This happens when the metrical goes out in a house. Usually the waterlines will handle it, but if the house has pex the ground will go through the gas lines.
Especially if a high voltage line comes down on a gas meter for whatever reason.
Definitely run away and call professional… everyone i guess. 5 months ago
When this was posted on Reddit recently, someone claimed this was caused by a fallen power line that made contact with a gas line. So, power flowing into the house through gas pipe and back out through equipment grounds, heating up lower resistance gas pipes in the process. 5 months ago
This makes no sense at all.
Why would only these two specific pipes get hot, so hot to glow, but not the other lines connected to it? And not the fittings around it? It’s all copper, so even if the power itself doesn’t heat them up, why would being connected to an extremely hot pipe heat it up. Since it’s you know copper and being good at transferring heat is what it’s known for.
And why would the lower resistance part be the part that get hottest? Low resistance means less loss, so those parts would in fact be the coldest of all.
Plus thin walled copper pipes can’t get so hot they glow without melting or at the very least lose all structural integrity and break.
And a downed power line with a short to ground would almost immediately turn off. It’s when there isn’t a direct line to ground those things are dangerous. As soon as it shorts, it gets turned off at the source to prevent further damage, fire and not cause issues upstream.
Either it’s Photoshop or someone has wrapped led lighting around some pipes. 5 months ago
Both of the lines that are lit up are flexible aluminum couplings. They’re required in some areas as the final connections to the appliances. They’re in line with cast iron gas pipe and fittings. They are much more thin and way better at conducting heat.
Source: former HVAC tech 4 months ago…/tulia-family-displaced-after-… 5 months ago
Well that’s truly fucking terrifying 4 months ago
ELI5 anyone?