- Comment on xkcd #2915: Eclipse Clouds 10 months ago:
Every time there's a solar eclipse, a blood moon, a super moon, or any other astronomical phenomenon, we never can see it here in Utah, it's always far too cloudy and too overcast to see anything. Same with this Monday's eclipse, though even if we could, we only would see a portion of it anyway.
- Comment on Mountain lion kills California man in state’s first fatal attack in 20 years 11 months ago:
It's a shame that they have to euthanize the mountain lion, but I guess I get why. The first fatal attack in 20 years, just goes to show that it doesn't happen very often and the mountain lion would prefer to be left in peace, it must have felt very threatened for some reason.
I just always hate to hear stories where animals attack people, because it always means a death warrant for the animal in question. Not that I don't feel bad for the people involved also, but -- destroying such a beautiful beast, it's just a damn shame.
- Comment on Vigilantes defending Haiti neighbourhood 'tooth and nail' against gang attacks 11 months ago:
Why. I don't mean to sound defeatist, but what's the point of defending an already desecrated and unsalvageable mess. Maybe the gangs will turn out to be better rulers than the weak-ass rulers Haiti has had up this point. Maybe joining them will be better in the long run.
I mean there are two choices, fight them and get murdered, or join the dark side and thrive. You won't thrive if you fight against them.
- Comment on Electronic waste has grown to record levels. Here’s why that’s a huge problem 11 months ago:
Is this really any sort of surprise to anybody? Of course electronic waste has grown to record levels, it's just going to keep growing. Did people think it would just vanish on its own or something?
I'm sure we set a new record for electronic waste disposal every day. And it is a problem because there aren't landfills big enough to hold it all, or oceans large enough to dump it all into.
Now they've found most people have some amount of plastic waste in their blood streams also. That's just the way it is in the world we live in, we eat breathe, and literally ingest plastic and other indestructible waste all the time.
- Comment on Ecuador's youngest mayor Brigitte García shot dead 11 months ago:
Since Haiti and South America are now completely owned and operated by criminal idiots, why don't we just drop a few bombs on them. THey have no culture left to contribute to the world to speak of. And we can do with less drugs coming into our country.
Since we don't have the intelligence or manpower to stop any of it - let's just destroy what's left of those desecrated cesspools and be done with it.
- Comment on Wyoming governor vetoes bill on concealed carry of guns in public schools 11 months ago:
There HAS to be regulation of guns. People keep saying to me, "but cars kill more people, people use inanimate objects to kill others all the time." Yes they do. And you want people like that to have unregulated access to GUNS on top of that??
Guns only have one purpose, to kill. That's what they are designed for. I'd sooner have a rabid hyena with acid for saliva running freely about my house than ever own a gun for any reason.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
I don't give a flying fuck WHAT your self-important reasons are for doing anything. STOP posting to me about it, I dont' give a flying crap!!!!!
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Don't give a shit what you do.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Frankly you ARE a total scumbag and so I don't give a fuck what you think, but your words will come back to bite you. That much I will guarantee.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Perhaps you should pull your head out of your mom's ass once in awhile to see the truth, even if you don't like it. Asswipe.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
What you're saying is you removed my comment because it was truthful and therefore unacceptable to your community.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Thanks I like it when people get what I'm saying!
- Comment on Teenage Afghan girls say they feel "mentally dead" as the Taliban's ban on their education prevents them from returning to school once again 11 months ago:
Religion is nothing but institutionalized slavery, which breaks the backs of the poor and ignorant and shakes out their pockets for what little money they can fork over. The use of religion as an excuse for the utterly perverse treatment of women is proof that humankind is not going anywhere but to hell, for there is no true possible salvation for any of us.
- Comment on Teenage Afghan girls say they feel "mentally dead" as the Taliban's ban on their education prevents them from returning to school once again 11 months ago:
Ban, ban T-Taliban. (that's for the Shakespeare fans out there). What more proof do we need that men have not evolved beyond primitive beasts than that there is such an organization alive and well in our midst.
But then again, I live in Utah where we still haven't entered the 20th century (let alone the 21st, I've given up hope on that). Here women aren't allowed to make their own choices and women who do are considered heathens. So we're not so unlike the middle east here.
I'll never know the sheer indescribable horror of being a woman in a man-centric ignorant-based universe such as ours, but I'm sure there aren't words capable of describing such agony. I can only hope we nuke ourselves out of existence, for mankind truly has been nothing but a sick and wretched exercise in perversion from day one.
- Comment on Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law 11 months ago:
Also modern humans: It don't matter I can do what I want, I have a tube of Ivermectin in the house..
- Comment on Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law 11 months ago:
In Utah they're afraid of ALL sexuality. They'd rather humans didn't have such "urges" at all. I don't know where all these little Mormon kids keep coming from, but someone's cabbage patch sure is doing good business.
It isn't all that ironic that the state with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy is good old Utah - even though (and frankly, because) we outlaw teaching kids about sexuality and giving them any education about what sex is all about.
- Comment on Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law 11 months ago:
It still is that crazy here in Utah - no booze allowed, but you can go to a state liquor store and buy it if you're "that type" (which apparently everyone is because the stores are always packed).
You can't gamble here because "it's immoral and addictive," but you can go across the state line to Wendover and spend your entire paycheck on gambling, which almost everyone here does, giving all our cash to Wendover's schools and infrasctructure projects.
