It’s a curious thing. I’m not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn’t want you to know when it’s hidden for a reason.
depends on the conspiracy theory.
real conspiracies; like MK-Ultra, we find out through leaks, declassification and similar sources.
The loony-bin conspiracy theories like “moon landing hoax” (any one with a ham radio could track the apollo CSM as it went to the moon, there’s no way to hide such a trip. there’s really no way to fake those signals.) are mostly sourced from bullshit.
another great example of this is the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy. Which… uh… started as satire. there’s plenty of ways they get started, but they all boil down to bullshit. 1 year ago
Occam’s razor answer: They’re crackpots with crackpot friends. One crackpot makes the stuff up, the others eat it up.
Did I mention they’re crackpots? Because they’re crackpots. 1 year ago
It can be worse than that sometimes. The crackpots see some nuggets of truth, and for whatever reason, they make some leap in interpreting them that leads them to nonsense. They keep finding things that are either true, and add them to their worldview, or made by people who took compatible leaps of logic away from reality. They propagate it to others.
Taking Kennedy’s assassination as a classic example: it’s true that a lot of people wanted him dead, some benefited from his death, the CIA has a history of assassinations, and Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist who had once lived in Minsk. I can see why someone with just enough information to feel confident can arrive at a belief that the CIA or USSR killed Kennedy, while missing critical information to realize there’s no reason to believe either is true. 1 year ago
There’s an episode of Voyager where Seven of Nine goes down conspiracy rabbit holes that’s a lot like that.
Basically, the first one turns out to be correct (although very minor), but it fuels more and more absurd theories. Essentially she goes into a feedback loop, over- and mis-analyzing everything until she’s convinced that every encounter she’s had with anyone has been part of a conspiracy against her.
So maybe “crackpot” was a bit harsh, at least in some cases. 1 year ago
Lazerpig called it a Woozle Hunt, after the Winnie the Pooh story. Pooh and Piglet think they're hunting a woozle, but in reality they're just following their own tracks around and around. 1 year ago
I’ll have to remember that. It’s much more well put than how I described it. 1 year ago
MK Ultra 1 year ago
For every real one that is eventually discovered, there’s 10,000 flying around in real time that are total bunk. 1 year ago
This is the important difference between conspiracies and conspiracy theories. Once there’s actual evidence, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
For example, the fact MK Ultra was real does not prove the fact we are ruled by lizards.