- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 1 day ago:
Well Bezos probably has like 20 toilets in each of his mansions, so he’s just skewing the averages.
- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 2 days ago:
Bought replacement float and toilet seat last week to fix my aunts toilet.
Amazon now thinks I’m a toilet repair technician or some shit. I see nothing but different kinds of floats, stoppers, tank gaskets, seats, bidets, anything that can go in or on a toilet, Amazon thinks I need.
I’ve never been ad bombarded this hard before, and it’s about toilet parts.
- Comment on Sri Lanka goes bananas after monkey unplugs nation 2 weeks ago:
The monkey was clearly a highly trained intelligence operative
- Comment on The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis 2 weeks ago:
A rocket is not fundamentally new and hasn’t been for almost 100 years.
Rockets perform correctly when they deliver their payload to the correct orbit.
You can calculate the energy density of fuels, the efficiency of your engines at various atmospheric pressures, and determine the payload size you can deliver with your engines and fuel. Blowing up rockets for “tests” is so 1950s. We have whole college programs on rocket design. We have desktop computers more powerful than anything available in the 1960s, and NASA managed to design the Saturn V, a rocket of similar size to starship, with the computers of the time and fucking slide rules. The Saturn V had its problem, but each rocket managed to deliver its payload and perform its part of the mission without blowing up.
Your comment is classic tech bro. No understanding of real engineering principles and only a desire to shove some shit out of the door as fast as possible.
- Comment on Fixed 3 weeks ago:
Cyberpunk theme intensifies
Where are my goddamn robot arms. We have corporate hellscapes, hacker collectives, and private militaries, but I still can’t get robo limbs at a Walgreens walk up clinic.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Met my wife online during the pandemic.
Dated a fair few women before her, meeting online and in real life.
I’m not super attractive, and pretty awkward, but I always make the effort to be polite and actually listen instead of waiting to talk, you’d be amazed how far that actually gets you.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Is way better to draw your finger perpendicular to the edge to feel the burr. That way you don’t cut yourself on the edge or the burr itself.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
Oh, see, it’s called having fun.
Hope this helps.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
That’s an interesting question as to whether the infinity gauntlet rounds down.
Like, if there were 3 survivors of a species and thanos snapped the universe, does the gauntlet round up to 2 survivors, or down to one?
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Or, how about this: it’s a door, have it work like every other car door for the last 70 years.
Redesigning stuff to make it “cool” and “futuristic” is fucking stupid and is clearly not safe. Doors have handles, the handles are pulled to open the door. Keep it simple.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
ChatGPT is a tool that is used for cheating.
The point of writing papers for school is to evaluate a person’s ability to convey information in writing.
If you’re using a tool to generate large parts of the paper, the teacher is no longer evaluating you, they’re evaluating chatGPT. That’s dishonest in the student’s part, and circumventing the whole point of the assignment.
- Comment on Netflix has closed its AAA gaming studio 4 months ago:
I remember doing the bear grills one, and one of the choices was to jump over a ravine, or walk over it using a fallen tree as a bridge.
Being the hiker I am, the obvious choice of walk around it being missing kind of annoyed me, but I chose the tree option.
Bear died.
So I got to go back and pick the jump over option, which was apparently the right one.
Who the fuck does running jumps over a 15 foot deep ravine.
I never bothered with the choose your own adventure things again. When the correct choice is just not available and the next logical choice just means an instant loss, you don’t have a very fun game
- Comment on Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces 4 months ago:
If you’re a government, you can pretty much put anything in a rocket fairing and call it a reconnaissance satellite.
The only warning that actually has to be given is that a rocket is being launched, so you don’t accidentally trigger WW3 by setting off launch detection satellites without warning. After it’s in space, no one can really tell what was in the fairing. Could be a spy satellite, could be navigation. Could just be a box with a bunch of little rockets in it, designed to slam into whatever you want at ridiculous speed.
But it’s way more likely that this was just Boeing having a tiny leak in a propellant tank, or a bad thruster and as soon as the concentration of propellant and oxidizer got high enough, it triggered a detonation. They certainly have a history of not leak testing their shit: airplanes falling apart, space capsules with leaky thrusters, and now a blown up satellite point more towards incompetence than malice.
- Comment on Proud globohomo 4 months ago:
Is it really a punishment if they asked for it?