You can't look at porn because Pornhub was sued by Utah and shut down here but you CAN go to any of the several donut and sugary drink dispensaries around town which are always crowded and indulge your (apparently very widespread) food addictions.
I've always said it's stupid to outlaw something because a few folk might become addicted to it. Some will, most won't, and many of us have the brains to be able to regulate how and when we use something.
- Comment on Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law 11 months ago:
You can have a gun here at the age of 9 (apparenlty because most kids do) and watch all the violent content you want. But GOD FORBID you should see a naked breast!!! THE CORRUPTION! THE FILTH!!! THE PERVERSION OF NUDITY!!! Won't someone PLEASE think about blinding our kids to such horrors!!!
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Your stupidity not withstanding, that's not at all what I was suggesting. Next time read the post before you make such an asshole of yourself.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Yes, thank you for being a prime example of someone I'd gladly beat into a pulp just for the sheer pleasure of it.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Their parents suck because they DON'T do enough to punish and reign in their kids. They are so afraid to raise a hand to their kids, and the kids know they can get away with murder. Raising kids right includes physical punishment when they threaten others or misbehave deliberately. Take it from a boomer who saw that benefits of such punishment, versus how the lack of them these days has turned the world into a cesspool full of self-important miscreants carrying weapons around because they are weaklings.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Actually when they've interveiwed school shooters and such they have found the opposite to be true, these kids come from very permissive homes where the parents never raised a hand to them no matter what they did wrong. Like Ethan Crumbley's parents who let him get away with anything and always looked the other way no matter how many animals he "experimented" on.
Kids need discipline and sometimes physical punishment is the only sure way to get their attention and make them see that their actions do have terrible consequences.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
I don't think a kid needs to have constant physical beating, but if he or she does act up and do anything threatening to others, it can make them think twice about doing such things. Yes it can make them less likely to bring a weapon or even think about doing something that might well end with their bottom getting smacked to oblivion.
The problem is if you don't punish kids in a way that hurts, they end up escalating their violent horrible behaviors because they start to believe nothing bad will happen to them no matter what they do.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
I totally agree. It was never fun to get slapped or spanked as a kid, but in the 50s and 60s, if we did something wrong - SMACK. There was no holding back the corporal punishment and it did force us to learn to take responsibility and learn how to behave.
Spare the rod, you always spoil the child (as in turn them into a rotting runt of a weakling).
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
And yet if the teachers or principal were to raise even the mildest hand to strike these kids it would be a global outcry of screaming outrage over corporal punishment. When we were kids in the 50s, we did something wrong, we paid for it with a rod to the backside. We learned to behave, and not be disrespectful.
Today's kids are raised in a culture that lets them run rampant. I don't how many times I've walked into Target to see kids running wild like they were at a playground, throwing balls around and making a mess.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. And you'll end up with kids who bring machetes and spears and knives to school; weakling sad little runts who cant learn to be responsible human beings and who have such low self esteem they need weaponry to threaten others with. Sick.
- Comment on Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law 11 months ago:
In Utah they are so absolutely frightened by the idea of teenagers having sexual thoughts, they've not only forbidding porn sites from being available they've also now made it impossible for anyone under 21 to access social media at all.
Not to mention all the books they've pulled out of schools because of representations of adults being couples or having kids or being possibly gay. GASP! Imagine how the kids' heads would explode if they were ever to be exposed to such horrible nasty truths!!! Teenagers would NEVER think about sex on their own, it's all because the media is trying to corrupt them at every turn!!!!!!!!
- Comment on Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Chaturbate, xHamster Over Controversial Age Verification Law 11 months ago:
Utah's doing the same thing, having demanded (and won) their case to have Pornhub and other sites prohibited from being accessed by adults in our state. Of course we all know that porn is extremely damaging and awful, but it's OK to get addicted to food and religious ideology and other shitty nonsense.
- Comment on Japan's same-sex marriage ban 'unconstitutional' 11 months ago:
Marriage has always been meant to be for couples who are deeply committed and in love, no matter what genitals they have. No bible verse and no law of man can change that explicit truth. No court can decide who can be together and who can't. That's up to us as individuals because we are all born free with intrinsic rights to love whomsoever we decide without any restrictions.
- Comment on California sheriff releases bodycam video of killing of boy, 15, holding gardening tool 11 months ago:
It is not possible to know when you are confronted with coming at you holding a tool in a threatening manner whether or not he's autistic or "having a mental health crisis." An officer cannot afford to sit and wait to see if the attacker strikes him in the skull first.
I'm not saying this couldn't have been handled better and it should have been - but I can understand how it happens. Taking a reasonable amount of risk has to be balanced with instantaneous assessment of whether this person who's on a rampage is about to strike you or a family member in a lethal way. This may not be the happiest outcome, but people need to stop instantly criticizing every move the police make.
If YOU were the officer standing there having to make a snap judgment, you very likely would do the same thing, even if you think you wouldn't.
- Comment on Somewhere in North Dakota 11 months ago:
Said no one ever: Oh JEEZ WE'RE OUTTA LUTEFISK!!
Said most probably everyone ever: YAY WE'RE FINALLY OUTTA FUCKIN' LUTEFISK!!!