- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 1 day ago:
I think we already did reputation wise. Economically, give it a bit longer cause I think we’re playing great depression 2: techie boogaloo.
- Comment on Maybe I should live next to a blueberry farm or something. 4 days ago:
Driscoll sucks anyway.
- Comment on How North Korea pulled off a $1.5 billion crypto heist—the biggest in history 5 days ago:
Internet says gdp of 23.34B so 6ish% of GDP.
- Comment on As consumer delinquencies rise, U.S. economic growth increasingly powered by the wealthy 1 week ago:
The last time minimum wage was raised was in 2009 under Obama with a Democratic congress. The last time progress was made on healthcare was again under Obama with a democratic congress.
The reason these changes weren’t more is because of Republicans and “moderate” democrats. If you want more progressive representation we either need to vote and do work for those candidates in elections including primaries or we need to create a new party that doesn’t just split the liberal/left votes allowing Republican wins.
Essentially RCV or some other form of voting than what we currently have is the best chance of seeing real change and representation.
- Comment on Funny this never made it into a James Taylor song 2 weeks ago:
I toast my sandwiches. So yes, in a manner of speaking yes.
- Comment on Funny this never made it into a James Taylor song 2 weeks ago:
It’s not even cooked after?
- Comment on Elon Musk-led group makes $97.4 billion bid for OpenAI, CEO refuses and offers to "buy Twitter for $9.74 billion" 2 weeks ago:
Hate and hamburger diet ages you.
- Comment on Microsoft Bing Testing Dropping AI Labels From AI Answers. 2 weeks ago:
They put too much money in it.
- Comment on Elon Musk just offered to buy OpenAI for $97.4 billion 2 weeks ago:
Buy a company mostly with other people’s money (he paid ~15B of the 44B offer) lose a lot, 70% or more but use it to win an election and gain 200B in profit.
Musk is a salesman and he’s good at getting investors to get behind his crap. He’s never produced actual value but that doesn’t matter to stock values apparently.
- Comment on How long before Trusk/Mump try to introduce Droit du seigneur? 3 weeks ago:
Unfortunately, viagra exists.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 3 weeks ago:
We used to do the vitamin c but then were like its too easy to get elsewhere why bother.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
They’re a cult, everyone within the cult implicitly agrees on the reality that matches what the leader(s) say regardless of what the leader does. There are many pipelines into the cult, gamers/incels, being an outcast for some reason, the general shitty state of things, etc they all lead to a desire for things to be better in some way. The leader promises this and everyone in the cult agrees that following the leader will fix these things somehow. If the leader does something contrary it is justified simply by saying that you as not the leader don’t understand. There’s 5d chess being played and while you’re awesome and good with 4d chess because you’re in the cult only the leader and some of the higher ups know the 5d strategy. Don’t worry and trust the leader. Drink the Flavor aid, your kids and friends already did.
- Comment on Trump signs order establishing a sovereign wealth fund that he says could buy TikTok 3 weeks ago:
I mean any timeline without this 2nd Trump term would be a heck of a lot nicer.
- Comment on this is controllable now: guy has moving robot messing with stuff in his house and blabbering TTS under internet control 1 month ago:
Because they made this instead of cleaning or doing home projects.
- Comment on Is there an extensive guide on how to protect kids on the internet? 2 months ago:
There’s a lot of “services” like Klarna where you buy now for payments split over several months. At first glance these often seem ok but they’re essentially loans with credit card interest rates.
- Comment on Turkey Temptation 3 months ago:
Would depend on the specific hot spring. Most would cook and dissolve it. Additionally it would be very Sulphur smelling and tasting which would be range from icky to deadly depending on how much of the undissolved you ate.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
Having the same last name is just an easy way to show togetherness and unity. My wife kept her last name because she earned her MD with it but she’s fine going by Mrs. (my last name) in a parental setting.
- Comment on how did you master splits (for flexibility)? 3 months ago:
Basically 5-15min of stretching in the morning and evening (shorter if younger or decently flexible, longer if older or less flexible). You start with what you can do easily then go until you “feel it” then you do your best to hold it for 10-30s and relax (slow breathing). If you stop feeling it go farther (it was just muscle tensing in the way) and a couple inches more and you’ll be at your current real limit hold for 10-30s then do other stretches.
Will take 1wk to a couple months. The biggest caveat is the risk of injury for those who don’t know their bodies well or try to rush the process.
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 3 months ago:
I don’t think there are many Freemasons around anymore and most of lodges that remain have probably adapted their rules.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
I thought it was just their T100, the CFX96s I’ve used don’t have the touchscreen but yeah the bigger “lid” does look like for the CFX.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Top left is a thermal cycler. Basically it heats and cools samples at a given rate. This is primarily used for generic PCR, and certain enzymatic reactions. Top right is the fancier version of this, it is for qPCR, so it can do the heating and cooling and has a laser/detector for the dye or probe that reacts to generating more dna with each PCR cycle so you can quantify approximately how much of the target DNA you had.
Bottom right is a luminex. This uses detection of fluorophore signals to measure multiple analyates, usually different proteins.
Idk what bottom left is.
- Comment on Penguins 🐧 3 months ago:
- Comment on The EchoChamberinator 9000! 3 months ago:
Useful in quite limited scenarios besides as food for something else. Dependent on/creating rotting stuff. Disgusting to most people.
- Comment on The EchoChamberinator 9000! 3 months ago:
I like MAGAt because it sounds like maggot
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 3 months ago:
When I say I don’t care about celebrities that includes the “good” ones. Weird centipede thing 100%.
- Comment on bitey 4 months ago:
A coworker the other day didn’t know there was an animated grinch movie before the Jim Carey one. ಠ╭╮ಠ
- Comment on bitey 4 months ago:
For the extant creatures you give them something they want to bite on and stick a measurement thing inside of that.
For extinct creatures see other comment. You compare anatomy and do math.
- Comment on bitey 4 months ago:
Didn’t like everyone watch Steve Irwin do this to massive crocs like all the time.
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 4 months ago:
$50/mo for internet is a relatively low rate for the US unless you’re lucky enough to live in one of the few places with municipal internet.
- Comment on Absolute Units 4 months ago:
Oh they got fat i.e. blubber but the water’s cold and they’re always swimming. Krill aren’t fatty enough that you’d run into high fat/sugar diet problems.