In particular, know how to identify the common and deadly species (eg: much of the genus Amanita) yourself, and get multiple trustworthy field guides for your part of the world.
Mushroom ID requires a lot more than just immediately available visuals. You’ve gotta see what the cap looks like, the stem, how the stem connects to the cap, the specific characteristics of the gills, the substrate it’s growing in, and the spore print (i.e. leave it on a piece of white paper, covered, for a number of hours undisturbed so it drops its spores). And even then it can be tough if the mushroom is abnormal or is decaying at all.
With enough info, I’m sure you could train an ML model to ID mushrooms. But you’d need to give it a lot of info to make a successful ID. 11 months ago
Of all the things to use machine learning for, identifying poisonous fucking mushrooms seems like a poor choice. I’m sure it sounds very confident in its wrong answer, though. 11 months ago
Identifying mushrooms with an ML-based algorithm is a fine idea if you properly design the application to leverage that. As a hedgehog, this is what I would do:
You might say that this app would be useless for determining if a mushroom is safe to eat, and I agree, but it’s also a better approach than any of the existing apps out there. If you need to use an app to determine if a wild mushroom is safe to eat then the answer is simple: it isn’t. C’mon, I’m a hedgehog and even I know that. 11 months ago
It’s probably just a ChatGPT wrapper with a preset prompt. That’s all these “AI entrepreneurs” are capable of. 11 months ago
This comment reads like it was written by AI 11 months ago
I feel like training on poisonous mushrooms is the wrong direction. You want to err on the side of poisonous, not edible. Anything it can’t identify should be considered poisonous. 11 months ago
This will be how the machines ultimately win. 11 months ago
Now that is a thought. Instead of AI doing a skynet/terminator thing it gets to the point we trust it and then tells us to eat or do things that kill us. 11 months ago
Yeah, I mean there’s only going to be a handful of species you want to eat in any location at any time.
You should never just be finding random mushrooms and figuring out if you can eat them. 11 months ago
Finding random mushrooms and learning to identify them (which includes learning if they are edible) is absolutely how you should start in amateur mycology, especially if you don't have any mycology groups nearby that you can join. And if you do, you know what that group will do? Gather random mushrooms to learn/teach identification.
Just don't go around eating random stuff. 11 months ago
I would personally trust it if it said it’s poisonous, and then do more checks if it said it was edible. It’d be useful for ruling out some options, and maybe to give you a start for further verification. Basically, don’t trust it to tell you what you can eat but trust it when it tells you you can’t eat something. 11 months ago
What about identifying three different types of similar flowers by using the sepal length? 🧐 Very valid machine learning 101 tutorial exercise 11 months ago
Probably equally as confident as the people commenting in Facebook groups
Although at least when asking in a group like that you will probably get a bunch of different answers, which should sow some doubt, as opposed to only getting one answer