel QSV will do like 20+ 1080p streams.
- Comment on Court upholds New York law that says ISPs must offer $15 broadband 10 months ago:
The article says the law requires 25 mpbs for 15 bucks and 200bps for 20 bucks.
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 10 months ago:
It’s kind of surprising but not super surprising if you’ve ever seen the stock drive in them. The hard drives in the classic are tiny, 1.8inch 4200rpm units. Power draw on the drive case is half an amp at 3.3v. SSDs are like 5 watts plus whatever circuitry you need to convert the interfaces.
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 10 months ago:
There’s a bunch of places selling replacement iPod shells, I think there’s probably just one factory that makes them but the iPod mod scene is actually pretty extensive all things considered.
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 10 months ago:
I think the SSD uses more power than the original hard drives do. I bought an adapter for the iPod classic to put an SD card in it and there was a few articles about power draw being higher for ssds. I might be misremembering the comparison though, it’s been a couple years.
- Comment on What is your favourite camera setup? 11 months ago:
I have several cheap USB website and they work fine but my best cam is probably the Luke’s lab USB cam I bought, it has or LEDs so it can see in the dark. I had issues with the atlas they provide for the camera case but the image from it is decent in any light which is real good.
- Comment on Cybertruck engineer pushes back on claims that Tesla EVs rust in the rain — “It's surface contamination only and can be cleaned off easily.” 1 year ago:
Yeah but like outside of this AI image have you ever seen a rusty DeLorean?
- Comment on Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait 1 year ago:
“Any 3d printer capable of printing a gun” seems pretty broad but wouldn’t 3d print kits get around this easily. Like if I buy a prusa MK4 it can print gun parts out of the box but a pile of parts ain’t printing shit.
- Comment on How do conspiracy theorists get all of their coveted secret government information if it's meant to be hidden and the government would never hand it over? 1 year ago:
I just put “bush did 9/11” and “Wendy’s 5 for 5 dollar meal is back” into a gematria calculator and they equal each other. I don’t know what this means but it’s fucking HUGE!!
- Comment on Let’s try it? 1 year ago:
I’ve done jury duty once, my group didn’t even get called into the court room so the worst part was just listening to the conversations of 50 other people bitching about how they had better things to do, such children.
- Comment on TIL 1 year ago:
Half the bones in a adult human are in the hands and feet. I don’t know if there’s enough missing limbs to offset fetus skeletons but I there’s a whole lot of bones missing in a double amputee.
- Comment on TIL 1 year ago:
This depends entirely on how many people there are out there with missing limbs.
- Comment on Remember it could always be your filament. 1 year ago:
I was trying to print some parts and was having a terrible time, couldn’t get anything to stick to the bed and couldn’t get anything started. I leveled my bed a couple times, checked and rechecked my z offset just couldn’t get a print started. Turns out it was just the two rolls of filament I was trying are just bad filament or something. I switched to a different spool of pla and it immediately started printing fine.