- Comment on ecologists be like 6 months ago:
Some plants the flowers are very pretty, but the whole plant isn’t practical to be kept indoors (e.g. roses), and they don’t necessarily flower all year round. If someone has a favourite flower or favourite colour of flower, it makes them feel special when someone thinks to buy them for them (they get a flower they love to look at for the next week, and they know that someone cares about them enough to buy them flowers, and keep the knowledge of which like).
- Comment on TIL about the 1968 Olympic 'Black Power Salute' and the white guy in that photo 6 months ago:
Really interesting – thanks for sharing!
- Comment on Adopting a stray cat 7 months ago:
America, given the spelling of neighbour!
- Comment on Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier? 7 months ago:
This is a part of the SNP’s manifesto already, FYI.
- Comment on Casual reminder 7 months ago:
Yeah – has the commenter above seen literally any civil war ever? It’s the leftists that show up
- Comment on Left wing fact checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ 8 months ago:
OP’s username checks out
- Comment on himbos 9 months ago:
Carpenter bees are mostly solitary.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
Also leeches are used to help veins heal after reattaching fingers/ears/other dangly bits, which is a form of bloodletting
- Comment on I like this text. In which Lemmy community can I best share it ? Thanks. 10 months ago:
Yeah, agreed.
- Comment on I like this text. In which Lemmy community can I best share it ? Thanks. 10 months ago:
I disagree with your sentiment, and think the examples work. If your aim was to run a coffee shop forever and you quit, then yes you have failed. If, on the other hand, your aim is to enjoy and have the experience of running a coffee shop, then doing so for two years and stopping is a success. Similarly with a relationship. You can have succeeded in having a mutually fulfilling relationship that you both have happy memories from, even if you then grow apart. It succeeded in its aims of spending time enjoying being a relationship.
- Comment on Smooth 10 months ago:
Sung to the tune of Iron Maiden’s ‘Hallowed be thy name’
- Comment on 400,000 species 10 months ago:
Just want to say I entirely agree with you and that I’m really not sure why the other person doesn’t get it. Any musician knows tone/timbre is really important. I play the violin; you can play really fast and that takes skill, but there’s also a hell of a lot of skill involved in getting a nice sound out of a sustained note.
- Comment on 400,000 species 10 months ago:
I don’t know quite why you seem to be so hostile to the blues, or anyone that wants to defend the skill of the musicians that play it. If you want to see a skilled blues guitarist doing all the twiddly bits, then I’ll happily point you in the direction of Gary Moore, or blues-adjacent Steve Vai.
And if you’re a metal fan, then maybe you’ll find Metallica’s respect for Gary Moore persuasive.
- Comment on Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you | AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your health to apps that make frequent mistakes 11 months ago:
That being said, for anyone in the UK who is interested in getting into foraging, the wild food UK YouTube channel is really good for showing what to look for in wild mushrooms, and there are certain mushrooms that are reasonable to go out and ID (for edible vs inedible, not necessarily down to species) from those videos. Hedgehog mushrooms, for instance, I’d consider incredibly safe for someone that’s seen one of those videos to go out and look for.
- Comment on Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you | AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your health to apps that make frequent mistakes 11 months ago:
I do feel like mushrooms get a bad rep compared to plants – there are certain mushrooms (in the UK at least) that are very safe to forage. Boletes (if you check for staining and red on the stem), agaricus, hedgehog fungi, blewits, shaggy inkcaps…
Others I wouldn’t touch with a barge pole, even if I’m 99% sure. Any of the small white funnels (miller etc.) I’m not interested in, and likewise amanitas I won’t go near.
- Comment on Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you | AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your health to apps that make frequent mistakes 11 months ago:
Depends on the mushroom; certain mushrooms (e.g. beefsteak polypore) are incredibly distinctive, while others require microscopy to tell apart.
One thing you didn’t mention that I think is a major drawback with id apps is smell. If you’re looking at agaricus for edibility, yellow stainers are distinguished by smell if it’s cold and the staining is less obvious.
Other things they can’t use for id are texture (slimy cap Vs waxy etc.), staining (so you know what to look for – boletes it’s necessary to check for blue staining), brittle gills/stem (does it snap?)… All sorts!
