- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 1 week ago:
I’m sorry man but you are just plain wrong on this front. Try any games that are on Switch and compare them to whatever settings you need to get 30+ fps on a Steam Deck. A couple that come to mind would be The Witcher 3, and The Outer Worlds. The Switch versions of those games are absolutely abysmal to play, but on the Deck you can absolutely play both of them all the way through just fine. No one on the planet should expect a Steam Deck to hold up to a proper gaming rig or even a PS5 Pro, but to say it’s worse than a Switch is just ignorance or a flat out lie.
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 1 week ago:
They are, in almost every way, taking the console model approach. Updates when there is a significant generational leap and not just yearly updates because AMD made a slightly faster APU (though they did the switch to switch OLED thing but no one complained about that because they kept the LCD models for sale and the OLED really is nicer), selling at a loss (and making up for it in game sales) and of course, the ease of use that a console interface offers over a traditional PC interface.
Then they step it up beyond that by making it as open as possible (software/emulation, games from any source, it’s really a PC) and making the hardware repairable (making parts available and easy to fix in the first place,) and of course, cheap games and practically every game you’d ever want.
What the other handheld PC companies are lacking is (with some exceptions) repairability, that console experience, and price. Us nerds that can do whatever with technology will do it, so a legion or an ally or a gpd will sell just fine to that demographic, especially for the frame rate chasers. But for most of the rest of people, they would just get a switch or a PS5 or Xbox because it’s just plug in and game, and at least in the case of a Switch or Xbox S, the cost of entry is way lower than a PC, be it a gaming desktop/laptop, or even many of the handheld PC competitors. Yes you can build comparable cheap PCs to an Xbox or PS5, but that means building a PC, and most people don’t want to do that (I’m not talking to you, I know you have a sweet rig.) Yes I know games on PC are usually cheaper especially Steam sales or key seller/bundle sites, but console gamers often don’t consider that, and initial cost of entry is very important to non-enthusiast type people in any given hobby.
There’s a reason why Nintendo consoles sell so well despite being behind the competition in raw horsepower. It’s the console model (and in their case aggressive exclusivity of their famous IPs)
The things keeping Sony and Microsoft in the competition are basically the console ease of use, and their all you can eat subscriptions. Even they both realized that they can get more sales putting their games on PC, but that still means forking over MSRP for a single game, so those ps+ and gamepass subs are keeping them afloat at this point.
I’m a huge tech nerd and have been deep in related industries for over 20 years. I know how to do whatever I want with any pc hardware or software, I own a steam deck, and a rog ally, a proper beefy gaming desktop, a gaming laptop, a Switch, and a PS4. Despite all that, in the past 2 years, easily 90% of my gaming has been on the Steam Deck. It does everything I need it to and more, and it does it anywhere, anyhow. If I want to tweak and tinker with it I can, but more importantly, I can just PLAY GAMES with almost no friction. At home, on a break at work, at the airport waiting for my flight, cozy in bed, wherever, whenever, and fast, and easy.
The Steam Deck is the swiss army knife game device that childhood me always dreamed of, and now it exists. That is why it’s outselling it’s competition, and genuinely making PC gaming a viable thing for the masses. No it won’t beat Nintendo anytime soon, but it’s gaining steam on them and other consoles faster than any other attempt ever has before, and it will only get better.
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 2 weeks ago:
Overdrive (which is Libby) integrates directly into the Kobo OS so you can borrow books directly on the device instead of the roundabout way you have to do it on the Kindle.
- Comment on Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books 2 weeks ago:
Yeah I’ve actually thought about doing that and making it an office desk calendar or something. Thanks for reminding me!
- Comment on Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books 2 weeks ago:
I sure am glad I got a Kobo for myself for Xmas and ripped all my books to it. Guess I’ll be recycling my Kindle for good.
- Comment on Apple Maps now shows the Gulf of America 2 weeks ago:
Well seeing as how Tim was right up there next to Sundar I’m not the least bit surprised.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
Pink all the way. Rude to some service worker? Poopy pants. Didn’t return the cart? Poop. Drive like an asshole? Poop. Politician spewing hateful garbage on national television? Oh you bet you’re getting the poopy pants.
I would be The Punisher, only with poop instead of guns.
- Comment on Please Don’t Make Me Download Another App | Our phones are being overrun 4 months ago:
Tell that to 2FA apps for banks and enterprise security systems.
- Comment on Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body 5 months ago:
This is how The Last of Us starts.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Lollipop in my ass
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Tokyo Xtreme Racer
And thankfully, they just released a teaser for a new one so I guess my wish is going to be granted!
- Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 6 months ago:
I’d say definitely. The first useful thing I printed was during the pandemic where all the paper towels you could get were those z fold ones you see in office building bathrooms. Suffice to say, most people don’t have a container at home for those types of paper towels, so I mocked one up that was like a home tissue box and printed it out. Saved myself 80+$ on making one instead of buying one on Amazon (also they’re all wall mounted and I didn’t want to do that)
Since then I’ve printed toilet paper roll holders, plant pots, catch all bowls, insulated drink holders, tie racks, jewelry racks and boxes, all manner of things I use almost every day, and I’ve learned about 3d modeling as a result (not really good yet but still) so win win.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
The entry on Marijuana is absolutely wild.
This is something that some people read and genuinely believe whole. This is 10,000% propaganda. Just unbelievable.
- Comment on Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you | AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your health to apps that make frequent mistakes 11 months ago:
The general public still doesn’t seem to grasp the current capabilities of AI. It’s still just mimicry. AI is a parrot that “learns” something and repeats it to the best of it’s ability, but it doesn’t understand the thing it learned. You can teach a bird to say “Polly want a cracker” but it doesn’t know what a cracker is, and while it does have wants like any other animal, it doesn’t know what “want a cracker” actually means.
ML models get a billion images of mushrooms and then “learn” what “mushroom” looks like, but even if the images of mushrooms are properly labeled poisonous and not poisonous, it doesn’t really know that in the same way humans do. And it gets even worse when the AI tries to make new things from those sets it’s trained off, which all of those certainly do. Making new mushrooms that don’t exist, how can it tell which one of these new fantasy mushrooms are poison and which ones aren’t? It can’t know, but it sure as hell can make it up.
Hell, most AI can’t even get text right.
Don’t trust AI for anything that isn’t hard coded math, or systems that reference and directly quote known good sources without doing any kind of creative embellishments.
- Comment on Steam :: Introducing Steam Families 11 months ago:
You can make a game as private and it won’t show to the other family members. I verified this just now after signing up for the beta and setting up an account for my spouse. The games I marked private don’t show up on their families library.
- Comment on Choose wisely 1 year ago:
I’ll take all the Almond Joy thank you. I know everyone else is going to leave them behind anyway.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Arcana hot and cold - I get to have sex with a beast girl. Nice.