- Comment on Nearly half of Steam's users are still using Windows 10, with end of life fast approaching 1 week ago:
Haven’t Debian and most other distros stopped supporting “i386” for quite a while now? I remember reading something like that, but they still have 32-bit isos up.
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 1 week ago:
I don’t abuse alcohol. I love alcohol, so why would I abuse it?
- Comment on eggs in japan 2 weeks ago:
That probably wouldn’t pass the float test though, right? I wouldn’t risk it after that long, but I’m glad you didn’t get sick.
- Comment on YSK, that on most smartphones, if you press the power button 5 (or more) times in quick succession, you can quickly call emergency services. 2 weeks ago:
an approximate location based on cell tower triangulation (which is kind of hit or miss, sometimes it’s really accurate, other times it’s basically useless)
I thought it was some kind of law that newer phones have to send accurate GPS coordinates?
- Comment on eggs in japan 2 weeks ago:
The USDA’s website says that eggs are “washed and refrigerated in Canada, Japan, and Scandinavia”, but that’s a lie regarding Scandinavia in any case (I’m an egg enthusiast btw)… so I wouldn’t be surprised they’re lying about Japan as well.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
It was already difficult enough to undo bra hooks, but now you can watch 6 unskipable ads instead and it’ll release itself automatically. Much profit indeed.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
I think my girlfriend would be weirded out if I asked her to take domperidone…
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
And if you get poisoned with 2,4-DNP, your ATP will make you into a thermal power plant before you die of uncontrolled hyperthermia!
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 5 months ago:
I thought that’s where that guy from Pokémon came from?
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
There’s nothing illegal about downloading streams, but if the purpose of your downloads is to get fraudulent royalties, then of course it’s illegal as wire fraud under 18 U.S.C. § 1343.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
but totally fine when so many other media companies do it?
Do other media companies create fake streams?
Fraud is the crime of obtaining money or property by deceiving people. He deceived streaming platforms, as he botted his songs in order to earn royalties.
The whole “AI” thing is irrelevant; it’d be the same situation if he manually produced all his music.
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 5 months ago:
you’re only getting part of what an endoscopy can do.
But it’s much less intrusive, no? So should it not be considered to see if a good diagnosis can be made via it?
- Comment on San Francisco says ‘good riddance’ as X prepares to leave 5 months ago:
The spin-spin relaxation! I’m not a radiologist, but it’s my understanding that T2 weighted images are the best way to see lesions. And it’s believed that ketamine abuse gives brain lesions. I’d bet a couple bucks that his brain looks like Swiss cheese. (I’m not sure if I missed some reference or if the question was serious btw)
- Comment on San Francisco says ‘good riddance’ as X prepares to leave 5 months ago:
I have no doubts that he frequently does that, as well as other controlled substances. But it’s okay for him to abuse drugs; he’s rich and powerful after all! Though it would be interesting to see his head under an MRI with T2 and see how many Olney’s lesions he has.
- Comment on Taco Bell Programming 5 months ago:
That guy: wow, these people are such suckers… keeping me employed for over 18 years despite not building better infra?
How much chaos is it gonna be for your company if he’s hit by a bus?
- Comment on Planet Of The Apes [spoilers] 6 months ago:
No it wasn’t. Though it was on the remastered “collector’s edition” VHS.
- Comment on Government should “urgently” legalise e-scooters says shared transport charity - says serious safety incidents are rare 6 months ago:
What are your rules about bicycles? In Sweden, we regulated them kinda like bicycles - as long as the motor has an effect under 250w, and is limited to driving at speeds of 20km/hr, you’re able to use them in the same places and manners as other bicycles.
Recently they started to require traffic insurance, and basically all insurance plans have zero deductibles as long as you’re wearing a helmet. I barely see anyone with helmets still, but yeah…
Or is the biggest nightmare that there’s not many designated bicycle paths, and so people are zooming around where pedestrians are walking?
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
Maybe not trusting their computer having full access to their phone’s files?
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
Unfortunate typo there…
- Comment on *nonchalant whistling* 7 months ago:
The rest of them I understood without ever being brainrotted, but “bop”, wtf? Guess it’s time to cancel Kidz Bop…
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Yeah, but is that supposed to make us feel better?
- Comment on Report: Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Immediately Killed Wireless Price Competition In U.S. 9 months ago:
Yep, the US went from a duopoly (if that), to a triopoly.
- Comment on Meta will shut down its Teams competitor Workplace next year 9 months ago:
Workplace is basically just an internal/“private” Facebook for your company; you have groups, posts, chatting, voice/video calls, and that kind of stuff.
So it basically gave nothing other than “use a UI similar to Facebook’s, but on a platform that only your own employees can access”.
- Comment on Microsoft won't fix Windows 0x80070643 errors, manual fix required 9 months ago:
But the partition is Microsoft’s own, basically no one has ever touched it themselves. So why can’t they do some housecleaning to make enough space? At the very least, they could fix the error messages to be more descriptive on how to fix it.
The tin-foil in me says it’s just a tactic to get people to switch to Windows 11. “Oh, I have errors with my updates? I should really try upgrading and see if that fixes it, I don’t want any hackers to steal my megabytes…”
- Comment on How do recommend eating this? 9 months ago:
I should call her…
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 9 months ago:
I thought one of the big problems with America’s student debt was that you can’t effectively default on it? That it will still persist even after filing for bankruptcy for example?
- Comment on Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns 10 months ago:
In Sweden, over 1000 packages are listed as a backlog risk-situation. But the numbers are a bit inflated, because each package counts as another item on the list (if Paracetamol 500mg with 30 tablets is marked, it’s probable that both Paracetamol 500mg with 100 tablets and Paracetamol 250mg with 30 tablets will also end up in that situation).
So yeah, there are shortages, especially for medicines that have become increasingly popular (Semaglutid for example)… but it is very likely Brexit has made it worse for the British, as otherwise many could be imported easier from the single market.
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
Perpetual growth/engagement statistics?
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
Tesla was all like “hold my beer” to the BMW club.
- Comment on Ethernet is Still Going Strong After 50 Years 1 year ago:
How’s the retransmission if a packet gets lost though?