- Comment on those damn vegans! 11 months ago:
That doesn’t spark joy.
I don’t want some other animal taking my Freudian pleasure of voring a verdant, fleshy succulent. Feeling the crunching snap of brutality as an innocent plant is ground between my glistering molars. The swallow, the mulched, peppery bolus perestalted down a wet, hungry, pulsing oesophegus. The conversion of what was once a marvel of evolution; a being that could harness the power of a living star to grow and thrive; into fodder for my next bowel movement. From stoma to stoma.
This is not some cool, by-the-numbers optimisation. This is raw, visceral, hungry cruelty.
The old adage can be given greater, poetic specificity. Revenge is a dish best served cold. And it is a salad.
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
It’s not necessarily malicious – given general humour in this country, it’s likely he wanted to lose weight and asked his friend to text him that daily as a form of motivation.
- Comment on Scarlet Caterpillar Fungus (Cordyceps militaris) 1 year ago:
One way is to do a little digging – you’ll often be able to find the insect it’s growing out of :)
- Comment on A large colony of what is likely Amanita muscaria var. guessowii growing under a rare Sergeant hemlock 1 year ago:
Cat tax pls!
- Comment on FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists 1 year ago:
This is nothing new, either. For those that don’t know, the FBI under Hoover worked to undermine protest movements, resorting to blackmail and political assassinations to meet their ends. This is verified and accepted fact; COINTELPRO documents were stolen by activists and released, and details psychological warfare carried out on MLK, to the point of encouraging him to commit suicide, the murder of Fred Hampton and other prominent members of the Black Panthers, and many, many other atrocities committed against so-called subversives.
Emily Maitliss did an excellent podcast for the BBC on Hoover. Not sure if it’s available abroad, but well worth a listen.
- Comment on Critics have described it as "blaring" and "please stop" 1 year ago:
Eyyyy always nice to be able to share – it’s a genre I really like, but just isn’t widely popular.
- Comment on Critics have described it as "blaring" and "please stop" 1 year ago:
I prefer the Sidh live – I feel like they have more energy. Would thoroughly recommend Peatbog Faeries if you like that genre.
Other similar bands: Monster Ceilidh Band (prefer their studio stuff – Venus is a good track to gauge if you’ll like it), Elephant sessions, Niteworks.
- Comment on Critics have described it as "blaring" and "please stop" 1 year ago:
Peatbog Faeries just dropped a banger of an album in this genre – my particular favourite
- Comment on Milk 1 year ago:
It’s cos it tastes better in tea.
I don’t like the fatty bit in tea. I like it in coffee, but not tea.
- Comment on TikTok ran a deepfake ad of an AI MrBeast hawking iPhones for $2 — and it's the 'tip of the iceberg' 1 year ago:
Beep boop
- Comment on I'm his biggest fan! 1 year ago:
C’mon man, if you’re going to put a Beatles song up there, surely it’s got to be the one that literally has the lyrics ‘I am the egg man’.
Either that or
MichelleMe Shell. - Comment on Hydrogen locomotive 1 year ago:
In support of your point, and to help clarify it, there’s a lot of train lines where the cost (and the carbon output) of electrification is far beyond the benefit. A lot of the North Wales coast, for example, because working in the tunnels would be prohibitively expensive. In these cases it makes sense to have bi/trimodal trains, at least until electrification technology makes significant breakthroughs.
Another example might be cases where an old rail line (e.g. ex-mining) is looking at being reopened at a low capacity. It would be madness to immediately electrify. An example I have looked at was running a train for tourists on what is currently a little-used freight line (that still uses tokens!) in the Lake District.
- Comment on Tony Blair says junk food should be made too expensive for the poor to afford through new sugar and salt taxes to tackle obesity 1 year ago:
work requires long hours to get by doesn’t have the time to make food from scratch every day entirely their fault
Not to mention the cost of electricity has skyrocketed in recent months, so cooking (esp. using an oven) is massively expensive.
I cook my own stuff from scratch, but that’s because I have a job that I can work from home for, and that I can flex hours with. But I have the empathy to recognise that I’m privelaged in that regard.
- Comment on But more than that, I believed that I could see... five guys. 1 year ago:
I give up; the memes are too good. Where should I start watching Star Trek?