I remember when I was a kid, doctors were so interactive and really took time to get to know you and talk to you, learn about what you’re going through and explain things. Now as an adult, it’s been nearly impossible to find a doctor who is willing to take any amount of time to sit down, explain things, show any sort of compassion or empathy at all.
I suffer from acid reflux, and in order to diagnose that, they basically put a tube down your throat, it’s called an endoscopy. You have to be fully sedated with anesthesia and take nearly an entire day off of work because the way the anesthesia affects you, you can’t drive and someone has to drive you. Well for many years now we’ve had this other procedure which is a tube, but they put it through your nose instead. There’s been lots of research papers about the use of it, it’s used in other countries as a procedure regularly. So I asked several gastroenterologists if they offer the procedure and every single one of them said no, and would not provide any additional information or insight as to why you have to be completely sedated and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for expensive anesthesia. I am simply blown away. It makes no sense. A research tested method that has been written about for about a decade now in actual research studies by board certified medical physicians, and no one offers it. Literally no one, and they won’t even consider it.
I’ve also been through at least several primary care physicians because the ones I have seen are so short and don’t really take time to get to know you at all. They just pop in, ask you a handful of questions and leave, if your test results come back with anything abnormal, they say it’s nothing to worry about, they don’t want to take any extra time to help look into anything or diagnose you… like wtf?
It just seems like doctors these days are out to get you to spend as much money as possible and do the absolute bare minimum for you in return. And now we have direct primary care options where you can circumvent insurance entirely, pay your doctor thousands upon thousands of dollars a year for the same level of care that we had in the '90s. But now you have to pay out of pocket for that in addition to your insurance. Wtfffff
harsh3466@lemmy.ml 5 months ago
Healthcare and insurance are for profit industries and the corporations running the healthcare and insurance business don’t give a fuck about the health of the patients. They want all the monies and want to move patients through as quickly and cheaply as possible to maximize their profits.
placatedmayhem@lemmy.world 5 months ago
It’s exactly this. The policies put in place by “healthcare administrators” (MBAs and such with healthcare flavoring, not people that actually know how to care for people’s health like doctors and nurses) are designed to process the most patience in the least amount of face time possible, so that each doctor and nurse can see more patients per day, meaning more office visit fees, meaning higher profit. My dad calls it the “cattle shoot” and I feel that’s a pretty apt analogy. It’s the same general reason that fast food restaurants and pharmacies and department stores are perpetually understaffed: fewer staff members means lower “overhead” costs.
TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee 5 months ago
this is such a cliché, short-sighted oversimplification that doesn’t address the root of how individual physicians end up caught in these systems of apathy.
like yes capitalism is part of the problem but that’s about as useful as saying, why is there climate change? capitalism! like sure, yes, but isn’t there so much more to the story that can inform us on why the systems are the way they are, so that maybe we can address it? or i guess lemmy.ml users already have that answer, just start a global revolution and hope the winners care enough to fix it before all the survivors die of heat stroke dysentery and starvation, easy. capitalism. upvotes to the left.
harsh3466@lemmy.ml 5 months ago
Capitalism/the profit motive is how physicians get caught in these systems of apathy. My comment isn’t an over simplification, it is the root cause.
Is the entirety of the healthcare system incredibly complex? Absolutely, and within that complex system there are all sorts of problems that could be teased out to study and address. None of that will dramatically change the outcome of a system that is designed solely to extract as much profit as it can.
When profit is the primary goal of a healthcare company (and the legally mandated responsibility of that company if it is publicly traded) the end result is the system we have.
tee900@lemmy.world 5 months ago
How do people not get so sick of this meme of an answer?
Its like how every opinion teenagers have is the antithesis of their parents ideology.
What if a communist doctor withholds execllent care to preserve resources for the motherland?
EleventhHour@lemmy.world 5 months ago
This combined with liability. If the patient gets anything even resembling an unsatisfactory result, they’re likely to sue the doctor.
Buttflapper@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Honestly, I think this is not true, in my experience at least. I think suing doctors was a feature of the '90s and early 2000s, but now people are so poor they can’t afford lawyers to sue a doctor for them, and medical malpractice runs so rampant that doctors don’t even seem to care at all. Everyone has had a bad running with a doctor, yet you’re very unlikely to hear of someone who has sued a doctor and gotten away with it.