- Comment on Intel bets on efficiency with the power-sipping Core Ultra 200S series 4 months ago:
Are they trying to cook less transistors by just feeding less power in the first place?
- Comment on Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera 4 months ago:
Semi drivers require a commercial license, and special training. They’re monitored way more closely than your average American driver.
And side mirrors only let you see what’s behind the car to the sides and at a distance, not what’s immediately behind the car. I don’t want some idiot in his $80K battering ram to roll over me because I happened to walk behind his death trap and he couldn’t be bothered to wait for the rear view camera to come up.
Not being able to see what’s immediately behind the vehicle is a safety hazard, especially in suburban areas or parking lots where most people are reversing out of a space with other people walking around.
- Comment on Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera 4 months ago:
The Cybertruck has no rear view mirror when the back cover is down.
So any reversing requires the use of the backup camera.
The car also accelerates really fast, and weighs 7,000 pounds.
It’s also an $80,000+ car that was preordered by a lot of people without test driving it. So it’s primary driver is someone who makes risky and impulsive decisions.
So a really fast, heavy car that can’t see behind it without a reverse camera, driven by impulsive people makes me think the reverse camera should definitely come up really fast.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
It’s not about converting the car.
I have a 2009 Chevy with an automatic transmission. I’m order to convert it to electric, the ECU would have to be replaced so the car knows when to shift to a higher gear without a combustion engine.
Because of environmental reasons, ECUs are pretty tightly controlled by the government. I don’t know if any company even exists that can sell an aftermarket ECU. There’s plenty that can hack or reprogram ECUs, but even that is becoming increasingly regulated and legally questionable.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
I would love to convert my car to an electric, but it’s an automatic so I’d have to spend as much as a new car to convert it.
A drop in ECU replacement and motor/battery would be great, but I doubt the auto industry or the government is going to allow the sale of third party drop in ECUs.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
He is a man of commitment and sheer fucking will, after all.
- Comment on Intel’s advanced chipmaking process reportedly runs into trouble 5 months ago:
The problem is that they get golden parachutes while the engineer and dozens or hundreds of his peers who has invested years into a “good, established company” gets shafted due to lay offs.
- Comment on YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness 5 months ago:
It’s YouTube, there is no line, just a vague squiggle that you can cross without any warning.
- Comment on Tesla’s Optimus faces stiff humanoid competition at Beijing robot conference 5 months ago:
I’m just amazed it wasn’t a dancer in spandex again
- Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 6 months ago:
Looks more like 2 lovers who found out a close friend died.
I’ve seen my cousin look like this with their spouses at funerals.
- Comment on Octopi 6 months ago:
After reading the children of time series, I choose to use octopodes simply due to the fact that they are beautifully narcissistic little bastards in those books.
Man is that a good, if gut wrenching series.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
Never been in a car with such a feature, as it seems inherently dangerous to me.
Every car I’ve been in, when you accidentally disengage the cruise, you just hit cruise again and it re-engages at whatever speed you slowed down to, then you adjust back to what you want.
Having the car suddenly accelerate without deliberate input just doesn’t seem wise.
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
According to the article there is a “resume” button for the cruise control.
No idea because I don’t own one of these, but if it’s true that’s insane.
I’ve driven a lot of cars from a lot of different manufacturers, and have never encountered a resume button that works how the article describes, where it will accelerate you to whatever the last cruise control speed was.
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 7 months ago:
I used to work in a mall as a teenager/very young adult.
Our holiday playlist consisted of 4 songs.
One of them of was Mariah Carey’s all I want for Christmas is you.
I heard that song every 12 minutes for 2 months. 8 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It now actives some kind of sleeper agent programming in me. All I want for Christmas is to watch a store burn to the ground around me.
- Comment on Be still my beating tastebuds 7 months ago:
It inspires me everyday.
If guacamole didn’t exist, I wouldn’t want to get out of bed
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
I remember a few career changes ago, I was a back room kid working for an MSP.
One day I get an email to build a computer for the company, cheap as hell. Basically just enough to boot Windows 7.
I was to build it, put it online long enough to get all of the drivers installed, and then set it up in the server room, as physically far away from any network ports as possible. IIRC I was even given an IO shield that physically covered the network port for after it updated.
It was our air-gapped encryption key backup.
I feel like that shitty company was somehow prepared for this better than some of these companies today. In fact, I wonder if that computer is still running somewhere and just saved someone’s ass.